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What do people think about a "thought journal" section?


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Today someone told me that to help them get to sleep, the write their thoughts in a journal before they go to bed. It helps them get their thoughts out. This seems like a great idea to me, as I usually have trouble sleeping from all the thoughts in my head. 


But also, I have thought it might be nice to have a place here among philosophers where I can share my day to day thoughts, just about life, work, philosophy, ideas big and small. There is an app called whisper where people post their thoughts anonymously, and its a constant theme in whisper where people often comment on how therapeutic it seems to be. People seem to get a lot of discussion from strangers online, and this website seems like it could be just as helpful, bouncing our ideas, trials and tribulations off each other. I think it would be especially interesting to see how and what other people think about in their day to day lives. And of course, we could all put our two cents in on any subject that interests us about each other, which, who knows, may or may not be helpful for all of us.

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Do you see a difference between thought journaling and journaling?


My opinion is based on the premise that there is no difference.


As someone who journals regularly since two years thinking about the idea of making at least some sections public non-anonomously doesn't feel comfortable to me (I assumed that in such a section posts would not be anonomous). Without question I came to the conclusion that daily journaling is highly beneficial for me, fundamentally because it helps keeping me more conscious. I have good experiences with a mandatory daily journaling session before going to bed.


I don't yet see the benefit of making a journal public that would justify the potential negative (side-)effect(s) of it.


Have you experience with journaling?

Where do you think lies the benefit of making a session public vs. keeping it private?

Would you like to volunteer and share your thoughts?

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The difference I see is the subject matter. You could journal about, say, sporting, political, or local events. Or you could only journal about yourself. The idea is not to write about everything you could find on MSN.com, just whatever is going on in your personal life.


Of course journaling publicly could have its negative side effects, but I have seen trolls on this forum be neg repped out of existence, and I must say I am impressed with the general maturity of people here. Certainly a step up from other forums. It would be up to the individual of course to choose what he finds appropriate to share.


I have had some experience with journaling, and it it has made apparent to me a fundamental problem; I am simply echoing the thoughts to myself. If I was capable of solving any of these problems on my own, I would have done it. I need more perspective. What better perspective to have, than the perspective of other philosophers?



I would of course be happy to share many of my thoughts. I often do on this very forum. I often find myself posting all over different sections, however, and I think it would be hard for anyone to see how my thoughts corroborate and synergize. 

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