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How Multicultuirsm Enriches Europe (Video)


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If the welfare state ends, won't the immigration problem turn into an emigration problem?


When the welfare state ends this won't turn into an emigration problem as they have not the wherewithal with which to emigrate.


When the welfare state ends, if they are here when it does, there is going to be a huge problem. This is because in the absense of the welfare state these people have not the means with which to survive, let alone thrive, in western society. We can look to Africa to see how Africans have behaved in such situations.


Given that we know the state is bankrupt, the wealthfare state must end and that the state is illigimate, I would hazard to guess these people are being imported into Europe so as to provide a rational for the continued existance of the state after the failure of the state.


Or to put it more plainly, I believe they are being imported because when the welfare ends, as it must, these people will in order to survive (being unable to intergrate into western society and work and hence emigrate in the first place) turn to criminal and immoral action which will lead socitey to demand protection from such action and thus demand the continued existance of the state.


It is the political equivilent of a man hiring someone to attack a woman you want to impress yourself upon so you can save the woman from the man you hired to attack her, proving yourself a hero to her by saving her from the threat to her life which you yourself initiated. I'm sure there is a comic strip of this somewhere.

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Why would it turn to emigration?

And why would that be a problem?


If people cannot find what they need here they will go elsewhere.  Isn't that why they immigrated here in the first place?


Emigration is a problem if it leaves the country understaffed with workers, creating a demographic bulge like in Japan.



When the welfare state ends this won't turn into an emigration problem as they have not the wherewithal with which to emigrate.


When the welfare state ends, if they are here when it does, there is going to be a huge problem. This is because in the absense of the welfare state these people have not the means with which to survive, let alone thrive, in western society. We can look to Africa to see how Africans have behaved in such situations.


Given that we know the state is bankrupt, the wealthfare state must end and that the state is illigimate, I would hazard to guess these people are being imported into Europe so as to provide a rational for the continued existance of the state after the failure of the state.


Or to put it more plainly, I believe they are being imported because when the welfare ends, as it must, these people will in order to survive (being unable to intergrate into western society and work and hence emigrate in the first place) turn to criminal and immoral action which will lead socitey to demand protection from such action and thus demand the continued existance of the state.


It is the political equivilent of a man hiring someone to attack a woman you want to impress yourself upon so you can save the woman from the man you hired to attack her, proving yourself a hero to her by saving her from the threat to her life which you yourself initiated. I'm sure there is a comic strip of this somewhere.


That's a very interesting analysis.  But it presumes that all Western countries fail at the same time.  If Germany alone failed, eg, there would be mass emigration to France, for example.  The balloon being compressed with send its volume somewhere else.  If there is no incentive for the migrants to stay they will not stay merely to be part of an oligarchal scheme.  If there is truly nowhere for them to turn then I agree there is much to fear.

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This isn't multiculturalism, it's people who aren't trying to improve their lives and are happy living on handout complaining about the handouts instead of trying to fix their situation.




I'm wondering how much the government spends per person out there.  I've seen people on youtube who built a pretty decent house that could house 4 people for about 5k or 6k dollars out of a shipping crate.  It was pretty nice, too, and could have running water if you hooked it up like an RV.

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Why on earth do they complain about tents after risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean?

Why on earth do they refuse aid packages just because their religion does not approve of the red cross on them?

Why on earth is it "our responsibility" to save the thousands that drown trying to cross the sea in small boats?

Why on earth are Icelandic people ready to increase their population by 3% consisting solely of asylum seekers?

And why are they being presented as moral heroes for thinking to do so?

Why should we pay Spain and Italy because they have most of the refugees knocking on their boarder?


Sometimes I feel like a child with a tantrum asking these questions from people, and all I get in response is "Perfect, so you would let the people drown in the sea". Makes me even more angry. Not entirely sure why. Am I being irrational about my anger and frustration?



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Why on earth do they complain about tents after risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean?

Why on earth do they refuse aid packages just because their religion does not approve of the red cross on them?

Why on earth is it "our responsibility" to save the thousands that drown trying to cross the sea in small boats?

Why on earth are Icelandic people ready to increase their population by 3% consisting solely of asylum seekers?

And why are they being presented as moral heroes for thinking to do so?

Why should we pay Spain and Italy because they have most of the refugees knocking on their boarder?


Sometimes I feel like a child with a tantrum asking these questions from people, and all I get in response is "Perfect, so you would let the people drown in the sea". Makes me even more angry. Not entirely sure why. Am I being irrational about my anger and frustration?




Goodness always refers to purpose.  Is this apple good for my purpose of eating it?  Is this automobile good for the purpose of me driving across town?  What is your purpose?  Once you know that you might well find out whether your frustration and indignation are good.


The catholic Church has stated via the last few popes that Western countries have a moral obligation to absorb unlimited refugees.  Yet Dante situated traitors to country in the Ninth Circle of Hell. How is importing unlimited immigrants not tantamount to treason?  It would be one thing if we were in a position of strength, with an unassailable, proud culture, traditions, religion, and economy, but we don't.  We're in a position of weakness asked to become even weaker for the sake of people who, for the most part, can't and don't want to "fit in."

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Goodness always refers to purpose.  Is this apple good for my purpose of eating it?  Is this automobile good for the purpose of me driving across town?  What is your purpose?  Once you know that you might well find out whether your frustration and indignation are good.


The catholic Church has stated via the last few popes that Western countries have a moral obligation to absorb unlimited refugees.  Yet Dante situated traitors to country in the Ninth Circle of Hell. How is importing unlimited immigrants not tantamount to treason?  It would be one thing if we were in a position of strength, with an unassailable, proud culture, traditions, religion, and economy, but we don't.  We're in a position of weakness asked to become even weaker for the sake of people who, for the most part, can't and don't want to "fit in."


I sincerely thank for this viewpoint. Indeed, realising why I would be so upset about this helped!


In addition, thank you so much Stephan and the whole crew for that video! Hearing someone voice your opinion with reasonable arguments just made me cry. Also made me realise how much I need to self censure around people that I have thought are at least semi-resonable and perhaps my friends.



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