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Annnnnd... I stopped a fight today.

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I was doing a detail for a car dealership and the dealership mechanic punched the owner in the face right next to the car I was detailing.

I walked over to see the owner on the ground and the mechanic looking like he was deciding whether or not he should do more damage. I put myself between the owner and the mechanic and held my hand up to the mechanic's chest and asked him, "Have you had enough?"

The mechanic was probably nearly twice my weight and I had the supreme disadvantage that I wasn't emotionally involved in the fight where he now was. I don't know how I would have handled myself had he chose to attack me, but if I were to bet on the fight, I wouldn't have bet on me.

My question calmed the mechanic down a little bit and he took a few steps back. I remained between him and the owner and after a few seconds the mechanic became angry again and moved toward the owner (who was still on the ground). I took the same position before by putting my hand up to his chest and stopped him. His angry focus turned to me and I could see that he was considering attacking me as well. I calmly said to him, "I don't want to fight you, man."

His angry, boiled focus simmered down and he took a few steps back, then returned to the shop. The stood up and went back to his office. The mechanic came out about a minute later with his wallet and his keys and exited the scene promptly.

The police were there in a few minutes and I got to experience the joys of testifying.

I knew doing work for dealerships was a bad idea. :P

Ah yes, and the reason I put this in the peaceful parenting section:


The image came to my mind as I watched this that the mechanic had been hit similarly by his father. :(

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I applaud you for stopping what appears to be an act of senseless violence.


I never know what to say in situations like that, and unfortunately if I was in that situation I'm not at a point in my life where I would comfortabley stand up for the owner of the car. However if it was a child that had been punched in the face by a parent then I have no doubt that I would intervene. I'd just be to scared to take the risk, and to stand up in defense of an adult.

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Great job diffusing the situation dude. Seems like you stayed very calm. That is what you are supposed to do. Anything else likely would have antagonized the guy into fighting you too. 


I myself have been in situations where I diffused situations from people with unreasonable hostility. I take care to never antagonize anyone in any way. At first glance people may think this is because I am weak, but to the contrary, I used to be a cage fighter, and jiujitsu was my specialty. I know how to snap someone's neck with my feet. I am more afraid of seriously hurting someone than I am of being hit, as I am quite used to it. The best thing I ever learned was to have the discipline enough to not act like a tough guy and escalate a situation, because that's exactly what gets people more violent. Passive resistance is the way, until you absolutely have to defend yourself. 

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I spoke with the owner a bit more today and he mentioned that they had gotten into verbal altercations before in the past, and the owner kept giving him his j0b back. I couldn't hear what was going on when the intensity started building, but I did hear the owner finally say, "Get off my lot. Just get off my lot." I guess the guy was pissed for getting fired. Again.


I've trained in Aikido for about 8 years and I have some experience with Systema as well. My prime concern with a possible fight including ME wasn't so much the guy's gierh as the guy's emotional state. Technically the fight had nothing to do with me. If my friend or family member had been hit, I would have been a bit more emotionally involved. As it stood I just wanted the fighting to stop and he wanted to cause damage. Translation for those without MA experience: I was in the mood to hold back. He wasn't.


Although, I doubt he would have had an easy of a time with me as he did with the owner.

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Annnnnnd you told everyone about it and people started praising you.


I wonder whether you have a need to feel the admiration of others.


You did what any decent person would have done.


Also, as you have stated, you have MA experience therfore you must have some confidence that you could have defended yourself. I wonder if your actions would have been different if you had not any MA experience.


You say "the image came to mind that this man had be hit like that as a child by his father". Firstly you had no idea about the mans true motives for punching the other man or the causes of the mans aggressive nature, and without any facts you just jump to a conclusion, and secondly why have you state by "his father"?, do you assume that mothers don't hit their children??.


Anyway, You did the decent thing and that's a good thing.

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