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The sickest neo-USSR propaganda of the EU


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I thought I had seen (almost) everything, I thought nothing could beat the propaganda machine of the USSR, the nazis or similar immoral systems, but this EU propaganda is really really sickening...


The ironically titled cartoon book for children... 'On the road to victory', can be bought or downloaded here.


Some examples of this filthy surreal propaganda, spread in public schools over the heads of the most innocent:









I'm speechless.... :blink::sad::sick:

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 Seems like pretty shitty propaganda to me.


I legitimately have no clue what I'm reading. I don't know what the message they're trying to convey is.


It jumps around too much. Can't they at least be good at lying? I've seen much better data and arguments made by unapologetic statists. (Some of whom insist you can't have a position known as Anarchy because that's anti civilization.)

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I'm interested in the "there is less than 1% fraud" - what does that even mean?

Don't ask me, I'm just the messenger. ;)


But if only signing up for "presence" in the European "Parliament" (not a real parliament) provides an average month's salary for the Greeks to the EP bastard in 5 minutes is not called fraud (stealing money), then it's pretty easy to explain.


Just move the goal posts such that fraud doesn't exist, just like there were no shortages in the USSR... :rolleyes:

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I thought I had seen (almost) everything, I thought nothing could beat the propaganda machine of the USSR, the nazis, but this EU propaganda is really really sickening...


Some examples of this filthy surreal propaganda


I'm speechless...


Torero, may i ask you which exactly part of that cartoon was it that propelled you to call it the surreal, the really really sickiest, which beats the USSR and the nazis, and which made you speechless? And also what was the reason behind linking that EU shopping site?

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Torero, may i ask you which exactly part of that cartoon was it that propelled you to call it the surreal, the really really sickening, which beats the USSR and the nazis, and which made you speechless? And also what was the reason behind linking that EU site?

The fact children are targeted with this surreal USSR propaganda in 2015 (ok, published in 2014 already)...


And the obvious shameless lies in there, the happy faces, getting children into thinking the EU is the best system they could live in. The focus on finance, the "we save the people by providing fire trucks" retoric.


If statism is what we oppose, then a super state (still) under construction is the biggest enemy. To abolish states at this moment seems impossible. To stop a super state in development would still be possible. If enough people wake up to it.


You can -if you like- download the full pdf of the "cartoon" at that site. There's 44 pages of propaganda in there, for those who are interested to see it all ad not just the examples I posted.

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