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Repuplican internal war: Old right "cuckservatives" vs the "Alt. right."

fractional slacker

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He is describing what Stefan has been talking about before, the pendulum has swung very far to the left and that its beginning to return now.

RP said that one big point of the cuckservatives is  I LOVE ISRAEL, and trump's daughter converted to judaism, he tweeted that he is Israel's only ally and he is "big on military"



I wonder tho, why do you post RamzPaul on here?

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I don't agree the pendulum has swung to the left, I think both left and right have escalated, they are two wings of an ugly collectivist bird that grow together.  Looking at the empire and the influence of fundamentalist religion and the corporate welfare, protectionist sentiment and nationalism, it's hard to argue that the right is entirely losing.

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Yeah, I'm kind of with Rosecodex on this. That said, 'cuckservtaives' definitely puts those certain self proclaimed 'un' conservatives into their correct genre.. :P


Personally I have more respect for an outright leftist than I do these modern day cucks. They are as degenerate as your average far left social (progressive) justice warrior.

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I dont think so, but isn't RamzPaul usually associated with Stormfags? that is just my amateur opinion though.


RamzPaul is a race realist, which is something quite different from Stormfags who often seek all out race war. Race realists mostly take empirical data that we already know about race (and gender) and point out the contradictions. They also conclude (rather uncomfortably) that we all tend to share a race bias when push comes to shove.


I don't agree with RamzPaul on everything, but other than his monarchist solution, he and many race realists are mostly for peaceful solutions and are far from being racist. Using the definition of racist as being the hatred of other races of course. Whereas you can ascribe this definition to most Stormfags.


One clearly hopes that philosophy becomes the resolve for this issue in the future. But sadly race is an issue whether we like it or not. Social justice warriors and other powerful ethnic lobby groups will not let it lie, so the debate is on. Race realists are a part of the (attempted) rational discourse people are beginning to have on the issue. Uncomfortable as it is might be for many, particularly white people.

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