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Ross Ulbricht

Mister Mister

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Another person's life ruined by the State.  Aaron Swartz, Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and so many more we've probably never heard of.  Has Stef covered this story?  I think it's worth telling the public about this tragic figure.

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Nah, Ulbricht is not the tragic part. The tragic part is that he was jailed for profiting from others making black market deals, while the state sees no problem profiting from those profits.

On 6th November the US government will sell the last bitcoins they seized from Silk Road.

Isn't it the position of the US that Bitcoins are used for illegal deals and therefore they should be destroyed? They don't want to increase the value of XBT I guess.

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Another person's life ruined by the State.  Aaron Swartz, Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and so many more we've probably never heard of.  Has Stef covered this story?  I think it's worth telling the public about this tragic figure.

Unreal how he got life. But he was really naive the way he went about his business.

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By the way, notice that the judge did not believe that Silk Road was a free market entity:


“You were captain of the ship, as the Dread Pirate Roberts, and you made your own laws and you enforced those laws,” she said. “So, it wasn't a world without restriction. It wasn't a world of ultimate freedom. It was a world of laws that you created, they were your laws. It is fictional to think of Silk Road as some place of freedom.” - Judge Katherine Forrest

Yes Ms. Forrest, but unlike what you are part of, there is a choice between Silk Road 1/2/3/4 ad infinitum with each having different rules and even common ones. They were definitely not laws as the only enforcement was being banned from using the website.

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