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The rape culture

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I was reading this article, and I came to the conclusion that there is definitely a rape culture.




That is, there is a culture where if there's ever any doubt about what happened during a sexual encounter, it's considered rape. This is a huge problem. It victimizes men, and it fails to protect victims of actual rape, by devaluing rape, and turning it from something horrible, into something that just happens without any of the parties being particularly aware of it at the time, even if they are perfectly conscious and willing participants during the experience.


I think actual rapists (along with murderers and torturers) who are proven to be guilty by a trustworthy court, should be executed. Or rather, their lives should be put at the disposal of their victims, or the victim's family or heirs.


Also, I'm with Stef when he says that if someone falsely accuses someone else of a crime, and they are proven to have done so by a trustworthy court, then they should get the same punishment that the victim of their accusation would've gotten. I think it's probably a good idea to have a clause for early withdrawal of the accusation, whereby the required compensation to the would-be incriminated victim is reduced, but seriously attempting to incriminate someone should be a crime just as serious as the one that they're trying to incriminate someone else for. If not worse.


There is now a flood of cases where someone is accused of rape, when clearly nothing of the sort ever happened. And because of the circumstances whereby just by pure chance, there is enough counter-evidence to show the accusations to be false, we can extrapolate that this must be happening all over the place, and that a significant portion of the rape accusations are probably false. There are undoubtedly many men who are wrongfully convincted of rape. And many of those surely are brutally gang-raped in the prison system.


All this breeds contempt towards women, towards the legal system, and in particularly towards the concept of rape being a horrible crime. Which partially explains why there are so many crazy, evil people who associate with the "men's rights movement" who are now calling for a decriminalization of rape. It's common now for many teenage boys to use the term "rape" to refer to defeating an opponent in a game, or making someone look bad through insults, or show someone to be wrong through argumentation.


Sometimes I think about whether all this is all by design. If it's all about turning men and women against each other, as some form of weird tribalism based not on race or religion but on biological sex. Destroying the family unit is very profitable for the State. And clearly there can be no family unit if men and women see each other as enemies.

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Yes, the power of divide and conquer is enormous, if we were all united, then governments would have to actually do what the people wanted. :ohmy:


A very good recent example of divide and conquer, is the latest computer made animation from NASA. It will create days, weeks, months, maybe even years of infighting among those who eat it raw and those who do not. Those who accept it as real will feel a very strong urge to attack me right now, and that seems to be the exact intention of that animation. I really don't see any other purpose of that animation. We have the technology to fake pretty much anything and make it look very real (see: any recent movie), but in this case they had to have decided to make it look acceptable to most people, but obviously faked at the same time. We will continue infighting about it, and NASA / government / control freaks walks away laughing.


Of course they are trying to divide men and women. Of course they are trying to divide races. Of course they are doing all they can to divide people. Because it protects and increases the power of the control freaks pulling the strings, using the government as their handy tool.



Execution for rape was a shocking statement imo. I agree with applying retribution to false charges, because all bad people need to see consequences of their actions.

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Rape culture is a culture that uses rape as a standard of evil, but only when it happens to women, if it happens to men it doesn't exist, which means that the purpose is to tap into our female-protecting biases to support any ideology in the traditionalism--progressivism axis.

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I was asked by a woman if I had ever experienced rape or sexual molestation of a child. I responded, "I was circumcised. I consider it to be sex abuse."

"No, I mean other than that."

I guess having bits of your genitals removed, a violation of the non-aggression principle, doesn't pass muster for rape these days if you are a man, so man up!

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