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John Bright: Statesman, Orator, Agitator


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John Bright: Statesman, Orator, Agitator by Bill Cash


This man did more for peace and prosperity than some would like you to know:


  • He fought for free trade; established the Corn Laws to eradicate the tariff that led to starvation.
  • He kept England out of the Civil War where they wished to side with the Southern Confederates to have access to cheap cotton; Lincoln died with an article in his pocket that was written by Bright. Lincoln kept a picture of Bright in his office.
  • He fought corrupt land owners in Ireland that bullied the working class into poverty via taxation.
  • He fought against Ireland being its own state--oddly at that time that was a good thing because it would have set them up to be ruled in tyranny.
  • He is still revered in India, known as John Britain; he may have influenced Gandhi to seek a path of peaceful resistance.
  • He fought against the East India Company; if you can recall "Pirates of the Caribbean" that should ring a bell of how brave that would be.
  • He was greatly respected by the Queen that when he came to accept an office she did not require that he kneel as this would be against his religious beliefs.
  • He coined two phrases, one worth noting: "England is the Mother of Parliaments;" and "flog a dead horse." As often as I use the latter I can now note that this is a family saying.

Thanks G3-grandfather, I feel like such a slacker...


I'm probably a tad bit biased to write a proper review, so this is just some notes on it.


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