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The European "migrant" Crisis


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Thank you Stefan, thank you for rubbing it even deeper into my face.

It's not like I had to listen to enough shit already, just today I got this lovely quote from my "politics" "teacher".


"Oh, and you'll have to deal with the refugee children, for the rest of your lives"


Do you have any idea what it is like living in a country where the native population has less than 1.3 children per woman and you already have one fifth of people with a migrant background.


0-4 is like 30% non-german, 70-74 age bracket contains barely any non-natives.


Germany is screwed, its been flushed down.



Will I just stay in bed coming tomorrow?

What can I even do?
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Europa seduced!

Cadmus awakes, furious--

Wisdom is needed


One question to ask yourself is how much this really matters to you.  Are you going to get up everyday and feel terrible, or can you just squint your eyes at the truth and get on with your day?  If you're good at squinting, then maybe worrying about this stuff is counterproductive to you living a healthy life.  If you're not, and you feel terrible, or repeatedly terrible and unable to ignore the DESTRUCTION OF WESTERN CIVILISATION, then the question turns to one of knowledge.  So, read, communicate with people as immediately as possible, hash out what you've read, get a sense for exactly what the West is dealing with, what sides there are, what alliances there are or could be, and what possible solutions there are.


With immigration, the problem can be addressed "demand" side or "supply" side.  "Demand" side is the liberal elite want to stock the vote with people who will vote left in order to cash in on Western wealth.  Suppressing that is difficult since most of the native population benefits from the welfare state as well.  "Supply" side is the dysfunctional countries (economies, cultures/religions) the migrants come from, and fixing that would be the ideal long-term solution.  These people come here because they don't like where they were living and hope for a better (and more lucrative) life.  If their countries were more functional, the fewer emigrants would emerge from them.

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Pretty good podcast, but a lot of accent on the less important aspect. Let's have a look at the 2 sides of the story: Europe is receiving all these immigrants, causing some expense and dilution of western culture. The immigrants are otoh trying to ecape from HELL. A hell created for the most part very recently, by the west. Mostly the US/UK, but still, the west. There's a picture around of drowned immigrant children washed up on shores in Lebanon. These people are taking enormous risks to get away. They're not just trying to go get a better job in Berlin, they're trying to escape from hell. How about a podcast to the people of the west, telling them to stop supporting the war on the Middle East, maybe that will stop the emigration, not to mention it might slow down on the growth of the state at home, or at least make it less lethal. The irony, as always, is that the worst perpetrators of the war on the ME have the least to deal with the immigration fallout. Somebody else pays.

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Pretty good podcast, but a lot of accent on the less important aspect. Let's have a look at the 2 sides of the story: Europe is receiving all these immigrants, causing some expense and dilution of western culture. The immigrants are otoh trying to ecape from HELL. A hell created for the most part very recently, by the west. Mostly the US/UK, but still, the west. There's a picture around of drowned immigrant children washed up on shores in Lebanon. These people are taking enormous risks to get away. They're not just trying to go get a better job in Berlin, they're trying to escape from hell. How about a podcast to the people of the west, telling them to stop supporting the war on the Middle East, maybe that will stop the emigration, not to mention it might slow down on the growth of the state at home, or at least make it less lethal. The irony, as always, is that the worst perpetrators of the war on the ME have the least to deal with the immigration fallout. Somebody else pays.


Me thinks Stefan HAS mentioned that several time already and made several podcasts about it.


Are you thinking of new ones?


PS. Also by west you mean the governments. Not the people as a whole right?

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Me thinks Stefan HAS mentioned that several time already and made several podcasts about it.


Are you thinking of new ones?


PS. Also by west you mean the governments. Not the people as a whole right?


Yes, I mean the government(s). I've mulled this over a bit more, and I think I can boil it down to this: The hornets are coming because we (the west) kicked the hornet's nest. The immigrant crisis is a symptom, not the (main) problem, I think Stef should have focused on that.

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shirgall, that was over 150 years ago...

If that were to have any social effect on Mexico it's because of their culture.


If you want lasting effects, look at the use of the 1812 Overture which celebrates the defeat of our allies, the French, by our enemies at the time, the Russians... and we commonly use it as the finale of celebrating our independence from the English! We have a bigger "Cinco de Mayo" celebration in the United States than they do in Mexico, and it commemorates yet another specific defeat of the French by Mexico caused by the aftermath of our own war with the Mexicans. (Mexican independence day is actually coming up, September 16th). The only reason Cinco de Mayo was important to the United States is that it stymied the Confederacy gaining a strong ally in the French at the time.


It's incredibly strange to see what cultural events had lasting effects that Americans plainly do not care to look into.


My point is that Mexicans have plenty of believed grievances to act upon, and them being real or just plain ancient has no bearing on "whipping up" jingoistic fervor.

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I haven't been anti immigrant ever in my life, but given the massive influx (particularly here in London) of the past 5 years I'm finding myself somewhat concerned by it all. It really isn't sustainable beyond the last fumes of leftist ideologues. I certainly worry about the possible insurrections that might occur in the future, as these entitled people sweep into the nation. I'm kind of reminded by British Conservative Enoch Powell's 1968 'Rivers of Blood' speech.



