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What would happen if anarchy was declared tomorrow?

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I think it would fail because most people are conditioned to reach for authority to help themsleves rather than take matters at hand if they are attacked.


I think a government would re-establish if


concrete exemple: a Prime Minister disassembles government from within. Then slashes the last aprt of government, and basicly goes home. Probably makes a statement lol.

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Discussions of "how we get there" can get tedious, because, who knows.


BUT, for my money, anarchy will first be established by a 'knowing few' in a small geographic region- - NOT by dismantling any current state.


When this new AnCapistan has shown to be perfectly feasable, the idea will enter public discourse.


Then, as states collapse, there will be various small chances to try this 'new' idea everybody is talking about.


This will happen no sooner than 2050.


This type of change is happens vertically, ie, generationally.  We will all be long gone before we see this.

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This will be fun hehe. Just a theoretical for lolz, I find such an idea unlikely at this point in time, this was a best case scenario, and highly optimistic.


Upon the resurrection of zombie Rothbard following advances made possible from recent breakthroughs in gene splicing technology by Ayn Rand and Andrew Ryan in the underground utopia Rapture, zombie Rothbard finds allegiance in the growing dissent of libertarians and liberals to the social conservatism and increasingly corporatist policies of the two party system, forming a new left which rapidly rises to political power.


Growing conflict ensues as peaceful strategies of utilizing government land without permission escalate protests with police forces. Rothbardian policies turn militant. It is resolved that the state is willing to use violent repression to defend the interests of the corporatist and bureaucratic elite, that their can be no peace in the face of institutionalized violence, and that resistance, by whatever means, has become a duty to all lovers of liberty.


The Rothbardians seize much of the institutions of power, forming barricades in the streets to secure certain strongholds. Dispersed conflict is taking place within much of the country, political affiliations each asserting their own agendas. The culture of gun ownership ensures an effective resistance, except by the liberals who, much like dodos, are still trying to stage unarmed peaceful sit-ins.


Conservative forces form a counter revolutionary army to drive back the 'terrorists' and enemies of law and order. Extensive propaganda ensues as media outlets signal the rallying cry for patriots to take up arms against the anarchists, neo-secessionists and enemies of traditional American values. Many conservatives and religious conservatives join the ranks, oppositional to the cries of dismantling the current illegitimate power structures, and of 'leftist' attitudes to social problems such as gay marriage etc.


Growing discontent amongst the military after continuing conflict in the middle-east has left many unwilling to obey command. Many desert from their positions when asked to attack their fellow countrymen. Many join the revolution.


The world's nations give a cold shoulder to the Rothbardians, who have been labelled as 'terrorists', and so aid is made illegal by otherwise willing citizens. Regardless, many join the ranks. Discussions of military assistance of the US government threatens mass civil protests in many countries, assistance is withheld by most major powers.


The police and conservative forces fight several pitched battles with the Rothbardians. The Rothbardians while suffering disproportionate casualties, eventually drive off the conservative forces by virtue of their superior popular support and numbers.


Zombie Rothbard takes the stage to declare victory, surrounded by huge masses of militia men and women. The question of what to do with the property of the state and corporatists comes up. It is decided after a majority vote, not without discord, that homesteading will be applied to all state property and all corporations which received a majority of its funding from the state.


Workers immediately went about turning all illegitimate property into workers cooperatives. Either parcelling out the objects themselves, or allocating shares equally amongst occupants. Much state owned land was left simply unused. Pockets of private ownership existed in parts, but largely, the documentation needed to claim land was not worth the acquisition. Many areas were simply treated as common land, free to all to use for the time being.


The economic profile of society changed rapidly. Wages for workers increased dramatically. Workers asked for near the entire product of their labour, having to pay no rents for land our house or machinery due to their ownership of these. Management was engaged, as one engages a doctor, but many preferred self management within voluntary organisation's of workers cooperatives. Competition brought the prices of goods and services down to near cost levels. Incomes were high and fairly equitable, costs were low, job satisfaction was higher than ever, and levels of happiness outstripped nearly all other nations.


But the following years saw problems arise. Some of the larger cooperatives, notably the shipping industry, which had formed an economic bloc, securing all the major ports and potential port sites, had begun importing products from other countries. These products being cheaper due to state wage suppression gave them the ability to undercut other sellers. Many of the workers were unwilling to compete on such terms, instead forming unions for the enactment of protectionist legislation to defend 'the free market against state interference'.


Okay, I am bored so will stop here.

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If most people are conditioned to appeal to authority then anarchy isn't going to be declared.

Stealth anarchy, then when its declared, theres no state left anyway. Basicly cutitng government until its gone unde trthe guise of small governement, not ''gun du anarchy'



This will happen no sooner than 2050.


This type of change is happens vertically, ie, generationally.  We will all be long gone before we see this.

U better hope somehting doesnt get in the way. robots, transhumanism, more tech of control.

for exemple, self-sufficient tyrants with robot army state lol.


Then there is the environement too, global warming, climate engineering.

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