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Roosh V. Branded Rapist by Social Justice Feminists

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Wait... So, you've now admit that buying this guy's books would be a sign of solidarity? Fuck... It took all that? Alright. Back to the original post. Only took 3 pages to, start?


My only point was that supporting someone just because they are being attacked by a group you don't like is tribalism. A point I stick by.  Nothing about "solidarity" has anything to do with this point... You one wound up dude.


While you are so wound up on trying to play gotcha, did you notice your (and J.D.s) huge error in continuously calling my argument an argument from adjective, with an argument that didn't even contain an adjective?  Before trying to jump down someone elses throat, you may want to have some humility of your own.

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By this logic it is safe to assume all sex ever was all acts of rape being that men convince women of stupid shit all the time to get them to acknowledge consent to sex.  I don't think women even understand the same words as me most the time everything spoken to women by me is fraud in that sense.

So the concept of being honest in a relationship is incomprehensible to you?  Equality and truth when dealing with others doesn't exist?

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Ok so you've made a personal attack on everyone's integrity here, do you really expect to have a rational conversation from this point on?


Personal attack... on everyone? Please explain this statement.


The question sounds like its loaded with heavy ordinance, so I'll take a pass, RJ.

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My only point was that supporting someone just because they are being attacked by a group you don't like is tribalism. A point I stick by.  Nothing about "solidarity" has anything to do with this point... You one wound up dude.


While you are so wound up on trying to play gotcha, did you notice your (and J.D.s) huge error in continuously calling my argument an argument from adjective, with an argument that didn't even contain an adjective?  Before trying to jump down someone elses throat, you may want to have some humility of your own.


You already admit that wasn't an argument, so. That's what I'll concede.


But describing a verb does the same thing regardless the actual sentence structure.


Wound up... That's rich. Say it a few more times, you might believe it's actually about me.

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You already admit that wasn't an argument, so. That's what I'll concede.


But describing a verb does the same thing regardless the actual sentence structure.


Wound up... That's rich. Say it a few more times, you might believe it's actually about me.


I didn't admit it wasn't an argument... I said that "solidarity" is not an argument...


A verb is also not a noun.  Seriously learn some grammar before you go half cocked accusing people of stuff.



Whenever you are taking grammar lessons, one of the basic things that you need to learn about are the parts of speech. Here, we will go back to basics, and learn about the differences between nouns and verbs. Surprisingly enough, many people are still not familiar with the differences between these two, although they are an integral part of the language that they use everyday.


So let’s start by learning what their basic definitions are. A noun is a part of speech which refers to a person, place or thing ‘“ but it can also refer to an object, state, action or concept. A verb, on the other hand, is a part of speech which indicates action. It can either be used as a supporting verb or a linking verb.


Some examples of verbs include talk, walk, read, run or wash, when used as action words. Verbs can also be used to denote an occurrence, such as when it is used to describe what is happening to something, like decay; and verbs can also denote a state of being, like to exist or stand.

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"My statement was that supporting someone just because they are being attacked by feminism is tribalism. That that [OPs argument for supporting Roosh based on being attacked by feminism] is not a valid argument. That is the statement - try not to read into it based on your own bias."

Who said that?


I did, don't know if you saw the "that that" but the second that was referring to the OPs argument.  You really going to start playing semantics?  Does that really provide value to anyone?

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How come the cartel isn't giving Magnum the rep love? Clearly, he makes about as much sense as I do.


Get organized, gents! I'm prepared for the onslaught of negs!

I have a theory on that..


The loyal order of the bearded necks use up their negs for the day on you, sparing me the heavy hand of the little, red number.

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I have a theory on that..


The loyal order of the bearded necks use up their negs for the day on you, sparing me the heavy hand of the little, red number.



How come the cartel isn't giving Magnum the rep love? Clearly, he makes about as much sense as I do.


Get organized, gents! I'm prepared for the onslaught of negs!




Is anyone else getting sick of these people denigrating members of this forum?  I sure am. Its like this forum is a joke for them on our expense. I don't think that is what we should be about.  This is about philosophy, not assholery.

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Gotta say that I was certainly intrigued by Rooshes recent ideas. The man is at least attempting to hold women (and men) to a standard in a sea of white knightery and feminist buffoonery.


But I have to agree with you Archimedes, that I have wasted more than enough time on flaky and entitled women. I would much rather go without than try to attempt to convert some woman to reason and evidence. At least not doing so whilst simultaneously having a romantic relationship with her and potentially missing much better elsewhere.

