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Not the right section for my post...I'm thinking of writing a novel.

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I know this isn't the exactly the right place for my Post to nestle up into but I'll be frank with you all. I couldn't find the right forum section for my post.


To cut to the chase, I have started writing a novel which is a contemporary piece dealing with themes such as human interactions, human dysfunctions and peaceful parenting.

It isn't going to be a slow piece like a female author's attempt at a "class and society and romance" type of novel although I am not knocking those novels and I must add that I don't intend to appear sexist by saying a "female author".


It is a turn of phrase and an attempt at accuracy!


Anyway, mine's going to have action and set pieces and adventure included in the finished package. Not just mountains and smatterings of Hardyesqe and Hugoesque type descriptions and conversations.


Part of me is saying, "You can do this Owen", "You only live once, follow your dreams!" and "You could make a living this way and it does suit your temperament".


And the other part is like, "You will be hopeless at it!", "Critics will say you are sloppy and uninspired" and "what if you are successful, do you want to deal with the consequences of being set apart when part of you sees yourself as a charming everyday man of the people"


If it fails and I can't get published. Well I can fall back of my love and passion, the French Language.  :)  :happy:




green eyes

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I am reading a great book currently. It is true that often men's hearts rise and women's lashes flutter when I dare to utter its seductive title.


Are you ready for this? Are you sure now?


Okay. Here it goes then...


The book I am reading is 'The Penguin Guide To Punctuation by R. L. Trask'. So far it has been a fantastic and useful read, and I plan to do a book review of it once I have leafed through all its pages.


As a side note. I thought I'd tell you why I brought up this book. I brought it up because the above post was messy and "a bit of over the place".


All the best,


green eyes

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Given the messiness, as you say, of your original post, was there a purpose to telling people you are writing a novel? I'm not trying be mean, but you didn't offer or request anything from those reading this. I feel like it was a waste of time because you didn't provide a clear call to action.

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Matt D


You have a point there.


I did say though, at the beginning of my post, that I didn't know what section to place this post in. Just saying that's all.


I am going to put on the website, a rough, rough of what I have written so far.


My novel is going to be titled, as of yet, Overlapping Passions.





The beginning pages of my novel, Overlapping Passions.


I will post them on here soon. (By the way, the first draft will be rough and full of errors but...oh well)


Matt D. Thanks for pointing out certain things to me. I do genuinely appreciate that! That scepticism and 'no nonsense' approach is often needed in today's world.

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