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Yes, I mean the government(s). I've mulled this over a bit more, and I think I can boil it down to this: The hornets are coming because we (the west) kicked the hornet's nest. The immigrant crisis is a symptom, not the (main) problem, I think Stef should have focused on that.


And the kicking of the hornets' nest was orchestrated by the oligarchal elites who want the influx of immigrants to demoralise and destabilise and economically drain the West...and the Islamic hornets' nest itself is gladly participating in this influx of immigrants to demoralise and destabilise and economically drain the West.  ISIS loves seeing millions flee to the West, that bolsters the fifth column.

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The german asylum law says that everyone who lives in a country that is under attack has the right to seek asylum in germany. So if a terrorist attacks a country, every citizen of that country has the right to ask for asylum in germany. If you combine this with the welfare laws, in particular Hartz4, you'll see why everyone tries to come to germany: Germany pays every person who lives inside german borders a wage of 399€, if you can't earn it yourself. This is payed to everyone, includig illegal immigrants, of which 80% keep living in germany after they failed to obtain asylum.

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I think the drug war is doing plenty on that front.


Drug cartels of the current size can only exist when drugs are illegal in the US. The production of drugs is pretty cheap as is the transport. And the sharp rise in price you pay for drugs from Mexico to the US makes drug cartels very profitable. This is a well known fact, so why aren't drugs legalized? You can of course point out that the state is obstinate, but there is another reason. The drugs cartels are sitting on large amounts of liquid money that they have to reinvest. After all, there are only so much yachts and mistresses an aspiring drug peddler can have. The rest of the money is reinvested in the US company. There is a reason Miami started to boom economically in the early 80s and it has nothing to do with nice beaches. If the war on drugs stopped, the cartels would not make nearly as much money and the flow of liquid money would stop. 


For more on that see: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0380268/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl

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Drug cartels of the current size can only exist when drugs are illegal in the US. The production of drugs is pretty cheap as is the transport. And the sharp rise in price you pay for drugs from Mexico to the US makes drug cartels very profitable. This is a well known fact, so why aren't drugs legalized? You can of course point out that the state is obstinate, but there is another reason. The drugs cartels are sitting on large amounts of liquid money that they have to reinvest. After all, there are only so much yachts and mistresses an aspiring drug peddler can have. The rest of the money is reinvested in the US company. There is a reason Miami started to boom economically in the early 80s and it has nothing to do with nice beaches. If the war on drugs stopped, the cartels would not make nearly as much money and the flow of liquid money would stop. 


For more on that see: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0380268/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl


Thanks for posting this. This is very interesting. I hadn't considered that the drugs trade could have such an effect on a local economy. But it kind of seems obvious now when I think about it.

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The US stole much of Northern Mexico though and is still pretending it is American when names like San Whatever tell a different story.


Turtles all the way down!


Because wasn't that part of the world Spanish for 300 years? Would that not make huge number of people significantly Anglo-Spanish in culture?


And did not the war start when Mexican cavalry attacked a group of U.S. soldiers in the disputed zone under the command of General Zachary Taylor, killing about a dozen with the Mexican forces then laying siege to an American fort along the Rio Grande?


With regard to the names, should the US should rename the cities? Like when the Ottoman renamed Constantiopal as Istanbul?

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Turtles all the way down!


With regard to the names, should the US should rename the cities? Like when the Ottoman renamed Constantiopal as Istanbul?

What's a turtle in this case?


Renaming Los Angeles as Istanbul won't work...once a name's already been taken, you know.... :cool: 

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This influx of 'migrants' is very concerning. I think this issue divides public opinion by those who form their opinions based on either emotion or reasoning. I get the sympathy I really feel it, but then I look at the data, look at the history, look at how the majority muslims are currently integrating into european culture. That sympathy turns into concern. 


I would be far more approving of migrants settling in Europe if the evidence demonstrated that the majority would integrate into communities, approve the western values of freedom etc. Unfortunately that isn't the case.


Attached to this post is some data I posted on my twitter @fishythingy relating to this issue. I get the impression that those Muslims who actually want to integrate end up struggling to. Is the cultural gap too far for many? 


I might combine some of the attached stats with the stuff Doody found from the UN. Shocking to hear that actually 3/4 are men and only 1/2 are Syrian. Not the picture painted by the media at all!




Here are some interesting charts about the current migrant influx. UN High Commissioner for Refugees reports:
According to those number 72% are males, only 50% come from Syria.



German Muslim Integration - Fishything.jpg

British Muslim Integration - Fishything.jpg

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Thank you Mama Merkel!


Zerohedge by way to Reuters. Drowned Syrian boy's father was a people smuggler charging $10,000 for passage to Europe.




What's a turtle in this case?


Renaming Los Angeles as Istanbul won't work...once a name's already been taken, you know.... :cool: 



The turtles would be the causal factors of middle eastern conflict.




