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Online philosophy courses?


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I highly recommend Stef's youtube series



Pros: It starts from first principles. It leaves no stone unturned as it builds from first principles. It is split into episodes for easy viewing, reviewing, and consuming it at your own pace.


Cons: It's long. The audio quality fluctuates and isn't great. And in the context of an actual course, it's not interactive.


I can honestly credit that series as being the linchpin in starting me down the road of rational thought. It's so effective that I hope one day Stef will do a condensed remake with his superior equipment.

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I wouldn't trust modern educational fads.  A good introductory book is Will Durant's 1926 The Story of Philosophy.  


I definitely agree with this, however, at some point you need some formal instruction if you want to become really good on something and there seems to be a lot of good resources if you know where to look. I've been really excited about the first philosophy link I posted it seems to be geared more toward teachers but because of that you get a lot of research into how best to teach things like critical thinking etc. which is really helpful especially for a topic like that.

From there I was linked to Kahn Academy's philosophy section and although I'm not usually a fan of Kahn Academy their philosophy and critical thinking courses seem to be pretty good so far for getting the basics at least. https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/wi-phi/critical-thinking 

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