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"House of Cards" giving a big boost to libertarians/ANCAPS?

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Hey Fellow FDR listeners,


I just wanted to get your thoughts on the great Netflix series" House of Cards (HOC)."  I think this show is a force for good in getting Americans to question why they put so much faith in these bullying blowhard politicians.  And, while I have issues with Trump, I think his current success in the polls is a reflection of at least some of the success of HOC in portraying career politicians as quite disgusting people.  Trump is kind of shady in his own ways but I think a lot of people just think it's so refreshing to see a viable candidate that's not a lifelong politician.  


This show is even more effective than the old British version of this show that went by the same name and even more effective than an old British show called "Yes, Minister" which portrayed members of Parliament as bumbling buffoons and liars. Any thoughts?  Do you think HOC is having any impact at all?  Having a big impact?  Also, many American TV shows are watched by much of the world but I'm not sure if this show in particular has had global reach.  I'd love to hear from people outside the US on whether they think this show is having an impact.



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Although Frank Underwood is evil, he is also very competent and gets things done. If you contrast this with Hillary who is evil but incompetent, the show actually makes government look better than it really is.


Hillary gets plenty getting energy deals for her friends. Her husband got $4B donated to Haiti relief, of which only $200M made it onto the island. Seems like you are measuring results with the wrong yardstick.

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Well, I don't know that Hillary is liked that much even by her own party.  I agree that she will probably win but only because people would see her as the best house in a bad neighborhood.  Somebody has to win the next election but that doesn't mean people love them. I do think Americans are starting to think less and less of their politicians and House Of Cards has played a role in that in my opinion. Polls across the sprectrum show that younger Americans in particular are very turned off by politics. With the way the EU is going, I wouldn't be surprised if young people in Europe also think much less of politicians than their parents.  There was a surge of interest in politics by young people around 2008-09 but that has faded now that a lot of young people (not all) realize Obama is just another failed politician. 

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I agree that I don't think it's causing people to rush out and read Murray Rothbard but I think it's helping to create a healthy distrust of the entire system of government which is at least a first step. As I stated above, polls shows that younger Americans in particular are very turned off by politics which is a good thing!

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