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Why men find thinner women attractive

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Turns out weight is inversely proportional to IQ, so more weight suggests a greater chance of a lower IQ.



As IQ has a significant genetic component and if higher IQ is desirable in offspring then one way higher IQ is communicated is with thinness.



As thinness is proportional to IQ, as IQ is proportional to marriage success, so thinness should correlate to marriage success.


From http://apps.eui.eu/Personal/Dronkers/English/echtscheidingintelleng.pdf


Most previous research on the causes of divorce reveals the social, demographic and

economic factors. This article deals with one psychological factor, namely, intelligence. One of the

theses in the controversial book by Herrnstein and Murray, ‘The Bell Curve. Intelligence and Class

Structure in American Life’ is that a negative relation between divorce and intelligence exists in the

United States. They show, on the basis of data from the American National Longitudinal Survey of

Youth, that people in the top 5% of IQ-scores have a one in ten chance of divorcing in their first five

years of marriage, while those the lowest 75% have a chance of one in 3.5 of divorcing in that

period. This negative effect of intelligence on divorce risk is strongest among respondents with

more than a high-school diploma. The chance of divorce during the first five years of marriage is

28% for people with an IQ-score of 100 or lower and 9% for those with an IQ-score of 130 or

higher. This finding has hardly attracted any further attention of scholars, although it might be

possible that intelligence also plays a role in processes like divorce.


Ok cool, positive correlation between IQ and sexual exclusivity on page 13 of 25.



Interestingly the effect of higher IQ on the value of sexual exclusivity is 4 times greater in men than it is in women.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like it's mainly following how the world has changed. Back in the 1600s to early 1900s, larger women were considered attractive due to less food being available (before mass production). If one was larger, then it meant they were of a higher socio-economic status, which also in turn meant that they would have a better background and ranking. However, now, with food being so readily available to nearly everyone, food is no longer regarded as a luxury only enjoyed plentifully by the rich. This means that slimmer women are considered attractive as they have the means to go out and exercise, or have more self control to refrain from overindulging in food. 
Yet in poorer countries such as Mauritania, women are force-fed so they will gain weight and can therefore secure a husband easier. This is due to the fact that Mauritania is a poorer country and so food is not as easily/readily available. 

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I feel like it's mainly following how the world has changed. Back in the 1600s to early 1900s, larger women were considered attractive due to less food being available (before mass production). If one was larger, then it meant they were of a higher socio-economic status, which also in turn meant that they would have a better background and ranking. However, now, with food being so readily available to nearly everyone, food is no longer regarded as a luxury only enjoyed plentifully by the rich. This means that slimmer women are considered attractive as they have the means to go out and exercise, or have more self control to refrain from overindulging in food. 

Yet in poorer countries such as Mauritania, women are force-fed so they will gain weight and can therefore secure a husband easier. This is due to the fact that Mauritania is a poorer country and so food is not as easily/readily available. 


How would your explanation apply to what males find attractive in females in the United Kingdom in 2015?


The bit about food being something being available to the rich is a Marxist discoloration on the lens of backward looking society. Specifically, refined grains and sugars were the luxury only first world nations could afford to import. This is why you see the spread of the obesity epidemic follow refined (processed) foods around the globe. The idea that being fat is a side effect of overeating, gluttony, greed or wealth is completely contradicted by reality.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Id argue that they don't. But I do know that smarter men with higher IQ's go for women who are curvy


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INSANE THEORY ALERT: In some native island the natives are very fat. Apparently, most thin one dead of starvation while traveling on boats to the island and the fatter one could live off their body fat and survived . Fatness is a survival trait and as a result many men find it attractive. However, I am sure a limited number of  thin woman survived the long boat trip too. They probably was high status, had plenty of resources or very smart women, which is also an attractive characteristic. On that island if there was any thin women they would be high status because the low status thin woman would have staved on the journey.

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The bit about food being something being available to the rich is a Marxist discoloration on the lens of backward looking society.

Can you elaborate?  I don't entirely understand this sentence.  Of course this is something I've always heard, that fat women (more like plump, nothing like the level of obesity you see now) used to be thought of as attractive, because it was a sign of wealth and status; but it could very well be untrue, like many other bits of conventional wisdom.  If this is false can you point me to where I can learn more?

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i'd like to chime in on this.

It has always been like that. Fasion statements, like the white chalk face women from centuries ago depicting "wealth" by being white, and "tanned" was deemed "lower class" because the tanned people worked on the fields. Now it's the other way around. Having a tan is a sign of luxury and adhering to the idealized image from women's magazines. Being "pale" is being a basement dwelling dota 2 player. (well they are more rich than some of the people who view status like that).

Also I'm from Belgium. In Rubens' time (he's a famous painter from our country) he painted these voluptuous women. It was a sign of wealth to be a bit heavier (not as fat that you have to roll yourself out of the room ), but you know having some meat on you. Still in Africa having a "fat ass" means a sign of wealth.

In the west, we've got these luxury problems that signs of materialism is kinda equal for everybody and we try to find our own idealized images. 

On a personal level: "Thin" doesnt affect me as much as I have a visual impairment. I can say that in a sense that "cuts me off" from really having a biological response to thin women. Because you know, I don't even notice the difference between women that weigh 80 or 120 pounds from a distance, so I have that internal ticker that goes off. Throughout my life, that made me kinda immune to the "effects" of these women and I always say to people, i'd rather like a sweet women that is a bit "overweight" (for the totalitarian female fasion standards) but sweet, than a skinny women who is constantly looking for compensation to confirm their idealized status and project it on the males that she deems fit for duty.

I honestly don't even have a clue about why you would actively go for a "thinner women". The really thin and oversexualized ones seem to have more issues, being envious and competing and projecting their beauty on other women in a negative way than the more steady females. They tend to be happier in life, however lots of the skinny women (and men that are obsessed with annorexic models) tend to try to make these women feel sad and insecure by imprinting them with self guilt. These women get to hear the most hyperbolic bigotry just because they're a few inches wider in their waist. That is really uncalled for. I understand that very fat people should take a look at themself and if they waste their bodies and not want to remain in a condition where they can walk themself to their daily activities, then i'd say it's a problem.

But people nowadays are so obsessed with that "being in shape", as if everyone needs to be a champion at athletics.. AND being a model. I'm sorry, I'd rather appreciate a woman with virtues than a skinny woman who is just skinny for the sake of her bragging rights, but has nothing else to go for.

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