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Sexual diversity, or racist? Which one are you?

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 In-group preference, or any preference for that matter, is now racist according to new study. This  recent slander/study is aimed primarily at the gay community. But in the name of diversity it can also apply to heterosexuals.


No wonder people are reluctant to share their opinion on anything other than sports and weather.


By this line of "thinking' gay men would also be sexist. Straight folks would be sexist. Philosophy has no use for the words of racism and sexism as those words are non-compliant with UPB and synonymous with the politics of identity.


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Thanks for posting this fruit, fractional slacker. It's bright red and looks juicy. Let's bite into it with a little analysis/commentary.


First, a few tidbits:


“While society is generally pretty comfortable condemning racism, there has been a surprising reluctance among people—gay or otherwise—to challenge racialized sex and dating practices,” Callander told The Daily Beast. [surprising?! You don't say! You mean people like what they like?]


““While it may feel like our desires are our own, in reality they are influenced heavily by social norms,” explained Callander... [and, of course, social norms can change, meaning sexual preferences are, to use the vernacular, "fluid," which means, in feminist/queer/identity theory, that it should change.]


“...“For me, the findings of this study are a reminder that even though society and individuals may actively reject racism, racial prejudices are increasingly subtle and they can find their way into even the most private and personal corners of our lives.”” [or, feminational socialism is increasingly subtle and can find its way into even the most private and personal corners of our lives—and the personal is the political, mind you.]


“Other factors like being white and using online dating services more frequently were linked to lower QDI [i.e. higher racism] scores and a more favorable attitude toward sexual racism.” [in other words whites are the most problematic if the problem is ending racism]

For gay men like Eric, 30, who lives in Atlanta, navigating the thorny issues surrounding race in the gay community is a disheartening “day-to-day experience.” [isn't that awful? He feels disheartened because all he wants to do is fuck white men and they're not willing to have him.]


For his part, Callander would like to see his team’s findings used in “implementation research” that could identify “strategies for reducing sexual racism and changing the way that people think about race and romance.” After all, if racism and sexual racism are indeed linked, then strategies to reduce the former should affect the latter as well. [Again, and as noted by others: Why not “reducing sexual homophobia”” Should't there be “implementation research” to identify “strategies” for turning the population queer? All in the name of equality and ending prejudice!]


“I am not interested in condemning or criticizing people’s desires, but if we recognize prejudice within ourselves, we must be willing to challenge and confront it,” Callander told The Daily Beast. [Yet your research is dedicated to finding strategies for reducing sexual racism, so that's exactly what you're doing. You're admitting that you don't have the power to end sexual racism, but you would like to, as you wring your hands about “implementation strategies”.]


The first thing to realise about all this line of thinking is that it is coming from somewhere. It should not be “surprising” to us when it arrives. We should be expecting it. These ideas aren't coming from the “fringe” they are coming from the “core” as in “hard-core” as in most serious, most radical, most dedicated, and most crazy. The elements comprising this hard core are collectively, effectively, if not always openly, which suits them fine, working for the erasure of WHCCM or White Heterosexual Cisgender Christian Males, pronounced “wikkum.” That's their goal, not just to equalise with wikkum, or subjugate wikkum or even just to terminate it, but to erase it from history, like Akhenaten—or Ozymandias.


The elements themselves, I tend to call the feminational socialists--feminazis--or the entire thing simply The Blob. “Feminazi” focuses attention on feminists but can bleed over into the other identity political elements. “The Blob” takes a broader view of the whole global process of criticising, infiltrating, subverting, and toppling Western civilisation itself. Together then, they would form the feminazi blob or femiblob.


One of the ways their fungal-like networks are working towards this goal is what's seen in this article, something that goes further than just telling whites who they should sleep with, according to the mandarins of femiblob politics. No, it goes wa-a-ay further than that.


What this thin-edge-of-the-wedge is, can be summed up by a phrase: sexual diversiphobia. That is, we face a society in which any kind of discrimination—which originally meant “to tell the difference”--with regards to sexual partners is culturally outlawed.


