Abzo Dolba Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 It has been 3 days since I have been in a debilitating mental state and I don't know if I can pull myself out of it by myself. The depression is strong this time...even the most trivial task seems too much work. I feel complete emotional numbness and I cannot access my memory by myself through journaling. I need someone to engage me, I don't know how much I will be able to function if I don't do something about this. Thanks in advance. 3
terk Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 what helps me when I am burnt out and stuck in a bad place in my mind, I just need to change my environment. I love to go running. at first I barely could push myself to walk 20 minutes, but know i go jogging and even sprinting. What I personally feel is that having a healthy body will help tremendously with having a healthy mind and soul. I direct my energy and frustration into running, and I keep running until I get physically exhausted which helps relief my mental exhaustion. I would also recommend going running somewhere far from the city, going to a park, being between trees and nature, away from the man made concrete. Running between the trees and hearing nothing but the breeze between the trees with no human distraction really helps clear the mind. 1
ProfessionalTeabagger Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Sorry to hear that. I would suggest calling in to the show tomorrow. I'm sure Mike would move you up the cue if you ask.
regevdl Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 I am so sorry you are going through this. I agree with terk in that exercise, as annoying as it is. (lol) does have a lot of benefits to better blood circulation and release of endorphines and focusing on a task (running, lunging, lifting weights, etc) will allow your mind to 'focus' and practice that focus (focus on breathing while running, etc). That might allow your mind to open up to focus more or clear out of the fog. But I agree wholly the points that terk pointed out. A calm, non-distracting environment and give yourself time, meaning, if you are a parent or people are expecting you for something (work, a meeting, etc) just give them a head's up so no one worries and you can return home with calm and not frenzied chaos. Best of luck!!
Abzo Dolba Posted October 13, 2015 Author Posted October 13, 2015 On 10/13/2015 at 12:20 PM, ProfessionalTeabagger said: Sorry to hear that. I would suggest calling in to the show tomorrow. I'm sure Mike would move you up the cue if you ask. There are multiple reason for which this is not a good idea at the moment. What I need at the moment is someone to talk to whom I can talk about my problems. Will you be willing to give me your email? If you are not opposed to the idea, don't worry you don't need to spend to much time with replying to me, you can just ask question so they trigger my memory and to give me the motivation to respond to them. Journaling doesn't work at the moment, I am way too depressed. 1 1
laowai Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 My advice would be to do something that takes you outside of your own mind. For instance even just a walk outside or going to the movies I find has positive benefits. I don't really find talking does much for me but it may work for others. I would buy an inexpensive pet fish or insect and observe it or take up a hobby such as carnivorous plants.You will find if you have an external creature relying on you for survival you will be less likely to feel depressed. If you take up a hobby and join a club you will meet people with similar interests who you can talk to. Also if your into technology you may find robots that you can program an interesting hobby to take up. They also have robot pets which are quite uplifting in their own weird way. Whatever you do don't do anything stupid. These feelings will pass and you will reach a happy mindset again, and you will look back and be thankful you weathered the storm.
DaVinci Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 On 10/13/2015 at 5:29 PM, Overmind said: There are multiple reason for which this is not a good idea at the moment. What I need at the moment is someone to talk to whom I can talk about my problems. Will you be willing to give me your email? If you are not opposed to the idea, don't worry you don't need to spend to much time with replying to me, you can just ask question so they trigger my memory and to give me the motivation to respond to them. Journaling doesn't work at the moment, I am way too depressed. I'm in a similar place in life so i can understand what you are going through. Send me a private message if you need to, or continue posting here in this thread. I'll try to help.
fractional slacker Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 I see a lot of unsolicited advice to the OP. Why? 2
Will Torbald Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 On 10/14/2015 at 4:01 AM, fractional slacker said: I see a lot of unsolicited advice to the OP. Why? People want to help, but they don't want to get involved, and give advice that helped them - but could have no effect on the OP. I don't know, perhaps it comforts them more than it comforts the OP to feel as if they did something about it. I didn't give advice, but I didn't reach out either, so there's that too.
BaylorPRSer Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 On 10/13/2015 at 11:35 AM, Overmind said: It has been 3 days since I have been in a debilitating mental state and I don't know if I can pull myself out of it by myself. The depression is strong this time...even the most trivial task seems too much work. I feel complete emotional numbness and I cannot access my memory by myself through journaling. I need someone to engage me, I don't know how much I will be able to function if I don't do something about this. Thanks in advance. I would like to Skype with you as soon as possible. I'm in Vietnam, so working out a time that works for both of us will be tricky; however, I Skype with a therapist with a 14 hour difference from me, so we should be able to work it out. In the meantime, be proud of the awareness and bravery you demonstrated by reaching out in this forum. Cheers, Chris 1
RCali Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Telling a severelly depressed person to get up and exercise is like asking a man in a trench with only one leg to stand up and jump out of his trench. Yes, exercising works. All those hormones work like drugs, but not immediately. Not in the short run. It's a long run investment of time and energy, those which a severelly depressed person has not. And for the love of the empty sky, do not recommend an animal to such a person. I can't imagine how someone with no energy would enjoy taking care of someone else, while not being able to take care of himself. OP: as you might have understood, the best you have to do is resolve the core problem. Alleviating the pain, or total numbness, which is probably worse, may be impossible for a while. Figure out what the problem is, where it originated, and how to solve it. I'll speak to you via Skype, if you so wish. 3 1
Hecatonchire Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 Hi, Overmind. Post your Skype info. I'll send you a message. 1
RCali Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 Quite a few days since he last posted. Hope he's doing well.
Very Ape Posted October 18, 2015 Posted October 18, 2015 Yikes... I've been there. I hope he's OK. I actually had something else written here but on second thought I don't think I am qualified to give advice without knowing more about his circumstances.
Frosty Posted October 20, 2015 Posted October 20, 2015 On 10/14/2015 at 4:01 AM, fractional slacker said: I see a lot of unsolicited advice to the OP. Why? I think probably because people don't want to risk being responsible in a fragile situation should anything bad happen due to their advice, I think that's a normal thing to be worried about. That's why my advice is to go to a GP immediately, explain the situation and they can probably prescribe short term drugs to help with the depression and keep you functional and refer you to see a therapist to work through your issues.
Sabras Posted October 22, 2015 Posted October 22, 2015 Is there any info on Overmind? Has anyone heard from him/her?
Abzo Dolba Posted October 28, 2015 Author Posted October 28, 2015 On 10/22/2015 at 5:42 PM, Sabras said: Is there any info on Overmind? Has anyone heard from him/her? I am good thank you. 1
Sabras Posted October 28, 2015 Posted October 28, 2015 Overmind, do you still need someone to talk to? How are you? Please do not hesitate to drop me a pm should you still need someone to talk to, or simply talk about what you were going through. 1
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