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How can your economy grow under superior foreign competition?

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What is meant by "your economy"? Your meaning possessed by the individual. Economy meaning the aggregate of all voluntary exchanges by individuals.


If you sell product/service Y and either people don't want Y or they can get better/cheaper/more accomodating Y elsewhere, then you'll have to increase the value of the Y you offer or shift your resources into product/service Z where you're able to serve demand more efficiently.


Say you have a small hardware store you sell TVs in. Then along comes some place like Wal Mart. You're unable to compete because they have a more established distribution network and buy/sell on a larger scale than you, allowing them to do the same thing at a lower price. This benefits everybody, as evidenced by most people buying from Wal Mart when they could be buying from you. Sure you might go out of business, but that's a result of not being able to do business as efficiently as somebody else, meaning you're wasting resources. If you had a hardware store because you genuinely wanted to provide your community with appliances and are good at it, you can work for them and they will compensate you for your expertise in that area. Or find something else that you can do competitively.


Does this at all answer your question? I must admit I wasn't sure what you were asking.

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I wonder what superior foreign competition is? Is the entire foreign country better at everything? Its really all about specialization and distribution of labor. It may not be profitable to compete in a specific field that a specific country specializes in, but there are infinite possibilities for economic growth in a free market situation.


Can a country which is restricted by taxes and regulations compete with a country that isn't? I say no, it can't.

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Niche markets, similar to the way lifeforms compete against "superior" lifeforms.  While the rabbits might be inferior to the wolves in their ability to fight, they are superior in their agility, ability to hide, and reproduction speed, allowing them to survive even when being specifically targeted by the wolves.

In this case, however, it's more like the competition between deer and squirrels.  There is a bit of overlap in their food and habitats, but each survives by having a niche where they are superior.

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I guess you first have to add, what kind of superiority you're talking about.

I guess nobody here would argue that China would be a free libertarian country, in fact they are one of the most abusive forms of goverment that exist on earth today.

They give business and anything that makes money for their corrupt leaders all the freedom corporations could ask for, while at same time forcing the vast majority of their people into unimaginable poverty, where they pay next to nothing in wages.

This way China is way superior in any kind of mass production and logic the rest of the world drowns in unemployment, simply because all that's left for the western world is service jobs, but in a society without production, people who don't produce anything cannot pay for any kind of service.

Just the opposite, as soon as the deficit countries are out of credit, even productive jobs like masons, plumbers and electricians will die out, because there will be nobody who could buy the Chinese products a mason, a plumber and an electrician could build a house from.

In a free society that won't be any different, simply because the Chinese will ALWAYS produce, upon wages nobody can exist from, way cheaper than any free worker could.


If you honestly believe a free society would be the most productive environment with the most wealth and the happiest people, then at least you have to explain, why the least free society on the planet is currently the most productive and most competetive one and how a free society could overcome this competition.


Rabbits do not compete against wolves, just like flies don't compete against birds, they simply reproduce faster than their predators can kill them.

Problem for us humans is, the western world doesn't reproduce anymore, in all European countries birthrates are below sustaining levels, they only keep their numbers up through mass immigration, which is mostly muslims, even China is trying to limit their population, so they will get into the same problem soon.

India will soon have more people than China and Africa will keep growing as well.

The effect of that will be that the Islam will take over the world.

Muslims reproduce 5 times faster than any other group of humans, they don't even need a holy war, they can just wait 30-50 years and THAT is how you beat your competition.

For them it will not matter whether we live in a free society, even if you still have some kind of government trying to enforce the separation of religion and state, you will be the minority, laws can be changed upon majority votes, and without laws it's even easier to enforce the will of the majority on the rest.

Islam will become state religion, not only in the US but worldwide, you'll become their slaves and whether capitalism, socialism, democracy or anarchy is the better system will be the least of your concerns.

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If you honestly believe a free society would be the most productive environment with the most wealth and the happiest people, then at least you have to explain, why the least free society on the planet is currently the most productive and most competetive one and how a free society could overcome this competition.

Are you referring to China there? I would point to Hong Kong at #1 in the world economic freedom index. 

It could be said that China does suck wealth from previously free nations.. Hong Kong being the shipping gateway to all of china and a business capitol  as well really allows industry to flourish in the entire country considering most businesses are based there. I think the economic freedom of the corporation and businessman will produce a higher GDP but lower standard of living for the common person as would be expected, and is seen in china. 



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If you honestly believe a free society would be the most productive environment with the most wealth and the happiest people, then at least you have to explain, why the least free society on the planet is currently the most productive and most competetive one and how a free society could overcome this competition.


When the State takes money from a business in the form of taxation, licensing, minimum wage, etc, that cost is passed along to the customer. So you're asking how a business owner without those extra expenses could compete with one that has them. It's almost like asking how is 9 greater than 7.


Also, the question is deceptive. You're asking why on a planet with no free societies is a coercive society the most productive.


Finally, you're avoiding the moral consideration. You're saying that violence is acceptable as long as you agree with how it's used. This cannot be universalized.

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If you only buy from "superior foreign made goods" you are de facto voting that those jobs should be overseas and not local. If you pay for slave labor goods you are the slave owner so to speak.


The left never seems to get this concept. They are like "Walmart should be forced to pay higher wages for their employees" which only forces Walmart to raise prices in areas where people can't afford it.


Better to stop shopping there altogether and try to convince others - in the meantime though as they slowly go out of business you'll have to accept lower wages for everyone...


And ironically once they do go out of business those employees will, in the short run, earn nothing and will have to figure out if they want to go back to agrarian farming or some other form of labor that has been lost since people started importing slave made goods from Asia and believing that was their path to the American Dream.


Get it?

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