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Roosh V. Branded Rapist by Social Justice Feminists

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There is a petition at Change.Org with over 83,000 signatures to get Roosh's books banned from Amazon's website.


Frankly, I've grown very weary of all the man shaming in this world. I am a victim of rape, genital mutilation, gender segregation, violence, and worst of all, the lies of feminist-Marxist culture. I am a man, and I am not afraid to fight back. I will not be cowed into keeping my head down and my mouth shut!

I will be buying a copy of every single one of Roosh V.'s books in a show of male solidarity. Let's fight the lies of the social justice warriors!

Who is with me? Who has the bravery to stand up for your gender? WAKE UP MEN!

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Roosh V: Interview with Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media

"More than 40,000 people signed a petition to keep a man named Daryush Valizadeh out of Canada. Is he a terrorist or something?

No, Valizadeh, a.k.a., Roosh V, isn't a criminal. Unless you count the "thought crime" of daring to disagree with radical feminism. Roosh V is an author and men's rights activist who started out as a "pick up artist." He's as candid about the techniques he's used to bed women as he is about the politically incorrect social and cultural views that are now a major focus of his message.

Roosh V actually upsets the sexually promiscuous Left far more than he does social conservatives, because he points out their hypocrisy. The most serious charge against him is that he wants to "legalize rape," but after reading his essay about this, it's clear that it is satire in the spirit of Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal."

No other Canadian reporter actually interviewed Roosh V -- except me. We talked about how the media with the feminist mob to libel him; his real views on rape, gender differences, and marriage; and broader issues regarding education and government."
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Mmm...I agree that women are liable for who they choose to be drunk around, and I can see where he's coming from. But ultimately, I don't think that theory will be validated if ever put into practice. Legal or illegal is not the issue, it's people's personal integrity. The women's capacity to make proper judgement on how they spend their time and with who, and for men's capacity to curb their carnal desires is how both genders can mutually prevent a rape. A rape in the typical sense of course, just speaking in the generalization.


I don't particularly like Roosh, I've read a couple of articles and find his misogyny distressing. But whoever wrote this article is loading it with emotional language and sarcasm that tries too hard to paint him as absolutely delusional evil. He's halfway there in that women should learn to be more responsible with substance use, but making rape legal is not going to teach them that. It's kind of like saying men should be taught not to rape by...well...making it legal?  :confused:

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Another FDR member brought this issue to my attention. There is a petition at Change.Org with over 15,000 signatures to get Roosh's books banned from Amazon's website.




Frankly, I've grown very weary of all the man shaming in this world. I am a victim of rape, genital mutilation, gender segregation, violence, and worst of all, the lies of feminist-Marxist culture. I am a man, and I am not afraid to fight back. I will not be cowed into keeping my head down and my mouth shut!


I will be buying a copy of every single one of Roosh V.'s books in a show of male solidarity. Let's fight the lies of the social justice warriors!


Who is with me? Who has the bravery to stand up for your gender? WAKE UP MEN!

I love how they have lightened his skin to make him look more white.




Title image.



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I see this as a glimpse of the compromises we would have to make in a anarchic society. A petition to ban the books is basically a certain number of clientele publicly declaring that they will withhold business from a provider if the provider is offering business to some individual they don't like (an individual which they're ostracizing). It's not the initiation of force therefore I don't see this as an issue.


Even if we don't agree with people's decisions we still have to honor them. Mistakes will be made, prejudices will influence judgement, and false propaganda will still have an influence.


Banning someone from giving a talk is not against free speech because people have a right to not listen. However actively denying said talk to those who want to listen is. This is the internet, getting your voice out there has never been easier. Amazon is only one of many options that let you do that and its their right to choose whether or not they should provide you with the service. Personally I have never bought anything from Amazon and me asking them to not ban this guy's book would be disingenuous.


Not all businesses cave under the pressures of SJW's. For instance Protein World have been attacked by these people being accused of fat shaming, female objectification, etc. Their response was a flat out attack against them. It's easy to see why because their business caters to fitness nuts and not body-positive SJW's.


Same goes for this whole gamergate debacle. If the gaming industry will let the culture of victimhood have a stranglehold on games they will in time see how bad this will be for sales, their clientele being gamers and not SJW's. They will do a 180 because the market demands it so.

