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how many of me am I?


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I have noticed that when in totally different forums, my persona shifts according to what type it is.  There is FDR, there is a game forum, and there is the vastness of YouTube.  Taken together, that's almost a definition for "everything."


Anyone else notice that sort of thing?

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I have noticed that when in totally different forums, my persona shifts according to what type it is.  There is FDR, there is a game forum, and there is the vastness of YouTube.  Taken together, that's almost a definition for "everything."


Anyone else notice that sort of thing?

I do believe this comes from within, who is a firey personality. As in this person stands out where they are

 trying or not. Firey ie: passionate in what they like or are interested in. This enters polarity.


Ferrsstir to comment they are of the spectrum, the negative in some associations. Here (Freedomain) they are

more so even and comfortable in who what they engage with.


In the scale of spectrum, you Accu Tron feel within your engagement of theme, topic, the shift is felt.

You run at a degree the most of the time, it then tunes itself down or heightens causing your persona

to broaden grow -dependant upon which theme/topic you are focused on.


I find it facinating, we are of endless facets, each of us.


I am noob, I am posting my 4, to then be 10 :)

if my reply shows up at an odd time,

I am on double secret probation yet.

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I try to fight against it, but it's human nature, I think. We conform to those around us, because, from an evolutionary perspective, that's what's most likely to get our genes copied. I think it's impossible to behave exactly the same around every group. 


I would think this phenomenon is actually a very good thing. For one, it is beneficial for making the maximum number of friends, as well as potential mates. It also displays a developed ability to adapt to new environments.


For instance, I am on an archery forum, S-10, forum, Gaming forum, and FDR. I can recognize that it would behoove me to refrain from talking about somewhat gory details of a hunt of mine on this forum; However, it would be perfectly acceptable to do so on the Archery one. I'm not about to start telling people on the car forum how I just finished beating an exciting and dificult video game, and I won’t be using words like "behoove" on any social outlets but here.


Recognizing this and acting accordingly is the best way to be well received in each individual area. It does not equal "changing your personality", merely expressing your personality in the appropriate way for the situation.


It is the same principal as not saying swear words in front of the elderly or children.

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Anyone else notice that sort of thing?


100% noticed this too.


At my funeral, the eulogy would depend on which area this person knew me in.


All of the following would be accurate, depending on the perspective:


- Aggressive

- Passive


- Hyper-Intellectual

- Hyper-down-to-Earth


- Too Selfish

- Too giving


- Liberal

- Conservative


- Insanely-hard working

- Insanely disinterested in work


- Hyper sexual

- Uninterested in sex



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I've found I have this, it depends on the community and what they expect. Forums like this I generally treat with a lot of respect because discussion is typically civilized and mature. At the other extreme I'll also post on 4chan where people perpetually troll each other for the lulz and I'll be less likely to engage in any kind of serious discussion. Then I'll post in other places like youtube and game forums which are semi-serious.


I just try and respect the community and their ways, some are tolerant or even accepting of more lewd and disruptive behaviour, 4chan has pretty much no rules and you post anonymously so people expect it to be a hive of trolling and immaturity and it's fantastic there is a space for that.

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