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What can we REALLY do to 'prepare accordingly'?


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I will never initiate violence to meet my needs in a time of crisis. But if we find ourselves in an 'oh shit---now what?' sort of scenario, how can we have best prepared ourselves in the preceding days, weeks, months... so that we're not caught with our pants down, so to speak?

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I will never initiate violence to meet my needs in a time of crisis. But if we find ourselves in an 'oh shit---now what?' sort of scenario, how can we have best prepared ourselves in the preceding days, weeks, months... so that we're not caught with our pants down, so to speak?


Acquire items of lasting actual value and secure them close to your home (friends, food, etc.) or have a plan to get to them and abandon or divest yourself of other items of no lasting or intrinsic value.

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Id suggest investing in hard assets:


- Bitcoin

- Gold/Silver

- Maybe commodeties? (see stephans interwiww with that one investor guy here:


- Your own skills at various useful valueable and useable skills

- Relationships with with friend and philosofically-rationally minded folk

- Your body, physical activity and diet.


And most importantly! Investment in these regardless of economic downturn is important! :D

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Knowledge is also extremely important. If you don't know enough basic survival skills to stay alive if you're alone in nature, you should probably get on that. And also getting into a lifestyle that needs less from society (sustainable) will help as well. Start growing some of your own foods and such.

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Fascinating spread of replies. I like the idea of being a post-collapse 'vice merchant'! Seriously thinking of investing internationally, particularly in Singapore, but not sure. Gold is an option, and still relatively cheap at $1500-something an ounce. Land is too expensive. Networking and developing relationships is probably my strong suit, but I wouldn't want to be a mooch---relying on others while providing little in return. I suppose my able-bodied-ness is my sungle greatest asset, so developing that will help immensely. Writing, my best 'skill', seems rather in-marketable considering what's to come but we'll see.

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This is what I have done so far:  I am a web developer, the most in demand skill set on the planet.  I got a Masters Degree in Information Technology (one of the most in demand degrees) from Harvard, the top ranked school in the world.  I learned to speak Spanish, so leaving the USA is a viable option.  I am ex-army combat arms, so I know how to defend myself.  Most of my savings are in bitcoin.  I have a six month supply of freeze dried food.  I also know how to do home improvements and have all the necessary tools.

I don’t play games :-)

I am looking to sell my house.  I would like to learn how to repair cars and motorcycles.

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To me it was improving relationships with family, I am not in a point in therapy where deFOO is an option.

My family is big and we are employed in a diverse range of employments, I've always had issues with bonding with peers tho.


As others have already suggested getting long-lasting foods, gold and silver, if you can a gun and bullets is a great asset too.

Upgrading your skills and not being too obvious a prepper is important too.


One last thing, getting out of inner city areas, you don't want to be around the dependent classes when they get unleashed, have a ride ready or move away.


Good luck!

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I will never initiate violence to meet my needs in a time of crisis. But if we find ourselves in an 'oh shit---now what?' sort of scenario, how can we have best prepared ourselves in the preceding days, weeks, months... so that we're not caught with our pants down, so to speak?


I would say prepare your mind first and foremost.  Know how you’ll respond to your fears in oh shit scenarios.  If for example, your fears are isolations, hunger, rejection, death, etc than “accept” them before the SHTF scenario.  That way your ready before hand.


I think building relationships is good, but people you think you know tend to change in oh shit scenarios.  Don’t count on them being the same people when the fear hits.  Prepare yourself first and count on others second.


After that, I personally focus on the essentials:  Temperature, water, food, and a good assault rifle (to fend off bad guys).   In that order you will probably die if your not prepared.  I say temperature instead of shelter because a good jacket might be more appropriate in certain scenarios than shelter and it comes with less baggage.


Great question.  How are you personally preparing?

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