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Does feminism/media EVER tell girls to be HONEST?

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I see endless coaching for girls to know they can run or throw a ball if they really want to, get good jobs, etc., so far so good...but I have NEVER seen anyone tell young girls to honor in themselves Honesty or other forms of intellectual integrity.  Which is obvious after a red pill, burp, because there is very little honesty in headstrong feminism or voter pandering.



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When did you go red pill and how long had you been dating/married?

My take is that most people forgo honesty because it challenges their upbringing, identity, and level of self-knowledge.

How many times have you seen a women keep an obvious abuser in her life, and have no idea why she continues? The same can be said for men as I have dated many abusers, and been an abuser myself.

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When did you go red pill and how long had you been dating/married?


My take is that most people forgo honesty because it challenges their upbringing, identity, and level of self-knowledge.


How many times have you seen a women keep an obvious abuser in her life, and have no idea why she continues? The same can be said for men as I have dated many abusers, and been an abuser myself.


Wow, your first line surprised me.  Keeps me on my toes.


A year or two ago I first saw a link, maybe at FDR, which explained red/blue pills, the movie reference.  But I'd been learning a lot before that, so it's less a red pill than a red I.V. drip.  


I'd been married for many years, divorced some years ago.  Verbal abuse, drove away two sets of neighbors with it, not me just making it up. 


Tried dating, not in the best circles to be sure, real clowns sometimes, but every time I felt more and more in despair at what i was encountering.  Finally gave it up several years ago; learned of MGTOW also about a year or two ago.  


Anymore, I have trouble even looking at women, especially as I'm in a liberal, groovy, town, where rational thought is cause for firebombing.  I'm a great looking guy, nice smile, I can make them light up just walking by, genuine.  But I can't take it anymore; I see what shallow spineless bullying jerks most of them are.  I can't respect most women.


Good Lord, look at the pile of empty I.V. bags that I've got piled in the corner....

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Wow, your first line surprised me.  Keeps me on my toes.


A year or two ago I first saw a link, maybe at FDR, which explained red/blue pills, the movie reference.  But I'd been learning a lot before that, so it's less a red pill than a red I.V. drip.  


I'd been married for many years, divorced some years ago.  Verbal abuse, drove away two sets of neighbors with it, not me just making it up. 


Tried dating, not in the best circles to be sure, real clowns sometimes, but every time I felt more and more in despair at what i was encountering.  Finally gave it up several years ago; learned of MGTOW also about a year or two ago.  


Anymore, I have trouble even looking at women, especially as I'm in a liberal, groovy, town, where rational thought is cause for firebombing.  I'm a great looking guy, nice smile, I can make them light up just walking by, genuine.  But I can't take it anymore; I see what shallow spineless bullying jerks most of them are.  I can't respect most women.


Good Lord, look at the pile of empty I.V. bags that I've got piled in the corner....


I am in the same place right now. When you know what to look for everything is on display right in the open.  What really irks me is how   women one assume the right to your attention and two how they assume the role of officer of your value.  Especially if they find you attractive, they almost immediately perform a utility assessment which in their mind is a signal for you to acknowledge and worship their beauty.  The nerve of an aesthetic bimbo whom is good at nothing other than  knowing precisely when best to spread her legs stands to maximize her benefit, standing their with a stupid smirk on her face is going to tell me what my value is.  Yeah right.  


There is no appropriate reaction to this little show of "affection". A guy does this and generally I would begin competition with him or even in some cases begin hostilities.  With a women all you can do is accept defeat and do your best to ignore her.  What is ironic is that as I see this as a defeat, other women nearby observe the exchange get curious in your attractiveness because the see it as flattery, which prompt their own assessment.  Fuck my life.

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I've never seen it and quite frankly it seems to go directly against a lot of the feminist ideology we see. There are branches of feminism which deny any kind of sexual dimorphism in humans and instead blame the differences on social behaviours, how women and men are treated differently.


I have nothing against people being coached to be able to succeed at things, but we have to acknowledge that on the average men and women are biologically different in a very non-controversial way, different sized hip waist ratios, different height, upper body strength, ability to develop muscle, different ability at linear or multitasking thinking, we score differently on standard empathy tests, have different sex drives, the list goes on and on.


I try not to tarnish all feminists with one brush but when one group deny these things and the other feminists groups do not in any way make effort to denounce their actions, then we have a problem.

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I've never seen it and quite frankly it seems to go directly against a lot of the feminist ideology we see. There are branches of feminism which deny any kind of sexual dimorphism in humans and instead blame the differences on social behaviours, how women and men are treated differently.


I have nothing against people being coached to be able to succeed at things, but we have to acknowledge that on the average men and women are biologically different in a very non-controversial way, different sized hip waist ratios, different height, upper body strength, ability to develop muscle, different ability at linear or multitasking thinking, we score differently on standard empathy tests, have different sex drives, the list goes on and on.


I try not to tarnish all feminists with one brush but when one group deny these things and the other feminists groups do not in any way make effort to denounce their actions, then we have a problem.


Before you tar, simply ask the feminist in question if she/he denounces misandry and supports open dialogue and free speech regarding men's issues.  If the answer is no, or is evasive, or is anything other than a flat "yes" then tar away.

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Before you tar, simply ask the feminist in question if she/he denounces misandry and supports open dialogue and free speech regarding men's issues.  If the answer is no, or is evasive, or is anything other than a flat "yes" then tar away.


That would be OK if you suspected you were getting an honest answer, the problem is that so many feminists claim one thing for example being for equality, but the way they act and behave and the issues they go after actually demonstrate that this is not the case at all. A large number of feminists will accept that men have some issues but they wont' actually work towards them in any capacity, basically their actions betray their real feelings on the matter, which tends to be female supremacy.

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