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Article: The Coddling of the American Mind


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Just wanted to share this article I thought made interesting points most of you here are surely well aware of: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/09/the-coddling-of-the-american-mind/399356/



To me, this is in the same vein as all the brainwashing about how it's ok to deal with your issues by assuming support from others.  Not even assuming, it's forcing others to help you with your issues.  So at college, where you've got people near peak energy levels and they are being trained to force the world around them to bow to their needs and whims. Ugh.


It extends to the smallest things, too.  For example, I have type 1 diabetes and blog about it online-sharing what I know to work for me.  There is a huge movement where people with diabetes don't want to be called diabetics because their disease doesn't define them and it's offensive and blah blah blah.  It's tiring because it's arbitrary and it's a personal preference being put on others as a shameful offense.  I can't refer to myself as a diabetic without other people jumping down my throat.  This stuff is rampant.  This article opened my eyes to how bad it is in colleges around the country.  Someone shared with me an article (I can't find it) where a speaker came to talk about something at a college and for those students that felt triggered there was a room they could go to with people they could speak to and also a table with bubbles, play-doh, crayons, markers...Can you imagine?  Young adults that get upset at a word that triggers a sad or traumatic memory and they are helping them deal with it by putting them in a room with puppies?  I was left speechless.


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The question to ask regarding any addictive drug--and being cossetted is an addictive drug, with brain damaging properties--is, who is supplying it, and why.


I surmise the origin of these ideas lies in the past, not in the present.  Someone gave these ideas concerning hyperhypersensitivity and how catering to said is a good thing, to someone in charge, someone capable of setting policy.  Someone poisoned the well of knowledge with the piss of entitlement.


Anyone who can't stand the flux of ideas has no place in a University, aside from being custodial or secretarial in occupation.

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