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Peaceful parenting Pamphlet


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When creating the pamphlet I definitely had that in mind. It was just a little frightening; there's a lot of important information on the subject and I was unsure of where to begin. What would grab the common person's interest? What would encourage them to continue reading throughout the entire pamphlet?


An intro to an intro pamphlet? Haha. "Peaceful parenting. It's bad for the soul homie." Followed by a giant peace sign! :)

I'll put some thought into it! Thank you so much for your feedback and your friend's feedback!

I understand where you're coming from. I heard that raising a child without a structure in a household is far worse than physically abusing the child. This doesn't effectively prepare the child for the outside world or to help them understand right from wrong. There's this dichotomy in people's minds that it's either you HAVE to discipline them with physical measures or you just let the child do whatever he or she pleases. Of course, allowing them to do whatever they desire doesn't teach them any boundaries and especially doesn't teach them what's of most importance: Empathy. Peaceful parenting is treating the child sort of like a rational adult that has stumbled upon the unknown. We guide them, patiently. How would we feel if we had no control over our environment and surroundings and weren't particularly verbally fluent? Once we can empathize with the child that that is very frustrating, that's just one step! Learning peaceful parenting for me was just like being introduced to Austrian economics for the first time. It was such a bizarre idea in contrast to popular belief. Y'know?

Yes I agree. I think I am confusing people who just let their children roam free with no boundaries and just allowing them to do what they please with actually teaching them boundaries using reason.


I agree a lot of parents who smack don't do it responsibly. But then I am sure there are just as many wo are responsible smackers.  I honestly don't know what more I can say. Agree to disagree. 

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I agree a lot of parents who smack don't do it responsibly. But then I am sure there are just as many wo are responsible smackers.  I honestly don't know what more I can say.

If I would smack you when you are jaywalking, am I a "responsible smacker"?


"No, but this is about parents and their children!"


Oh, are children in any sense less than other humans, who you just may smack when you feel the responsibility to do so? Parents own their offspring??


Stefan has made a podcast (from 1:26:00 onwards about the Princeton professor) about the horrors of non-parenting families. It's not either spanking or setting no boundaries at all. There's a lot of colour between the extremes...

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*rolls eyes* 


I already expressed views stating I am amenable to your views. The least you can do is talk to me in a respectful manner and respect my difference of opinion.


Gee everyone around here is starting to come across more and more like Islamists. Thanks for the lesson in tolerance. I guess if I was a Muslim I would get a pass.

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...Anyway I give up-...






(I intended for this to be a separate post but it automatically added it to the part above when I tried)

If ANYONE has a peaceful parenting pamphlet, flyer, leaflet, etc. that they'd like to distribute but can't afford to make the copies, I will gladly make them for you and ship them to you. Nice laser printing too. I only need the digital file to print. Any size up to 11x17.

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Your all so juvenile and immature why would anyone take you seriously. 'Fibber' I mean come on. After I demonstrate goodwill and understanding of your views I get 'Fibber'. I won't bother responding to any posts I have made on this forum. Just a waste of my time. 

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Your all so juvenile and immature why would anyone take you seriously. 'Fibber' I mean come on.

I am more likely to listen to somebody who just says fibber and leaves it at that than somebody that tries to justify assaulting defenseless, dependent, not-their-by-choice children.


Also, threatening to not take somebody seriously is not an argument. It is an appeal to insecurity. What you're saying is that manipulation was modeled for you and that it is a valid way you know to achieve your goals. Pretty juvenile and immature if you ask me. Again, I am sorry that you were abused in this fashion.

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Damn, I'm on a roll! I've lost track of how many consecutive times now I've successfully identified an appeal to insecurity only to be met with a subsequent appeal to insecurity. As if the reason the first one didn't land was because it wasn't surgical enough.

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Pretty soon, we're going to have to downgrade the argument to a single image or logo. I can start brainstorming one of those.


You encouraged me to do a google search:








The next one was confusing to me. It appeared when I searched on "spanking hypocrisy". Perhaps it is a real and old ad, but I imagine it can get people to think.




