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Taking this to a wider audience


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Hello everyone. Been a listener for about 3 years and this is my first post in the forums.


I love the message that's being put out there by Stefan and people like us. The ideas and the logic are sound and even if I might have a slight disagreement personally on an emotional level I still agree with the facts and evidence presented. I think people like us are going to be essential in saving the world by waking people up from the brainwashing that has infected the human condition and impeded our true potential as a species and a society.


However we can (and must) do better and reach more people to continue spreading this message. Reason and evidence works on the intelligent and reasonable and that's why we're all here, but what about the rest? We have an echo chamber where we can talk amoungst ourselves but what about getting that message to those who disagree due to their ignorance and emotional barriers? History has shown that the ideas that gain wide appeal are the one's that are made most palatable through pretty faces and superficial appeal. The left has been particularly good at this with bread and circuses and using the media to push their agenda through celebrity and popular movements, so why not us in some way?


I personally like Stefan and I find him to be eloquent and entertaining, but there are quite a few people out there that are repelled by him and his presentation unfortunately. Some of the complaints I've heard is "He sounds like he's talking down to me" or "He's a know it all" or "He sounds so arrogant"  and so on.. Hell there are people who take his classical theater influenced presentations as a personal insult and hate his accent, and that is their stopping point in watching the show. It's such a pity that people are turned off to the taste and nutrition of the food being presented just because they don't like how it looks or smells. Emotional knee jerk objections coming from people who would probably listen if they didn't have a personal aversion to the presenter. 


Couldn't that perhaps be improved on with a more populous friendly and down to earth face to present the ideas? I'm not saying Stefan should step aside and get a new host but I'm thinking perhaps another show secretly sponsored by free domain radio with a more lefty and female friendly host who could get right past those emotional barriers. A show that uses a pretty face and kinder tone to slowly introduce the ideas. A host that is "likable" as a primary objective (just like how the media does it). A more interactive show with more real time call ins and shorter debates that are more geared to inform rather than vanquish the opposition. A show that perhaps doesn't go full AnCap at first and tries to build an audience by being entertaining primarily and slowly presenting the facts and evidence? A variety show with comedy, animations, out on the street interviews, special guests, and other various segments.


I guess what it boils down to is Anarcho-Capitalism needs a public relations team basically. The opposition is built on pretty looking and sounding bullshit and I think we can do the same thing, but with substance and facts as our foundation instead.


Any other ideas? I could be dead wrong about all this but I wanted to put it out there and see what you all think. I just think we have to sugarcoat the message for the "children" to get them to take their medicine so to speak. They know they need to take it but will come up with any excuse not to. Lets make them want to take it.

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It's not a bad idea. However, your show seems to require quite a bit of funding, don't you think? Are you willing to quit your job to dedicate the time required to have it done full time, well researched, and with pretty happy faces singing about the end of civilization as we know it? If the answer is yes, hooray! Let's get Freedomain Radio trendy. If we can get One Direction and Kanye West singing about the free market and peaceful parenting the world could change in two weeks. Let's get Hollywood to make anarchist movies with peaceful societies, no violence, and win win trade. Imagine Silvester Stalone with a business suit instead of a machine gun, and 10 of his muscle manly friends. Call it "The Entrepeneurs". Hot, sweaty, negotiations! But seriously, there's definitely space for new shows to fill the niche of a younger reaching audience.

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A show that uses a pretty face? - Are you saying that Stefan isn't sexy enough?  :woot:


I understand what you are saying, it's important to get as many viewers as possible, however, would you like to date a person who only pretends to be a certain way just to be with you? Stefan doesn't pretend, he preaches what he believes in and knows is right. Stefan is all about maximizing the pleasure for the viewers - That's why FDR doesn't advertise. Sure he sometimes shouts, gets angry and frustrated about certain subjects, I don't think it's a bad thing, it shows that he is dedicated and passionate.


FDR does a lot of presentations on topics that are currently hot. They get a lot of views on YouTube.


Last time I checked, Stefan's channel gains 1000 subscriptions every 2 days, it's not bad, it's a snowball effect and we're gaining speed!