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I love how they have lightened his skin to make him look more white.


Have you noticed this trend in the media for the past 10+ years, of wonky lighting to try to mute skin colour differences?

Another FDR member brought this issue to my attention. There is a petition at Change.Org with over 15,000 signatures to get Roosh's books banned from Amazon's website.




Frankly, I've grown very weary of all the man shaming in this world. I am a victim of rape, genital mutilation, gender segregation, violence, and worst of all, the lies of feminist-Marxist culture. I am a man, and I am not afraid to fight back. I will not be cowed into keeping my head down and my mouth shut!


I will be buying a copy of every single one of Roosh V.'s books in a show of male solidarity. Let's fight the lies of the social justice warriors!


Who is with me? Who has the bravery to stand up for your gender? WAKE UP MEN!


Waking up is good, I do it every day myself, but what are we waking up to?  There has to be a body of critical theory, a metaphysic if you will, that we can draw strength from.  Random YouTube jabberers and pundits don't add up to the tidal wave of lunacy coming from the femisphere.  We need direction in order to draw strength from increasing numbers

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...men's capacity to curb their carnal desires is how both genders can mutually prevent a rape.


Please tell me how a man curbs his desires and why he should do this, in your humble opinion, of course.

We need direction in order to draw strength from increasing numbers.


How about challenging hate for men where and when it manifests? Are you game? Are you a man?


It is clear that Roosh V. is being railroaded in hate crime fashion. If you disagree, feel free to correct me.


36 Reasons Why American Women Are Terrible to Date by Roosh V.


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You've got to be kidding. I previously thought this guy was just a very aggressive moron. Apparently he is much worse than that.


It says in one of those links that he said the following:


"Make rape legal if done on private property. I propose that we make the violent taking of a woman not punishable by law when done off public grounds."

"Without daddy government to protect her, a girl would absolutely not enter a private room with a man she doesn’t know or trust unless she is absolutely sure she is ready to sleep with him. Consent is now achieved when she passes underneath the room’s door frame, because she knows that that man can legally do anything he wants to her when it comes to sex."

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Please tell me how a man curbs his desires and why he should do this, in your humble opinion, of course.


A man should curb his desires IF it is tempting to use force in order to get it. How he does this is by empathizing with the woman's right to self ownership he wants to or is about to rape. Though I barely imagine rapists have that split second of thinking "maybe I shouldn't," the capacity to delay gratification needs to be learned early on in life or before a certain breaking point before someone is just too far gone for redemption.


Roosh's proposition is tackling the effect as opposed to tackling the cause: that being basic self knowledge and empathy for yourself and others. Especially potential rape victims. It goes back to preventiong being the best cure. People who have developed a decent amount of self knowledge/awareness/esteem/control would be very unlikely to rape or be a victim of rape. This discounting of course the offbeat chance of a virtuous person who does make good choices just so happens to get horribly unlucky and attacked at random.


But since we're talking about adults voluntarily choosing to intoxicate themselves to the point of diminished control over choice and consequence--I stand by my main argument. Genders generalities omitted, people with the capacity to rape need to control those impulses just as much as potential rape victims need to learn how to avoid situations where they are likely to get raped.

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Will you get those too, OP?:

Bang Ukraine: How To Sleep With Ukrainian Women In Ukraine

  Bang Poland: How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland

  Bang Iceland: How To Sleep With Icelandic Women In Iceland




I guess we will have to wait a bit for Bang Canada. His adventures did not lead to the desired outcome. You have to give him some bonus for creative use of a whig though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfprybyW6Qg

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But since we're talking about adults voluntarily choosing to intoxicate themselves to the point of diminished control over choice and consequence--I stand by my main argument. Genders generalities omitted, people with the capacity to rape need to control those impulses just as much as potential rape victims need to learn how to avoid situations where they are likely to get raped.


How does a car owner dissuade a criminal from breaking into the vehicle when it is unattended?

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How does a car owner dissuade a criminal from breaking into the vehicle when it is unattended?


Having a car alarm and those bars you put onto the steering wheel that stops them from turning if the criminal manages to hotwire the car. At that point they'd have broken in, but unable to get away with it if that bar (forgot what they were called) holds its place.