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I think you're right - I've banned you from the message board to help prevent you from wasting further time. You're welcome!

I'm not sure I agree with banning them from the message board.  Yes, they are annoying, but you are essentially banning them because of their opinion.


Maybe I'm too much of a fan of free speech, but since I've joined this board I've been censored quite a bit myself.  If you really cared about freedom as much as you say you do, you wouldn't censor people for having a different opinion.

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So you believe that destroying my property is the same as having a differing opinion?


How did this forum ever become a place for people who agree with the NAP if its moderators don't even understand it?


Yes, I get it.  It's your forum, and you can censor whoever you want.  I wasn't arguing that you shouldn't be able to, but that you shouldn't.  How can you claim to believe in freedom when your every interaction with others is a form of censorship?


Case in point, this post and the one you responded to have to be "approved" before they appear on here, which gives you the option of censoring anyone who criticizes you, this forum, or Stephan, something you've used against me multiple times.

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I'm not sure I agree with banning them from the message board.  Yes, they are annoying, but you are essentially banning them because of their opinion.

laowai had expressed in a few places that he was done with this place and it was a waste of his time. To not allow him to post on the forums would be taking him at his word. Perhaps it would be more rational to take issue with people using claims like "waste of my time" as a way to manipulate others instead of people taking him at his word.

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laowai had expressed in a few places that he was done with this place and it was a waste of his time. To not allow him to post on the forums would be taking him at his word. Perhaps it would be more rational to take issue with people using claims like "waste of my time" as a way to manipulate others instead of people taking him at his word.

People had already told him he was being ridiculous multiple times, yet they continued to respond when he said something.  If you don't want him to post, ignore him.



Concern trolling is so boring.

Remember, folks, having principles is boring.

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Come on, a downvote for my previous sarcastic comment hinting at the freshly freed of wasting his time forum member?? Obviously sarcastic, or am I surrounded by purely humourless autistic people, no, right??


What is more important is the topic itself as it deserves full attention. Zaccheus, I've translated your pamphlet into Spanish* as the Hispanic families suffer more from this than any other ones. I hope it serves you.


* mind you: I am non-native English (2nd/3rd) and non-native Spanish (3rd/2nd) so you might have it checked by a native speaker, but I've tried to capture the essence of your speech:



Son maneras de maltratamiento necesarias para la educación de sus hijos?


Educación pacífica


[i have chosen the Word “educación” as word for parenting. It’s broader than that, also in schools spanking may occur in Hispanic communities…]


La razón


Todos eramos niños y probablemente hemos vivido maltratamientos físicos o psicológicos. Multiples estudios nos han mostrado que esto no más es una manera para educar y criar a nuestros hijos.


Como adultos nos daríamos cuenta que no estemos tan cerca a nuestros padres como quisieramos. Si lo piensa, usted alguna vez maltrataría a una persona que quería y con quién tenía un interés superior? Muy probablemente no.


Entonces porque es tan prevalente y tan aceptado en la sociedad? Porque padres creen que sea necesario e imperativo para dar palmitas a los niños?


Yo creo que la mano que la mano que mece la cuna [taken from http://www.coveralia.com/letras-traducidas/the-hand-that-rocks-the-cradle-the-smiths.php ; I like the phrase, thanks!] forma el mundo. La manera que creamos los hijos determinará en que sociedad viviremos. Cuando esté en una casa pacífica, tierna y amorosa, viviríamos en una sociedad más cálida.


El Objetivo


El objetivo de este panfleto es darles una introducción breve en los efectos destructivos que dan dar palmitas y maltratamientos a nuestros hijos. Además, brindarles el entendimiento que necesitamos respetar a nuestros hijos, [sus elecciones, opiniones y pensamientos ; their choices, opinions and thoughts, added that as extra?] como haríamos a nuestros otros amores.


Los niños dependen mucho a los papas para sobrevivir. Si hay maltratamiento, sólo una palmita, ellos no pueden escapar. Si nuestro jefe o amigo nos haría palmitas, nos maltrataría físicamente en alguna manera, sería la locura, verdad? Lo evitaríamos con todo esfuerzo, no?