I understand and admire your passion and eagerness to spread the word of truth and virtue :) 


Welcome to the forum!


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:thanks:  Good to be here.


I personally like Stefan and the way he presents the ideas. I dig the accent and the passion in which he conveys the facts and evidence. I've gained a lot of insight from the ideas that were presented and it's helped me to further understand and look past the veil that our fellow cows use to keep us all on the same page. It's truly been a red pill kind of experience over the last 4-5 years for me.


I'm thinking there has to be a way to be sincere and kind to the opposition to help them understand. Not by setting a trap, but with understanding and starting slowly in introducing the ideas. I'm probably not the best person for the job cause I lean more like Stefan in intensity, but I'm sure there's some doe eyed Brad Pitt/Ryan Gosling type person that cuts right through to the monkey brain of potential listeners and disarms their defenses.


And that's great there's so many viewers and subscribers out there. The snowball is getting bigger and that's very encouraging. But I only know one other person who's a listener IRL. I want more to talk to! There's still way too many statists and marxists out there.


Lately I've been noticing a lot more doom and gloom stuff as well. Which is the truth about the world around us to be sure, but not the best for attracting new listeners from a wider audience. We need to spread hope somehow. Attracting flies with honey rather than vinegar..

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I've been thinking that some catchy tunes with controversial lyrics might spread though the internet pretty quickly. Stefan already has the lyrics in his podcasts. Anyone up for making an FDR album?


I can sing and play guitar. I don't know how far ahead the idea of an FDR album goes, but maybe a single or an EP.

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Probably would need to hire a writer (I assume you all are very busy :) ), but one thing that I would enjoy seeing is putting some articles in text format (2-5 minute succinct reads, similar to the ones Yahoo has) and posting them with the ability to share on social media. Non-listeners are more likely to read them than listen to 20-50 minute videos, and I think its a good "baby step" into the site IMO. 

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Yes -  and this is a tremendously positive thing.

For some people yes I completely agree. There are certainly people out there that would make anarcho-capitalism look bad cause they don't truly understand it or adhere to principles. But what about those people who are actually passionate about virtue but just misinformed and through that ignorance have been co-opted by the leftist narrative? I was once ignorant in the ways of economics and deeper logic but after hearing the facts and evidence I came around. I would imagine there are others out there who are in the same boat.


Question: Is it okay to please and/or entertain a person in order to sway the person into a different mindset?

Are we not all entertained to some degree by provocative ideas? South Park entertains while sending a libertarian message. I think being entertaining only helps to promote ideas. In the end it's up to the viewer to decide to accept or ignore the message.

It's not a bad idea. However, your show seems to require quite a bit of funding, don't you think? Are you willing to quit your job to dedicate the time required to have it done full time, well researched, and with pretty happy faces singing about the end of civilization as we know it? If the answer is yes, hooray! Let's get Freedomain Radio trendy. If we can get One Direction and Kanye West singing about the free market and peaceful parenting the world could change in two weeks. Let's get Hollywood to make anarchist movies with peaceful societies, no violence, and win win trade. Imagine Silvester Stalone with a business suit instead of a machine gun, and 10 of his muscle manly friends. Call it "The Entrepeneurs". Hot, sweaty, negotiations! But seriously, there's definitely space for new shows to fill the niche of a younger reaching audience.


Indeed it does. Funding is always the main issue with my ideas. This one I would also need a team of level minded and calm people to help soften the message cause I tend to get too passionate and theatrical in debate.

One medium I've noticed that seems to convey logic with audience appeal is stand up comedy. Making jokes makes the message easier to accept and removes a lot of the preachiness from complex and controversial ideas.

I think this would be a lot of fun with a budget and creative team but as one person with no excess money I'd be another nobody on youtube who's just a "right wing radical nutjob" to the audience I'm trying to reach. I'm not the face for this show even though I'm pretty decently good looking I guess.

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Ugh you lost all legitimacy when you said we need someone with a pretty face. There is nothing wrong with how Stefan looks- and he is definitely anything but ugly!


Stefan just gives those of us with an inquiring mind validation that we are not alone.