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huh? You use that against me when you are saying you are going to buy all of Roosh's books because there is a feminist poll to get them banned?


Are you curious about why this is so important? So far, you've made no case against my proposition (and completely missed the significance of this feminist witch hunt), nor are you supporting Roosh V. Why are you replying in the thread?

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Are you curious about why this is so important? So far, you've made no case against my proposition (and completely missed the significance of this feminist witch hunt), nor are you supporting Roosh V. Why are you replying in the thread?


I don't know how saying that supporting someone just because they are being attacked by feminism is tribalism was not a case against your proposition or is in any way an "argument from adjective".  You are sounding actually rather insane to me right now.

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I don't know how saying that supporting someone just because they are being attacked by feminism is tribalism was not a case against your proposition or is in any way an "argument from adjective".  You are sounding actually rather insane to me right now.


You've had three chances to offer up empathy, kindness and understanding. Would you like to give it another shot?

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You've had three chances to offer up empathy, kindness and understanding. Would you like to give it another shot?


Is this a one sided deal?  Am I suppose to come to the table with everything to satisfy you?  What about trying to satisfy me and maybe trying to understand what I am saying instead of just obfuscating with quite frankly an angle I am having a very hard time understanding.  Empathy, not a one way street, brother.

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Is this a one sided deal?  Am I suppose to come to the table with everything to satisfy you?  What about trying to satisfy me and maybe trying to understand what I am saying instead of just obfuscating with quite frankly an angle I am having a very hard time understanding.  Empathy, not a one way street, brother.


Could you clarify your position on the matter? I don't understand your objection of tribalism, what it means, or why it is objectionable.


My position is that I am standing up for a man's right to speak his mind and be heard. I've mentioned in several threads how appalling I find the practice of circumcision, in particular, and not many on this forum have offered their thoughts or feedback. It's as if the mere act of a man speaking out offends people, even on a forum dedicated to voluntarism, peaceful parenting and philosophy.


See this thread as an illustration: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/44540-promoting-voluntarism-through-genital-integrity/?hl=%2Bgenital+%2Bintegrity


This Roosh V. feminist uproar is just another example of how much ignorance there is surrounding men's issues.

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Could you clarify your position on the matter? I don't understand your objection of tribalism, what it means, or why it is objectionable.


My position is that I am standing up for a man's right to speak his mind and be heard. I've mentioned in several threads how appalling I find the practice of circumcision, in particular, and not many on this forum have offered their thoughts or feedback on the matter. It's as if the mere act of a man speaking out offends people, even on a forum dedicated to voluntarism, peaceful parenting and philosophy.


This Roosh V. feminist uproar is just another example of how much ignorance there is surrounding men's issues.


My objection to tribalism is it is not objective.  It is like saying "X" behavior is good because of culture. 


I am all for standing up for men's rights, because men's rights is objectively a good cause. However, I don't see how buying Roosh's books advances that cause.  Feminism not liking him is definetly not a reason. I will admit that my knowledge of Roosh isn't very deep, however I have never seen any objective reason to support him.  I think if anything supporting him to try to advance men's rights is counterproductive.  I mean, do you really want to have to back someone who writes books called "Bang 'X'" teaching people strategies to get easy sex with girls in other countries?  Do you really want to have to support the position that rape should be legal inside your home?  What objective reasons do you have for us to support Roosh besides that he is loosely affiliated with men's rights (BTW - Most men's rights groups I have seen are adamant that he does not represent men's rights) and feminists don't like him?

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Did you guys watch any of the linked videos that I or others have posted? It's like you've got your head buried in the sand.


Roosh V. is getting railroaded by feminists because he is critical of women (and men) and works to help men achieve their desires. I see him as a hero, and I strive to me more like him every day. I cannot wait to read his books.


What are you doing to further the causes that are important to men? You come and troll my posts instead because pick-up artistry is obviously a trigger for you.

Thank you for the strawman, and excellent non-answer to my question, WasatchMan. I will be blocking you immediately.

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I am curious if anyone else reading this thread thinks I have been unfair, or strawmanning, or giving non-answers, to J.D. Stembal with my responses in this thread.