Dar palmas a los niños no les educa como razonar. Por lo tanto, les educa alejarse a usted como padre [distance themselves from you, as parent]. Les provoca aislarse en sus actividades ["their", not "certain", that would be “algunas/ciertas”]. He alistado unos libros en la próxima página; son cortos y supremamente entretenido y les ofrecen alternativos a dar palmitas.




Muchos estudios muestran los efectos dar palmas producen al niño. En siguiente alistamos unos resultados  de los estudios:

Niños que sufrieron palmas:

  • Tienen 200% más riesgo de desarrollar adicciones y abuso de drogas
  • Demuestran tazas alteradas de desórdenes psicológicos y depresiones
  • Viven desarrollos mentales lentos
  • Tienen probabilidad alterada para estar involucrado en actos sexuales riesgosos
  • Tienen probabilidad alta para maltratar, ser peleonero, mentir y engañar
  • Muestran malos resultados en escuela y son menos motivados para captar conocimiento
  • Son probables para ser criminales
  • Son más probables en mostrar signos de agresividad como niño y comportamientos antisociales
  • Tienen una calidad disminuida en la relación padre-hijo
  • Demuestran como adultos agresividad física, abuso e inclinaciones a criminalidad
  • Tienen una salud mental reducida que continúa hasta edades adultas
  • Tienen un riesgo más alto para maltratar sus hijos, sus nietos, o esposa/o
  • Tienen coeficientes IQ mucho más bajos en comparación con hijos que no recibieron palmas


Los hechos muestran que hay mucho más efectos negativos que positivos en dar palmas a los hijos.


Dar palmas es usado como manera disciplinaria para asegurar cumplimiento y obediencia rápida. SIn embargo Dr. Haim G. Gunott dice: “Dar palmas es una distracción. En vez de enseñar al niño su mal comportamiento, él/ella piensa en el dolor y el sufrimiento y desarrolla y aumenta un odio y agresividad contra el padre." [added the caps, I don't know if he said that]


Educación pacifica no trata de tolerar mal comportamiento que puede ser inaceptable socialmente ni querer dar todo lo que quiera. Una estructura debería estar establecida y consolidada. Se llama hogar donde negociaciones ganancia-ganancia [there must be a better word, this is just literal, you may just use win-win, which would be fine by most Hispanics :P ] son las interacciones principales entre padre e hijo.




Eliminar dar palmas u otra manera punitiva física es el primer paso. Aprender, desarrollar y aplicar habilidades de comunicación y negociación entre padre e hijo siguen:


“How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk” escrito por Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish


“Between parent and child” por Dr. Haim G. Ginott


“Parent effectiveness training” por Thomas Gordon


“The Bomb in the Brain” por Stefan Molyneux - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbiq2-ukfhM&list=PLB3F2CF45EEB95C80


Educación sería una experiencia memorable, maravillosa y cariñosa para todos los participantes. Niños que entran este mundo sin este conocimiento: los dirigíamos adecuadamente e introducirlos a una vida maravillosa.


And added Stefan, how could you forget it on the flyer?! ;)



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Come on, a downvote for my previous sarcastic comment hinting at the freshly freed of wasting his time forum member?? Obviously sarcastic, or am I surrounded by purely humourless autistic people, no, right??


What is more important is the topic itself as it deserves full attention. Zaccheus, I've translated your pamphlet into Spanish* as the Hispanic families suffer more from this than any other ones. I hope it serves you.


* mind you: I am non-native English (2nd/3rd) and non-native Spanish (3rd/2nd) so you might have it checked by a native speaker, but I've tried to capture the essence of your speech:




And added Stefan, how could you forget it on the flyer?! ;)



Wow this is wonderful. actualmente, estoy aprendiendo espanol ahora. Definitivamente yo usaría este y tambien leyandolo mucho! Mi espanol es muy mal en ese momento, lo siento. Pero, muchas gracias!!
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