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Chrome app converts feminist propaganda into nazi propaganda. SJW meltdown ensues

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UPB via an app! Chrome app changes words such as "Men" into "Jews" and "Women" into "Aryans" to make any radical feminist post sound like something straight out of Hitler's mouth!

Mozilla shut down this app on their platform. But apparently, it still exists on Chrome.


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How can you smear one group (Communists) by comparing them with a group that's not as bad (Nazis)? Someone can claim to be a marxist in polite company and most people won't say anything, but someone claiminng to be a Nazi...


If only people treated communists as the scum that they are then the world would be a better place.


As I recall Ayn Rand mentioned "social justice" in her writing, saying that if it had anything to with justice you could just say the word itself.


I think it's high time we know our enemies. No one should make any mistake about who these social justicee warriors are and what they represent.

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I appreciate this as a gesture, but in reality it's not punchy enough.  It's not point-by-point accurate enough.  Nazism wasn't about equal rights, it was about exterminating and enslaving the non-Aryan world.  Feminism isn't about equal rights, it's about exterminating and enslaving the non-female world.  So I encourage these sorts of efforts until the nail is firmly struck on the head.




I think it's high time we know our enemies. No one should make any mistake about who these social justicee warriors are and what they represent.


Someone who gets it too?  I am pleased to make your cyberacquaintance.

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Someone who gets it too? I am pleased to make your cyberacquaintance.



I don't think people who love liberty know how to identify their enemies. They certainly don't have enough visceral hate for their enemies. They want to see the good in people and get all namby pamby and say "oh this socialist isn't bad, he's against the war on drugs" or something like that.


I hate the movement to enslave humanity under any guise. When I was in college there was a student group called "students for social justice" their leader was the first person I ever met who openly called himself a communist... I ran as far from them as possible, but the campus objectivist group was full of objectivist types who didn't oppose the Iraq war.

In the end I took some therapy and podcasts :)

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I don't think people who love liberty know how to identify their enemies. They certainly don't have enough visceral hate for their enemies. They want to see the good in people and get all namby pamby and say "oh this socialist isn't bad, he's against the war on drugs" or something like that.


I hate the movement to enslave humanity under any guise. When I was in college there was a student group called "students for social justice" their leader was the first person I ever met who openly called himself a communist... I ran as far from them as possible, but the campus objectivist group was full of objectivist types who didn't oppose the Iraq war.

In the end I took some therapy and podcasts :)




Would you agree the master threat today is feminism, if only because it is attempting to mobilise 51% of the population against what I might term the sexual-dimorphic-psychological order?


Or is the master threat the ongoing operation to eliminate white culture/religion/traditions/language/race?


What exactly is under threat is the WHCCM (wikkum) the white heterosexual cisgender Christian males and the free society we have made.  Everyone else will slide into hell on our coattails.


I knew a marxist once.  He was wearing a teeshirt with skulls on it and I told him I thought it was a picture of those piles of skulls in Cambodia.

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