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Pretentiousness p1 (video)

Kevin Beal

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And now I have the Captain Planet theme song stuck in my head. 


I think the point you made about grades at the end makes a lot of sense. We get sort of conditioned to the idea of grades after 12 years of school that the idea that they are just a letter scribbled on a piece of paper seems weird. It becomes hard for anyone to challenge the notion of a grade even when you take them out of context. Like, can you imagine if someone walked up to you after you finished filling up your gas tank and handed you a piece of paper with a big letter "F" on it and told you that you failed. You would probably just find that bizarre. Yet in school everything depended on getting good grades and those people who find getting an "F" at the gas station weird will still defend grades in school. 


So I think it is challenging for a lot of people to get past the thought, "This answer is right and this one is wrong and I have to be right" even when no one is handing out pieces of paper with big letters on them. 


Good video. Your sense of humor makes them quite enjoyable. 

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:thumbsup:  I'm pretty new around here and that's the first content of yours I've ever seen. Well done, sir. It was a great watch and you make an excellent point that I have often noticed during Stefan's call in show, but had never been able to put my finger on before!

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:thumbsup:  I'm pretty new around here and that's the first content of yours I've ever seen. Well done, sir. It was a great watch and you make an excellent point that I have often noticed during Stefan's call in show, but had never been able to put my finger on before!

Welcome to the boards!  :Welcome:


I'd love to hear more about what you noticed in the call-in shows, if you felt like sharing. 

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Very good video, I especially liked your point on people who say things like "Stef has changed, he likes the cops now, he wants to control immigration among nations *sighs." All the while people ignore the methodology! It was a pleasure to listen to your video.


Edit: It was really nice to watch after a stressful day of work - I find it hard to relax nowadays because I don't have too many fun hobbies in the same way that I used to, such as playing video games or watching TV for hours. I've forgotten how nice it can be to listen to someone who is rational, and just tune into an interesting conversation. Of course I enjoy Stef's videos, but it is wonderful to have variety.

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I have this great love/hate relationship with realizing I'm an idiot :P keep up the great work!

Haha. I might know how you feel.


I think it's awesome when I'm an idiot and realize that I'm being an idiot. Some people think it's a stain on them, but what an amazing opportunity that is!


Where before I thought there was a giant wall, I find out that it is actually a vast wilderness available for me to explore.


If it turns out I'm wrong or being an asshole or whatever, then great! I can use that knowledge to achieve even greater clarity.



I've forgotten how nice it can be to listen to someone who is rational, and just tune into an interesting conversation. Of course I enjoy Stef's videos, but it is wonderful to have variety.

I can certainly relate, and thank you!



Yet in school everything depended on getting good grades and those people who find getting an "F" at the gas station weird will still defend grades in school. 


So I think it is challenging for a lot of people to get past the thought, "This answer is right and this one is wrong and I have to be right" even when no one is handing out pieces of paper with big letters on them.

That's an interesting point. I hadn't made that connection, but it certainly makes sense :)


I bet there are a lot of subtle ways that this shows up that we don't see is crazy. Possibly related is that I sometimes find myself focusing solely on the grammar and spelling of persuasive essays, missing the forest for the trees, perhaps because I was never graded on the actual content of the pieces I wrote in school, but for the use of punctuation, grammar, etc.

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Welcome to the boards!  :Welcome:


I'd love to hear more about what you noticed in the call-in shows, if you felt like sharing. 



I think what I've noticed is the callers sometimes not being able to grasp certain principals universally. They're ok with them to a certain point, but then once they are applied to the caller's personal circumstance or opinion Stef encouters push back. Watching your video, something suddenly clicked for me - that the callers are focusing on the conclusions and not the principals.


I hope that makes sense.

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