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Columnist proposes 'euthanasia vans' to deal with too many old people

Alan C.

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Katie Hopkins proposes euthanasia vans as UK has 'far too many old people'


Katie Hopkins is “super-keen on euthanasia vans” and says there are “far too many old people”.

The Sun columnist – who launches her own panel show If Katie Hopkins Ruled The World next month – said it is “ridiculous” to live in a country “where we can put dogs to sleep but not people”.

Her comments come shortly after she admitted regretting some of the extreme language she used against migrants in a column she wrote in the Sun entitled “Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants”.

In an interview by Michael Buerk in Radio Times magazine, Hopkins said: “We just have far too many old people.”

She added: “It’s ridiculous to be living in a country where we can put dogs to sleep but not people.”

Asked for her solution, she said: “Easy. Euthanasia vans – just like ice-cream vans – that would come to your home.”

The former Celebrity Big Brother contestant added: “It would all be perfectly charming. They might even have a nice little tune they’d play. I mean this genuinely. I’m super-keen on euthanasia vans.

“We need to accept that just because medical advances mean we can live longer, it’s not necessarily the right thing to do.”


'If Katie Hopkins Ruled the World' seems like a fitting name for her TV show.

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My question is, is it euthanasia or assisted suicide?  Are the old people calling you up, saying "I'm old as dirt and have so many health problems I can't stand to live any more," or are they finding people that are just "too old" and killing them?

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I don't know if she intended to mean that she supports compulsory euthanasia, or supports exerting pressure on people, or just wants people to have access to voluntary euthanasia. However, given her comparison of euthanasia vans to ice cream trucks, her remarks about using gunships on migrants, and the authoritarian title of her TV show, she seems to be talking about euthanasia as a convenient and expedient means of solving a problem she perceives.

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I don't know if she intended to mean that she supports compulsory euthanasia, or supports exerting pressure on people, or just wants people to have access to voluntary euthanasia. However, given her comparison of euthanasia vans to ice cream trucks, her remarks about using gunships on migrants, and the authoritarian title of her TV show, she seems to be talking about euthanasia as a convenient and expedient means of solving a problem she perceives.

Hi Allen, I fear I have to agree with you. Unfamiliar with this Katie Hopkins, this quote by her reveals her sick mind:




She added: “It’s ridiculous to be living in a country where we can put dogs to sleep but not people.”


But on the other hand; how seriously should we take a columnist of The Sun? ;)

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Is she going to off herself while she can to prevent herself from being just another excessive old person? I would guess not. And involuntary euthanasia is colloquially called "murder".
"You can give one elderly person euthanasia under the condition that we can then give you the death penalty; still want to do it?"


People love to couch their language for murder into various other terms to make it sound less offensive. Is anyone pulling the hate speech card or any others on this person advocating murder or are most just giving them a pass?


Why does she care anyways? People only demand and hate other groups often because they are given government money to be supported, which is stolen from them. They hate their own system, but since the government is behind a cloud of propaganda they are blind to it and instead they focus on the elements they can see; the symptoms in the form of welfare recipients as if they were directly stealing the money from them.


Newspapers, where you can advocate murder of or theft from an entire class of people, but if you say something slightly racist sounding you get fired and receive visceral hate-mail.

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As embarrassing as she is to us Brits, it's all smoke and mirrors. Her whole media persona is predicated in coming out with targeted, deliberately controversial comments which offer precious little insight into the topic at hand. Yet every time she spouts her particular brand of vapid, inhumane nonsense her profile is raised and her coffers replenished.


That whole performance (and it is a performance!) is designed to incense and get people talking about her (more than the topic she vomiting up inanities about!). Best left ignored in my opinion.

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I'm suspicious about her motivation, but taking a step back I support the general idea. If we own our bodies then it's our right to end our life as we see fit. Even if it doesn't meet someone else's criteria of acceptable behavior. Now with government involved my fear is it would become mandatory and my word for that is murder... And we know that government has no problem murdering people. But I digress. 


I suspect that by allowing people to make that decision with minimal interference would actually lower the rates of suicide. How many people who are in the depths of depression, etc, that see that one moment to end their lives they take it. Knowing they can do it at any time with assistance they may be more likely to talk.

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