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Social Parasites - Contempt for the masses

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Youtube: The Danger of being a Social parasite

-States how some prevalent caracteristics are bad.


FDR3005 Do You Hate The World?

Then Stefan states how it provides stability and how if everyone was a revolutionist I'd be chaos.


Bullshit! :)  Revolutionists with dialogue and NAP would bring chaos!? Even if they wouldn't people don't revolution out of nowhere, they are usually motivated into doign so by a reason. Even riots have reasons.


Aren't you sugercoating it Stefan? Oh but they are useful! It seems too Apologetic to me. Grossly apologetic. These people mock, prosecute, ostracize and take consent in assault/imprisonement.


It is a subject that interests me since humans are the main focus and cause of our civilization.

I would appreciate general comments (with a extra focus for a reply from Stefan) on how those 2 positions can coexist or how they are both hyperbolic on their end.

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I loved this podcast.  I think in this video Stef is stressing for us to honestly reflect on where we are in human evolution.  We are barely out of the jungle, somewhere between chimpanzee and homo philosophicus.  People are still responsible for violating the virtues they claim and inflict on others, but there are evolutionary reasons why people are the way they are.  And it's true, like it or not, that to some extent you are economically dependent on statists.  The point is, that the same conformity which we rail against, also produces a stable society which allows us to dwell in ideas rather than day-to-day survival.


Evolution doesn't happen all at once.  And Evolution is a combination of 99.99% conformity, and a tiny amount of Mutation, which may or may not survive.  So in the same way that genes use our bodies to multiply, ideas or "memes" ride our minds into the future, and compete with one another (this is Dawkins' idea).  As champions of a new and radical idea, we are one of many mutant memes, which is alien and hostile to the prevailing memes, like a little hairy rat in a world of dinosaurs. What we want to do is figure out how to propagate memes of liberty, voluntary association, free trade, self-ownership, peaceful parenting, self-knowledge, and so on, into the future.

 I think you're mistaking "being a revolutionist" for being a purely reasonable, peaceful human being with perfect conclusions, which doesn't exist.  When you have a radical idea like ancapism, most people don't see that as any different than any other radical idea, nazism, communism, primitivism, veganism, and so on.  Society has not evolved to where it is by being impressionable, by experimenting willy-nilly with every new radical idea that comes along.  So our mission, should we choose to accept it will be a hard one, and this is how it should be.  We are competing over generations with Statism and Marxism and Communism and Fascism and Fundamentalist Religiosity and all the other Ideologies, with what Meme will survive in the human mind in the long run. 

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