Our society isn't going to ever wake up to reality; our high quality of life neuters our political opinions. Universities give students so many tests that it stops them becoming politically active.


Our society is made up of me-ists who worship the religion of me-ism embodied in capitalist greed and a focus on the economy at the expense of all else; you ain't ever going to get the mainstream to ever consider the ideas expressed here and in the videos.


Just enjoy your life- life is short and will be over before you realize- there is no point jeopardizing or destroying your one shot at happiness in life by becoming mired in politics; just relish being happy while you can. I mean for all we know in the future a nuclear war will wipe out all life and therefore everything is meaningless anyway, making engaging in any activity that endangers your chance at living a happy life not worthwhile. Take comfort knowing you are able to still exercise the ability to turn off your mobile phone and tv when the nonsense comes on; as that is all the power we have left in the world, and maybe that is enough.  

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Ugh you lost all legitimacy when you said we need someone with a pretty face. There is nothing wrong with how Stefan looks- and he is definitely anything but ugly!

I didn't mean that literally. Stefan is a good looking guy. I meant some doe eyed pretty boy that would appeal to newer less informed viewers that aren't quite ready for the adult show that we have here. It's a completely different and separate show that's slower and gentler with more entertainment value for the newbies to freedom and philosophy. Using pretty faces and entertainment to break through emotional barriers kind of thing.


And it was just an idea I was putting out there to see if anyone else thinks the same. It's likely I won't have the funding or help to pull it off anyway. 


And I'll do what I deem pertinent to further the spread of logic and ethics. I'm fully aware of the challenges and probable futility at the higher levels, but we can all do something in small way to change people's minds or at least make them question their beliefs. I'm not gonna sit around, stay silent, and do nothing.

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:thanks:  Good to be here.


I personally like Stefan and the way he presents the ideas. I dig the accent and the passion in which he conveys the facts and evidence. I've gained a lot of insight from the ideas that were presented and it's helped me to further understand and look past the veil that our fellow cows use to keep us all on the same page. It's truly been a red pill kind of experience over the last 4-5 years for me.


I'm thinking there has to be a way to be sincere and kind to the opposition to help them understand. Not by setting a trap, but with understanding and starting slowly in introducing the ideas. I'm probably not the best person for the job cause I lean more like Stefan in intensity, but I'm sure there's some doe eyed Brad Pitt/Ryan Gosling type person that cuts right through to the monkey brain of potential listeners and disarms their defenses.


And that's great there's so many viewers and subscribers out there. The snowball is getting bigger and that's very encouraging. But I only know one other person who's a listener IRL. I want more to talk to! There's still way too many statists and marxists out there.


Lately I've been noticing a lot more doom and gloom stuff as well. Which is the truth about the world around us to be sure, but not the best for attracting new listeners from a wider audience. We need to spread hope somehow. Attracting flies with honey rather than vinegar..



I totally get what you are saying and it's the way I'm inclined to think. I see a lot of lost people out there who are so close in so many ways and just need a paradigm shift.  How can others, such as ourselves, help?  I think you have some good ideas.   


Recently, I was thinking about how to combat those videos on youtube talking about FDR as a cult.  I can see those quickly alienating lots of people by triggering their fears.  Or maybe doing videos like what you suggest and maybe discussions between people you find that are good for the visible speaking role and Stefan happening later on as a way to unite the messages.  


I don't know but I'd like to help with something (I wish I had some kind of technical skill I could use to support the show) and I feel very much like you do.  Many people do seem to need a step ladder into this territory.  I agree that humor is an excellent tool.  Reduce people's stress and hit them with a message all at the same time.  


I think that telling one's own personal story of how one's life improved when subscribing to certain ideas and principles is powerful.  People are not easily persuaded, they are shown the way.  

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I mean for all we know in the future a nuclear war will wipe out all life and therefore everything is meaningless anyway,  

I had the same opinion until a youtube commenter helped me realize that nuclear bombs are probably a hoax. You can check out the thread on this board here.


Whether they are a hoax or not, this attitude is very detrimental for any self realization and progress towards freedom and peace.

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