As an interesting aside to this discussion, what do people think about Roosh being potentially K selected?


Seems kind of bonkers for a supposed pick up artist, but I'm beginning to wonder. What do people think?


As far as his reproductive strategy, most certainly K. In fact, all of PUA is I think? It's how to either find decent women amongst the bunch, or how to sleep with the rest of them. It's generally clear that you should not be having kids with the latter.

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A rabbit using condoms does not turn into a wolf.


Well, that's one of the many reasons the r/k fad is just as much fluffy bullshit as the alpha/beta thing. Humans are a little more complex than rabbits, and in fact, if a rabbit had a condom on it was put there by a human.


He has 0 kids after 36(?) years alive. How in any way, color, flavor or perception can that be called an r strategy for reproduction?


"R strategists usually create an abundance of offspring in the hopes that a few will make it.  

These species usually have a very short maturation time, often breed at a very young age,

have a short lifespan, produce many offspring very quickly, have young with high mortality

rates and invest relatively little in parental care.  The parents do not focus on passing down

memes, units of cultural information, to their young.  Instead the behavior of the young is

determined by their genes.  The young are precocial, meaning that they often can make it

on their own without any instruction from their parents.  Examples of r-selected species

include bacteria, insects, and fish."

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As far as his reproductive strategy, most certainly K. In fact, all of PUA is I think? It's how to either find decent women amongst the bunch, or how to sleep with the rest of them. It's generally clear that you should not be having kids with the latter.


Yeah, this is probably where I differentiate between Roosh himself and many (at least PUA) of those that have followed him over the years.


I've seen quite a journey for Roosh. One that seemingly is more than just about getting laid. All his travelling and attempting to understand women I think has mostly been a solo journey for him. An attempt if you'll allow me the cliche, to find himself. The neo masculine approach (albeit flawed imo) does seem remarkably K in my opinion.


Definately curious to know what his relationship with his mother was like. :D

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Well, that's one of the many reasons the r/k fad is just as much fluffy bullshit as the alpha/beta thing.


It's worth remembering that the R/K is just a theory. It's merely a way to approach the incentives and knowledge of different groups of people.


With the Roosh issue I'm beginning to think (albeit with little processing for now) that the R selected can very easily turn K. It's plausible that you could say that the PUA 'R' approach eventually brought Roosh to his 'K' neo masculine idea.


Again, this is just my amateur opinion, since reading Dr Penmans book, 'The Rise and Fall of Civilsiations'. I'm also not suggesting Roosh is onto anything in particular. Just that he seems to be taking a very different direction from his past.

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It's worth remembering that the R/K is just a theory. It's merely a way to approach the incentives and knowledge of different groups of people.


With the Roosh issue I'm beginning to think (albeit with little processing for now) that the R selected can very easily turn K. It's plausible that you could say that the PUA 'R' approach eventually brought Roosh to his 'K' neo masculine idea.


Again, this is just my amateur opinion, since reading Dr Penmans book, 'The Rise and Fall of Civilsiations'. I'm also not suggesting Roosh is onto anything in particular. Just that he seems to be taking a very different direction from his past.


I understand that. As a species, I believe, it's put forth that humans are necessarily K from an evolutionary standpoint. That's just how it is with our biology.


There may be some underlying animal instincts, but it's like these animal studies always devolve into a series of asterisks because of some 'synthetic' creation of the human race. I mean we're both lizard and monkey. Almost opposite ends of the spectrum, which would be unclassifiable on its face. An exception proving the rule, sure, but an exception none the less.


With the R strategy, you've got early sexual maturity, and they don't spend time developing the offspring. I'd wager most PUA's are late starters, or they wouldn't need a support community. And the presence of a community sharing information in itself strikes me as anti-R in the preserving and passing on of information, experience, etc. to the future generations.


If the R/K is being used in a sense of reproduction strategy, then I don't see how it can exclude the reproduction aspect? To me, that's ground zero. Are babies being made? If no... It ends right there.


Then, if it's behavior, then I don't see the relevance of R/K at all. It's just behavior. And since it's put forth as environmentally and genetically deterministic, I reject it for removing personal responsibility. Humans have the capacity to choose how they carry on.


But don't get me wrong. If it makes sense to you, and it's opening new windows and avenues of thought, that's great. I often upvote people on here when it triggers a new thought based on their comment, even if I don't agree with it or debunk it in my mind upon first read. And since I'm probably not going to delve too much further into the R/K, it'll be interesting to see where you take it. I don't think it's stupid or a waste of time, but I don't like pigeon-holing humans as other animals. Basically, the R/K is a footnote in the larger body of works, not the baseline or benchmark.