This is a link the a wikipedia list of ~86 or so conflicts in the last ~100 years.



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I've been looking at private refugee sponsorship programmes.


The programme offered by Barnabas that resettles Christian refugees in Poland for around GBP 2000 each (including travel and first-year living expenses) seems amazingly good value compared with the likely cost of government resettlement programmes in high-income countries. If all the refugees could be resettled at that sort of cost then there probably wouldn't be a refugee problem.


There's also a programme in Canada through which individuals can sponsor refugees although I doubt the cost would make much sense except for people sponsoring relatives.


I'd be interested to hear of any other such programmes.

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There are no subtitles yet, but you HAVE to give listen and give the read two minutes.



You too still consider after a week, what happened to be a mistake?


Horst Seehofer(the prime minister of the German economic powerhouse, the federal state Bavaria):

Yeah, but right now we spend every hour to carry out our biggest task, to take in the people and treat them humane, nevertheless we have to struggle to get rules into Europe. The problem as we face it now, is that a rule was disregarded, without having any idea how to fix deal with these issues, thats our problem.


I don't have enought time to tranlate the whole video.


He basically says Merkel fucked up, police, municipalitys and civilians saved the day, that they are in huge trouble.


Also they started shutting down the migrant influx via Austria.


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And did not the war start when Mexican cavalry attacked a group of U.S. soldiers in the disputed zone under the command of General Zachary Taylor, killing about a dozen with the Mexican forces then laying siege to an American fort along the Rio Grande?


This http://fff.org/2014/04/23/what-about-the-u-s-annexation-of-mexico/is how I understand the story.

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Several months back, my girlfriend and I called into the show to chat about a video that stirred up a healthy exploratory debate between us related to marriage. The discussion that ensued was a delightfully engaging romp in the rational world of civilized, empathetic, and curious discourse. A deep thank you to Stef for remaining so true to his FDR promises to continue the conversation with whomever calls in ... we sincerely appreciate it and look forward to our next chat!


This is not simply superfluous flattery to soften my message as I'll now turn to the topic at hand. This latest "What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis" video kind of pisses me off! No no, my day isn't by any stretch of the imagination now ruined because I watched it, but still. And no, it's not about the content of the video nor is it the deep gospel thumbing timbre to Stef's voice when decrying the actions of the "leadership" of these countries. On this matter, it's rather fun to hear the deep seated rage seep into the monologue, it's surely warranted. What pisses me off, however, is that during that last call-in show that we enjoyed participating in so much, Stef encouraged us to go forth and make babies on the premises that bringing more rational people into the world was a good thing for us, for our own future, and for his daughter's future. He nearly sold us on it that morning as we sat in our little motorhome there by Philosopher Falls in the tiny town of Waratah, Tasmania. We cited the hellacious visages of the future that we feel are quite inevitable and he rapidly and eloquently and in an inspiring way squashed our dissent. How can we argue with his emotional plea? I want Isabella to have a wonderful life as I also do for all little girls and little boys around the world.


The ills of the world are all pretty irreconcilable, the irrational are finding more and more justification to re-entrench themselves in their irrationality, and the rational ... well, we've really not run across many FDR-type folks on our travels and we've been at this for nearly two years. This migrant crisis video highlights the particularly long-range implications of what's unfolding before our eyes. At what point do we drop the charade that our individual actions, particularly in the face of such tremendous onslaught, have an ounce of positive impact relative to what we see?


Hope and faith seem to be the universal human motivators and when shedding our superstitious baggage these two notions fall away and at best we have "optimism based upon our personal efforts" to rely upon to to rouse us from our slumber each morning. That optimism for me is waning and the inner cynic in me is falling back to remind me of a Rust Cohle quote from True Detective Season 1:


"I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal." - Rustin Cohle --> True Detective show Philosophy Antinatalism




Is the fact that I'm constantly reminded of this quote evidence that I naturally resonate with cynicism? Is the fact that I'm so curious as to why I don't subscribe blindly to faith nor hope and feel that Stef's advice to me amounts to little more than "have faith" or "there's hope" the reason that I'm writing this lengthy on but slightly off-topic post? Is there even a question that last question?


Deeper still, is the fact that this quote was injected into the public consciousness via this show possibly a programmatic way to help encourage the educated west to stop reproducing and enable a broader and unseen plan to deconstruct the west? Is the fact that mass mind-control has been so smoothly injected into modernity evidence of an unstoppable cosmic force inherent in the nature of all things, beings, and perceived reality? Are we, in the west, simply fascinated and bio-chemically stimulated by a good story because Walt Disney taught us all to be and now wish to experience the emotional roller coaster of watching what unfolds for these "poor poor migrants" at the expense of the remnants of our own systematically collapsing cultures? Will the realization of the 500 million be perhaps the one true path to the dawn of the new "age of reason"?


I have very few solid answers to any of the above ... do you?


What are one or two specific actions that each of you will now take as a result of Stef's video on this "crisis" and who specifically will these actions directly impact?


I'd love to hear some objectively positive and optimism inspiring action that others in the FDR community are engaging with.

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