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Ahmed Mohamed and his clock (somebody slap this kid)


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OH boy, no pandering in this interview...

Was Ahmed Mohamed arrested because he is Muslim? - Al Jazeera English


And what did the clock look like?: 

Handcuffed for Making Clock, Ahmed Mohamed, 14, Wins Time With Obama - The New York Times


Like a friggin' dry run for a suitcase bomb, is what it looks like.


He milks his heritage for sympathy, and even Scumbama ("the man with no discernible ethical core") is gonna ride this pony.

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He did not make a clock. He disassembled a standard alarm clock and put it in a box. This serves no purpose that I can see other than to make it look like a suitcase bomb. It most likely doesn't even work unless it is plugged in. All he would say about it was that it was a clock.

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He did not make a clock. He disassembled a standard alarm clock and put it in a box. This serves no purpose that I can see other than to make it look like a suitcase bomb. It most likely doesn't even work unless it is plugged in. All he would say about it was that it was a clock.


I think you are right, this doesn't look like be soldered electronic components together and programmed some IC to make the clock, it looks like an alarm clock that he took apart and reboxed. And no one is questioning this?

You can see the transformer, backup battery plug, ribbon cables to LED display. what a joke!

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What was that?...it looks like the whole thing is staged, with the camera work.

 That's because it is



His point was that just like in the movie, people are supported to accommodate views they disagree with. 


So Ahmed (no reference to this Ahmed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFijMqKeX48) should be allowed to

take a box with electronics in it to school and people should not overreact.


Just like a young black man should be allowed to wear a chrome BB gun sticking out the back of his baggy pants

and police should not overreact.

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Some background on the “clock”:



Evidently, “engineering” the “clock” involved removing the innards of a Micronta, (a Radio Shack subsidiary) clock – www.radioshackcatalogs.com…, and then installing them into an aluminum "pencil case",


More backstory from Willie Loman, which describes a much contrary version of the event:



It's worth noting, the father of our aspiring “engineer” (social, maybe) was involved in the Quran burning saga from a few years back:


When transferring electronics from one enclosure to another wins an invitation to the whitehouse and the theoretical physics program at MIT, not to mention the level of unusual and totally unwarranted media attention that this event has been given, it's safe to describe the entire charade as a psyop.
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Do you know the full story? Do you know the boy? Or the circumstances in which all this happened? 


Yes, there is more to it than just the media story, but you are talking like you know exactly what happened, and who is responsible. 


there is a lot of religious thinking in your post. You are ascribing motives to various people, of which you can have no idea.


do you have extra information about this case that you would like to share?

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Richard Dawkins is currently being torn a new one by the authoritarian left for saying that he was underwhelmed by his invention.

Having been a mischievous young boy myself, I find it incredible that people will overlook the fact that he would know that this would be alarming.

Also, I think the US police need some lessons in diplomacy and not shoot to kill. Handcuffs for this young boy, really? 

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