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Why So Few Women Anarchists?

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For me personally, I think what led me to becoming an anarchist is different from most of the men here. I get the feeling that for a lot of the men here, they are drawn to anarchism because of a strong desire for personal freedom. For me it was more of a humanitarian endeavor. I'm not sure about the other women. From the age of 16 I became interested in politics. I became very interested in government corruption and eventually became so repulsed I tuned out on politics for quite some time. I was always a bleeding heart though and spent time rescuing animals, sponsoring poor kids in other countries, and printing & handing out various pamphlets. Later, I came to love watching the John Stewart Show & Rachel Maddow because they would always stick up for the little guys & weren't afraid to attack & make fools out of shitty politicians. I never associated myself with any political party but the dems appeared to be the least corrupt. The two issues I was most concerned about were war & poverty. I was sickened to live in a country that was responsible for murdering so many people. I also didn't understand why there was so much poverty in a country that was so wealthy. I did a lot of research which eventually led to me coming to terms with the immorality of government. My research also led me to the realization that all of the issues and problems I cared about were either created by the government or exacerbated by it. The only thing that prevented me from becoming a bleeding heart liberal is hours upon hours of research.


So yeah, in short my theory is that a lot of women aren't into thinking analytically or rationally so that's why there are so few women anarchists. I know my theory is mainly based on anecdotal data so I might be completely wrong! I'd be curious to learn what led other FDR women here to becoming anarchists.

I can totally relate to all that.  Sounds a lot like me before getting here. I honestly feel that many people who are deeply moved by injustice and watch John Stewart and the like are so close in that they already seem to have alarm bells going off and are feeling a lot of empathy.  If more of these types would get to the root of things, which is what others don't do, then I don't see how they wouldn't arrive at anarchism.  To keep searching for the truth, I had to not hang out with a lot of people, I had to shun a lot of tv and other recreational activities, and like you said, take the time to do hours of research.  And I believe you are correct that women are generally less analytical.  I see it in my kids (i have boy/girl twins and they have really highlighted to me what gender differences can look like, especially as they are the same age).  My son wants to play with circuit boards and beat me at chess and my daughter talks about being a doctor to help others and likes to paint pictures. I also remember while pregnant, feeling unlike myself and unable to concentrate at work.  Anyway, I like your comments :)

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