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Merchants of Doubt


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[This thread is not about global warming. It is about how prudent Freedomain Radio are, when reviewing popular topics in the mass-media.]


I've recently watched a documentary, recommended by Joe Rogan, about how the same people who lie for one giant harmful corporation, get hired by the other similar organisations, to publicly lie for them, as well. Sow doubt, so to speak, so that no further action is taken.


I'm not much about climate science and "global warming", but I did notice that the same people who claim against the existence and human-causality of global warming (i.e. saying there's no cause for worry), are the hoaxers being employed by the Oil corporations. ><


Stefan released several videos (recent video) about "global warming", sowing doubt about the whole subject. Regardless of the topic itself, which is not of personal interest to me, I am alarmed to see Stefan on the side of the worst enemies to humanity. These guys are known to falsify data and give bribes; Stefan often links to mass-media articles, which might as well quote from sources impacted by these same people (multi-billionaires.)


Is it prudent of Stefan and the FDR team to release opinionated videos about such popular topics that are strongly impacted by false information? False articles, false interpretations, false witnesses, and even false research. In the documentary, a woman took over two years to figure out some of the tricks these people use, to make-popular false conclusions!



Merchants of Doubt Trailer:


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