I honestly feel like I am being as straight as I can in giving my perspective to the proposition presented by him. So if I am that far off where I have obviously aggravated him to the point of blocking me, I would really like to understand others honest experience and how I could have maybe better presented my disagreement. Thanks in advance.

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Day Bang shares tons of tips and real examples on having successful conversations. It teaches you…

  • How to use my bait system to get the girl engaged and interested in you
  • How to segue out of the initial opening topic into a more personal chat where you’ll get to know the girl on a deeper level
  • How to take the interesting things you’ve done (your accomplishments, hobbies, and experiences) and morph them into bait hooks that gets the girl intrigued enough to want to go out with you
  • My “Galnuc” method to seamlessly get a girl’s number
  • An easy hack at the end of your interactions that will reduce the chance of a flake and prime the girl for going out with you
  • Ways to open up a conversation on a girl who isn’t giving you much to work with




From the book Day Bang. Again, how does this raise awareness for problems men have? 


What are you doing to further the causes that are important to men?


I help my friends when they come for advice. 

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Banana, again, go back and watch the video Number Six linked in his hidden post.

(Here it is again, unhidden by forum moderation.)

Having more successful and seamless conversations with women makes it easier to enact positive changes for men. The end goal does not have to be pussy or putting another notch in the bedpost. For instance, I am celibate because I was raped in my last relationship, back before I went sober. I'm not yet ready to put myself in the incredibly compromising position of heterosexual sex.


(The details you provide from Day Bang sound like exactly what I want to achieve with women. I'll let you know how it works out. I should have the book by Monday.)

Since women control all aspects of the family unit (see Briffault's Law), they are the causal agents behind the genital mutilations of over 3000 children ever day in my country. As I have stated in the OP, this is an important issue to me, as is rape and gender inequity.

How can we wake up the world to voluntarism without successfully reaching women? You're certainly not going to reach out to them by hanging out on philosophy forums. Get in a gym, work on yourself and work on your game. Women will be dying to speak with you, believe me! On Sunday, I had a 15 minute conversation with a total stranger - a woman of about 22 - and I physically had to extricate myself from the interaction by making an excuse to leave.

Was I trying to fuck her? No. Did I want to? Maybe a little bit. Was I manipulating her eggs with my abs? No, I had my shirt on at the time.


Keep on negging me, guys. I am quite enjoying it and hoping for at least a -20!

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Does anyone get the feeling a feminist uprising against him is exactly what he is going for?


What of it? Are you saying that just because his message is singularly opposed to feminism, that it is not valid? This is the same "tribalism" strawman bullshit that WasachMan is arguing in the thread. Anyone could use that same argument against Stefan Molyneux and FreedomainRadio and appear to be correct. In fact, his feminist and white knight detractors do it all the time when they level the criticism of "misogynist" at him.


It's also an argument from consequence: "This will piss off the eggs, so therefore, we should shame it."


But don't let me put words in your mouth. Tell us how you really feel. Let your eggs speak to us!


Moderators: where did my post from 7:11 AM Mountain go?

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Does anyone get the feeling a feminist uprising against him is exactly what he is going for?


Yes. Roosh is a good marketer. He knows how to rock the boat an profit from it. Unfortunately,  that is all he can do. He provides little value overall. Return of Kings is just click-bait. It's hard to find intellectual value there. And some of his advice is flat out dangerous for men in our current social climate. I think he just wants to make money, regardless if helps other men or not. 

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Thank you for posting this video. The situation described by Roosh (hedonistic women sleeping around and only seeking pleasure) and his solution (adaption to that) is foreign to me. Most women at university or at work were different from that. Lets assume for the sake of the argument that his game works, that you then can convince a woman to change for the better and become a better person. Do you want to live with somebody who is influenced by extrinsic motivation and learns not by reflection? 

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I don't get why they aren't going for already virtuous women instead? There is a captian-save-a-hoe mentality behind his strategy. It's not the job of virtuous men to fix broken women. What kind of message would this send to women who take care of themselves? It would be an even more disincentive for women to behave morally, when they see that virtuous men rather spend time fixing promiscuous women instead of seeking a relationship with them. 

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