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Interview Suggestion: Tommy Sotomayor

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I stumbled across this guys youtube channel recently https://m.youtube.com/user/tnnraw2


He's a black man who totally rejects the self victimisation narratives we see all the time in the media on racial issues, he promotes individual responsibility and works to support fathers in black communities. And he does it with all his passion, indignation and humour. Really entertaining to watch! Thought it could be a fun and productive interview to have.


See this video for example: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3iY2QiF7878




"The biggest problem that black people face right now is black women."

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At first I skipped over the title and thought you were talking about Lenon Honor https://www.youtube.com/user/LenonHonorFilms


The Sotomayor stuff looks so sensationalized I'm afraid to click on it.

I should probably add a caveat - this guy is completely unapologetic and about as far from political correctness as the two ends of the expanding universe. There can be a lot of cursing - and if anybody thought Stef was candid about his thoughts on single mothers, this guy is totally unmerciful! He can act like a comedian sometimes, other times he is quite serious, but ultimately I think you can perceive his sincere passion to raise black communities to a higher standard.

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Thanks for pointing this guy out.  I just checked out his YouTube channel and some of his views are refreshing.  It'd be interesting to see Stef interview him about how single mothers need to own up to their mistakes and about how the black community should stop blaming white people so much.

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To me he's definitely worthy for a show as quality as FDR.  I'm not yet sure of his views on hitting children or yelling at them, but I do know that his appearance on FDR would bring a very substantial audience into contact with ideas of peaceful parenting.  I do know that he is not afraid to criticize dysfunctional behavior in the black community and call out people in the black community for using double standards, which puts him in a very small group of black men capable of making a big positive impact on statistically the most troubled community in the US.


I think whatever faults he may have are outweighed by the amount of good he is doing, based on my limited exposure to his videos (I've probably seen 15 or 20).

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He has some good things to say, however he's not very consistent, often attacks people based purely on looks, avoids saying anything bad about men, and encourages black men to avoid dating black women. If black women are as bad as he says, shouldn't he also be encouraging non-black women to avoid dating black men? Since having kids with a black man will produce half-black baby girls. He also seems to encourage womanizing in men, I haven't seen him ever talk about how a husband should stick around. Even though he often speaks against sluts and talks about how bad it is that women sleep around and have babies from different fathers.


He also supports Obama, from what I've seen. Apparently just because he's black, or half black.

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