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Employment Tenure: Job hopping vs. turning down new opportunities

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Hi all,


I wanted to ask the board their thoughts on how short is too short of a time to stay at a position without coming off as a "job hopper".


I relocated to Houston Texas last August of 2014. I have been working with a firm here and have been very happy, received two raises and a promotion, and still enjoy my team here for the most part. I have some long term potential here, but I have came to the realization, that I am probably 2/3 years from going to the next promotion level here, and I have the ability to probably attain a 15-20% salary bump and even more responsibility, by exiting the firm I am currently at. 


I have always been told that 2 years is the minimum amount one should stay (I realize this is probably dogma), but I wanted to get some thoughts for you guys since most of the articles on the internet are trash.


I'm more concerned about my long term reputation, as I wouldn't leave here before getting an offer elsewhere, but I have read that as I get older (I'm 3 years out of school in October), these things are looked at more and more.


Thanks for any advice



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Do what's best for you.


If you're in a good place stay, if not, or you think you could do better elsewhere then leave. Either way be confident in your decision and don't look back. Also, don't be concerned about being labeled as one or the other, if you're bringing something good to the table and they turn you down that's their loss.

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