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Any experiences with proxy female violence?

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I was in a mood walking up the street in downtown ________ when a woman approached me and asked for money. "What for?" I asked.  "Coffee," she replied.  "Buy your own drugs," I said. "What drugs?" she asked.  "Caffeine!"  said I as I walked on.  Half a minute later I heard a kafuffle from down the street and turn to see her pointing me out to her somewhat large boyfriend, who then advanced on me with intent to harm.  Probably thought he was going to "teach me a lesson".  We had words, I stood my ground, and he decided it wasn't worth the effort fighting me in broad daylight, and so he insulted me and left.  Later on I realised this was proxy violence.  Have YOU ever experienced proxy female violence?

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As a kid, all the time. These words may sound fairly familiar to anyone who was a young boy once:


"I'm telling my older brother you said X" (where X is something horrible you didn't actually say)


Dealing with someoen who is say 16 when you're 11 is not something you survive in tact if he genuinely thinks you were horrible to someone he loves, sadly it's the case that men so viciously defend those they love that the people they love can often manipulate that fact, it's a failing of men to see women as capable of this kind of degeneracy.


As an adult, absolutely haven't had any kind of run in with female proxy violence, as a MGTOW I generally practice having extremely minimal exposure to women, in my working relationships it's purely kept as working relationships (I politely turn down all work related social events) and in my personal life I limit female exposure to female partners of my friends and 1 or 2 other women I'm relatively sure are sane. MGTOW is a great philosophy for really learning to navigate a toxic environment by looking inwards and changing your own behaviour to minimize your own risk, something extremely effective at avoiding female proxy violence and other female drama.

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