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Who would you vote for?


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With more bad politicians than you can shake a stick at, who would you vote for?


This thread was inspired by this one https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/44809-socialism-does-work/


Not wanting to hijack it I've created this thread. After watching that hideous argument from Jeremy Corbyn I found Daniel Hannan. The only UK politician I've seen condemn the Bank bailouts. He wants a return to true capitalism. UK out of the EU. A real libertarian in the House of Commons.




And if you didn't see it in the other thread his argument Why socialism doesn't work.




(How do you embed a video? it's driving me crazy)


Just how many decent politicians would a libertarian community recommend. 


Who would you vote for? 

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I was going to mention in the Socialism Works post but it seems nitpicky.

However, here it seems more relevant... Daniel Hannan is not a Member of the House of Commons, never has been. Perhaps you're thinking of his good friend Douglas Carswell? Who is infact, more Libertarian, though both are weak by American standards - they're far from Ron Paul. I think Carswell is the only person who ever used the term "Anarcho-Capitalist" in Parliament.

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Thought Hannan was a MEP and was/had been an MP, stand corrected. 


Wasn't really saying I'd vote for Daniel purely on how Libertarian he is. But compared to average he is very Libertarian. Wants the UK out of the EU. Wants to burn regulations to increase competition. Saw the massive flaw in bailing out the banks, in that it's the middle to low income earners who would have pick up the tab.  


It's difficult reach Ron Paul's level of Libertarianess' saying we should have stuck to the gold standard, or we should go back to gold standard is one thing. In reality that would like taking a long suffering heroin addict and making them go cold turkey over night. They'd probably die. As Stef's mentioned a few times our system is addicted to cheap cash and spending. But Hannan as PM, I think it would be the step in right direction. Away from socialism in the form of regulation, big government and bail outs.


The reason I started this thread is, I didn't know of Daniel Hannan until last week. Had forgotten Carswell's name already. But wanted to know if there are any politicians people like or would even promote and say 'they'd get my vote' from a libertarian community. 

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