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With the R strategy, you've got early sexual maturity, and they don't spend time developing the offspring. I'd wager most PUA's are late starters, or they wouldn't need a support community.


You may well be right. I think PUA is a flawed strategy myself (which I've gone over before), other than offering some useful hints on the most basic of self improvement. But perhaps there are a bunch of frustrated K strategists (for want of a better expression) amongst them.

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You may well be right. I think PUA is a flawed strategy myself (which I've gone over before), other than offering some useful hints on the most basic of self improvement. But perhaps there are a bunch of frustrated K strategists (for want of a better expression) amongst them.


I see where you're coming from. I don't necessarily endorse PUA, myself. I just look at 'it' for what it is. I'm sure the practitoners and supporters are all over the map.

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AncapFTW: All this talk of fraud and braking contracts OH MY! Are you going on a date with a friend or hiring a prostitute? Women are not idiotic children, they know men will bullshit them in order to sleep with them. Did it ever occur to you that women want to enjoy a fantasy of landing a perfect man? With pickup, you are talking about a woman who goes home with a man she just met in a club or has only been on a few dates with. These women know what’s up. They didn’t go home with the guy expecting a marriage; they expected a one night stand. They are probably drunk, and are exercising bad judgment, but they are adults who are responsible for their choices.

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AncapFTW: All this talk of fraud and braking contracts OH MY! Are you going on a date with a friend or hiring a prostitute? Women are not idiotic children, they know men will bullshit them in order to sleep with them. Did it ever occur to you that women want to enjoy a fantasy of landing a perfect man? With pickup, you are talking about a woman who goes home with a man she just met in a club or has only been on a few dates with. These women know what’s up. They didn’t go home with the guy expecting a marriage; they expected a one night stand. They are probably drunk, and are exercising bad judgment, but they are adults who are responsible for their choices.

Women know that the guy selling them a used car is going to try and sell them a hunk of junk for too much money. They aren't looking for a car for the rest of their lives, just a vehicle for the short term. They are probably desperate, and are exercising bad judgement, but they are adults who are responsible for their choices.


See, I can use your "logic" to rationalize selling people a junk car based on lies too.

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If you compare sleeping with women to buying cars, it raises some concern whether or not you've done either.


Some of Stefan's analogies have been equally confusing for me, so I'm not surprised that we are encountering this phenomenon here in the thread.


It's more concerning to me that AncapFTW likens pick-up artists to junk cars.


I'll throw the question out there again.


Why are we talking about pick-up? This thread is about men speaking out against rampant misandry. Roosh V. happens to be a writer that focuses on getting men laid.


It's as if nearly every member of this community does not see the connection between Roosh and the achieving The Rational Male mindset, which involves such efforts as speaking out about the rape, sexual abuse, murdering, and mutilation of men.


Women find passion attractive if you guys haven't figured it out yet.

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What does sleeping with women have to do with rationality? Are male and female rationality different?

It helps to understand how a woman thinks in order to empathize with her if you want to have successful relationships with women.


In general they are as different as night and day.  Women rely mostly on intuition and emotion. Men mainly rely on logic and can be oblivious to subtext, intuition, and others emotion. There are myriad books, movies, and comedy routines that illustrate this.


"Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" Rex Harrison

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Some of Stefan's analogies have been equally confusing for me, so I'm not surprised that we are encountering this phenomenon here in the thread.


It's more concerning to me that AncapFTW likens pick-up artists to junk cars.


I'll throw the question out there again.


Why are we talking about pick-up? This thread is about men speaking out against rampant misandry. Roosh V. happens to be a writer that focuses on getting men laid.


It's as if nearly every member of this community does not see the connection between Roosh and the achieving The Rational Male mindset, which involves such efforts as speaking out about the rape, sexual abuse, murdering, and mutilation of men.


Women find passion attractive if you guys haven't figured it out yet.

Actually, I'm comparing them to sleazy used car salesmen who manipulate and try to trick you into buying a car they know won't live up to their promises.  Neither are being honest in order to give you a fair deal and make sure you actually know what you're buying.  I guess the sex would be the closest thing to a used car in this situation, as that's what they are defrauding the woman to get her to accept a trade over.


Because I put forward the idea that the methods some "pick up artists" and, presumably him, are manipulating women into having sex with them through fraud, which I see as rape.

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