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why I donated again


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Hello, everybody. I've donated to FDR again and I was hoping to take a moment of your time to explain why. Because there's a facet of value provided by FDR that I think might be lost on some. Or at least it was lost on me until very recently.


Even before I began to study philosophy and pursue self-knowledge, I avoided the media, including the news. As a kid, I noticed that it was always either negative or manipulative. As a rational thinker, I notice that it's all a diversion to keep us from asking important questions like "Who owns you?" "Can humans exist in different, opposing moral categories?" and "How do you know?"


For this reason, I was a bit ambivalent when consuming FDR media that dealt with current affairs. I've recently come to realize how necessary and beneficial it is. I'm talking on a historical level! Jeffrey Tucker gave the entire rational thinking world a "Huh!" moment when he pointed out that thanks to the internet, there are no more gate keepers in terms of WHAT information is distributed how.


I've noticed how FDR's videos pertaining to current events have gotten to be responsive to the point of being AHEAD OF THE NARRATIVE. For the first time in human history, even those who NEED certain forms of human predation (violent parenting, religion, governments) to be righteous have access to rational explanations of what's happening, what they're saying is happening, why, and how this repackaging has played out in history. This is so very important because of WHY these people need to believe their masters are just. It's kind of hard to subscribe to the narrative when the curtain's being pulled back in real time, before the evil doers are able to get to them first.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope it inspires you to exchange value for value, even if it's "just" in the form of sharing a few key videos. I found the recent How to Destroy the World to be particularly potent. Not just because it's concise, but also because it's so hard for some people to understand how certain evils manifest in ways we take for granted because the effects are so removed from the cause, that it's hard to accept that violence is what failed us.


On a personal level, I also got a lot of value from the recent Why You Should Love Fossil Fuels. If nothing else, the pointing out of the inefficiency/hazard of MAKING a solar panel and the explanation of the importance of on demand energy helped me to view the topic with newer eyes. And I'm just amazed at how, after all the topics FDR has covered and all the thinking I've done for myself, FDR is still able to shatter narratives I wasn't aware I hadn't revisited yet. So thank you, FDR. Stef in particular since I can credit his lengthy Intoduction to Philosophy youtube series as the most influential point in my journey towards rational thought and self-knowledge.

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