I remember reading a science fiction novel years ago in which the main character, who was black, fell in love with a woman, also black, and sought to marry her (how quaint). He was blocked from doing so by the government which had made it illegal to marry someone of the same race, as an effort to combat racism. The woman committed suicide and the black man became a spaceship captain.


We're not far from this scenario. If you think it's unreal, remember IWPIPE, “I Wouldn't Put It Past Em”. Would you put it past the femiblob, if it attained ultimate power, to pass such a law? I wouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised in the least. If we're going to fight the femiblob, we need to be able to see into the future like reading runes cast from the withered hands of the femiblob witches themselves. Everything they want to do is contained in their literature.


But going on: sexual diversiphobia isn't just when you sexually discriminate against people of another race. It, as noted by others, when you discriminate against people of the same gender. And what about people who are ugly? Surely ugliness is a more shallow thing to judge some one than race or gender? What about bad breath? Tattoos? What again ageism—discriminating against someone because they're older, or younger? Will you be allowed to discriminate against your neighbour's six-year-old who's taken a fancy to you? And what about IQ-ism? Say a retarded girl, which a little help from her friends and family, is smitten with you. If you're already a thought-criminal for not wanting to sleep with the same sex or a different race, what's a little IQ difference? And what about bestiality? Incest? Polyamoury should be a walk in the part, sado-masochism might need a little more cultural lube to make it fit, transgender—why not Everyone-wear-a-dress-to-work Day? This can't happen? Really? IWPIPE.


And what's also coming? The media products we consume are up on the chopping block, for revision and ultimately confiscation. All those old movies, are racist movies and you know it. So why not vandalise them by using fancy computer systems to “update” the racial character of the films? There needs to be more blacks in this movie, so press a button and presto, it's now a multiracial film. Maybe the hero is too white, or too male, or too straight, so presto, we can fix that. And what if you want to watch the original films? Oh, no, that won't do, the original films and books and comic books and music that make the List of Concern will become like that man-dog in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), created to “out” humans who still retained normal emotions. Well, with advanced eye-pupil-monitoring equipment, ideological-cultural framework, and ubiquitous cameras, we've got the Blade Runner-style Voight-Kampff test, capable of detecting racists, homophobes, and transphobes in our midst.


This is a huge, horrible disaster in the making and it revolves not around making the blacks or the Jews or anyone outside wikkum more open-minded, it's about the subjugation and erasure of wikkum. The net result, of course, will be that white women will be drowned in the sea of colour and lesbianism and then the hated wikkum's last physical extant traces will be gone.


It's the squeaky activist wheel that gets the political grease, and the femiblob is very squeaky indeed. The question is whether wikkum can start squeaking as well in a manner as to salt the slug or blowdry the blob, to find the meaty metaphors and critical theory that will organise and optimise wikkum and its defenders East and West.


"Every species can smell its own extinction. The last ones left won't have a pretty time with it. In ten years, maybe less, the human race will just be a bedtime story for their children. A myth, nothing more."

--John Trent, In the Mouth of Madness

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I've dated enough Asians and Jews to be immune to such slander.


I'm single, if any one is interested in applying.


No fatties.

No vegans.

Neckbeards ok.


You have? I've never actually even met a Jew. There was one went through a plant I was working at, certifying it as Kosher or some such shit, but I didn't meet him.

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You have? I've never actually even met a Jew. There was one went through a plant I was working at, certifying it as Kosher or some such shit, but I didn't meet him.


I grew up on the North Shore of Chicago. I was probably the only non-Asian circumcised Christian in my school district. I still don't know the lunar calendar or when the high holy days are. I think there are four of them and I always had them off.


If you noticed from my Facebook account, I even have two Hebrew names.

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Any topic that's delicious to bite into, I call fruit.  It's a way of keeping optimistic in the face of the steady trickle of awful news that comes my way.


I understand completely. I stopped watching MSM years ago due to its sensationalist nature and abrasive language and tone. I enjoy the fruit analogy, and it makes me think of Palisade peaches.





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