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WAKE UP: Warmongering West is on the war path again!


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Watching the 'news' lately and it's become an embarrassment. It's literally propaganda that anyone with half a brain can see through a mile away.


Will we ever learn?


Do you think we are heading towards another war? 




Why has Barack Obama airdropped 50 tons of ammunition into areas that “moderate rebels” in Syria supposedly control?  This is essentially the equivalent of poking the Russians directly in the eyes.  Much of this ammunition will end up in the hands of those that the Russians are attempting to bomb into oblivion, and so to Russia it appears that we are attempting to make their job much harder.  And of course the truth is that there aren’t really any “moderate rebels” in Syria at all.  Nearly all of the groups that are fighting are made up primarily of radical jihadists and/or hired mercenaries. 

Personally, I don’t see anyone over there that you could call “the good guys”.  At the end of the day, the U.S. supports just about anyone that wants to get rid of the Assad regime, and the Russians are working very hard to keep Assad in power.  Just like the civil war in Ukraine, the conflict in Syria is in great danger of being transformed into a proxy war between the United States and Russia, and many fear that these conflicts could eventually be setting the stage for World War III.

The ferocity of Russian airstrikes in Syria has surprised observers all over the planet, and over the past couple of days these airstrikes have been extended to include some new areas


Russian Air Forces have extended the range of their airstrikes on Islamic State positions in Syria to four provinces, focusing primarily on demolishing fortified installations and eliminating supply bases and the terrorists’ infrastructure.


Over the last 24 hours Russian aircraft have attacked terrorist positions in the Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Raqqa provinces of Syria. In total, 64 sorties targeted 63 Islamic State installations, among them 53 fortified zones, 7 arms depots, 4 training camps and a command post.

When I read reports like this, I am deeply troubled.  The Obama administration claims that it has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria for over a year.  So why in the world do these targets still exist?

Was the U.S. military incapable of finding these installations?

That doesn’t seem likely.

So why weren’t they destroyed long ago?

Did the Obama administration not want them destroyed for some reason?

What seems abundantly clear is that the Russians are doing what the Obama administration was either unwilling or unable to do.


And just as Joe Biden has previously admitted, the “moderate middle” in Syria simply does not exist. 


source http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-10-13/washington-actually-trying-start-world-war-iii




1915: World War I

CONTEXT In 1915, Europe was embroiled in war, but US public sentiment opposed involvement. President Woodrow Wilson said they would “remain neutral in fact as well as in name.”23

PRETEXT On May 7, 1915, a German submarine (U-boat) sank the Lusitania, a British passenger ship killing 1,198, including 128 Americans.24

The public was not told that passengers were, in effect, a ‘human shield’ protecting six million rounds of US ammunition bound for Britain.25 To Germany, the ship was a threat. To Britain, it was bait for luring an attack. Why?

British Admiralty leader, Winston Churchill, had already commissioned “a study to determine the political impact if an ocean liner were sunk with Americans on board.”26 A week before the incident, Churchill wrote to the Board of Trade’s president saying it is “most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores, in the hopes especially of embroiling the U.S. with Germany.”27

British Naval Intelligence Commander, Joseph Kenworthy, said: “The Lusitania was sent at considerably reduced speed into an area where a U-boat was known to be waiting and with her escorts withdrawn.”28

Patrick Beesly’s history of British naval intelligence in WWI, notes: “no effective steps were taken to protect the Lusitania.” British complicity is furthered by their foreknowledge that: · U-boat commanders knew of the Lusitania’s route, · a U-boat that had sunk two ships in recent days was in the path of the Lusitania, · although destroyers were available, none escorted the Lusitania or hunted for U-boats, · the Lusitania was not given specific warnings of these threats.29

RESPONSE US newspapers aroused outrage against Germany for ruthlessly killing defenceless Americans. The US was being drawn into the war. In June 1916, Congress increased the size of the army. In September, Congress allocated $7 billion for national defense, “the largest sum appropriated to that time.”30

In January 1917, the British said they had intercepted a German message to Mexico seeking an alliance with the US and offering to help Mexico recover land ceded to the US. On April 2, Wilson told Congress: “The world must be safe for democracy.” Four days later the US declared war on Germany.31

REAL REASONS Influential British military, political and business interests wanted US help in their war with Germany. Beesly concludes that “there was a conspiracy deliberately to put the Lusitania at risk in the hope that even an abortive attack on her would bring the U.S. into the war.”32

Churchill’s memoirs of WWI state:

“There are many kinds of maneuvres in war, some only of which take place on the battlefield…. The maneuvre which brings an ally into the field is as serviceable as that which wins a great battle.”33

In WWI, rival imperialist powers struggled for bigger portions of the colonial pie. “They were fighting over boundaries, colonies, spheres of influence; they were competing for Alsace-Lorraine, the Balkans, Africa and the Middle East.”34 US war planners wanted a piece of the action.

“War is the health of the state,” said Randolph Bourne during WWI. Zinn explains: “Governments flourished, patriotism bloomed, class struggle was stilled.”35

source http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-to-start-a-war-the-american-use-of-war-pretext-incidents/28554

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We aren't quite in another war yet. Right now it's just a proxy war in an attricious game of chicken. Russia is in trouble because the Saudis and the US have doubled down on oil production, boosting the oil supply and cutting demand (and prices) for oil. Russia depends on a higher price of oil per barrel in order to sustain their economy. To supplement profits, they have sold the services of their military to Assad, who is facing "rebels" created by the CIA, as well as publicly supported by the US. They are hanging on quite well.


On the other side of the game of chicken, the US is trying to have it's way in the middle east, while trying to outrun the debt ceiling, the Federal Reserve interest rate hike, and the presidential race, among other things. With so many stepping stones to cross, America could falter and show enough weakness for Russia to get it's way. America is tasked with taking over the middle east, and was supposed to have taken over Iran by now;



and if it does not succeed, the bankers will plunge America into another recession (likely worse than the previous one) until its citizens are too poor and too jobless to do anything except join the military, which will just so happen to have jobs fighting in some war somewhere, likely Syria. 


I wrote of such an event a while ago in the thread linked in my signature. None of this will happen if Russia/Assad falter somewhere and the military takes control. But right now, it looks like Russia is winning the game of chicken. 

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Imagine for a moment a genuine absurdity: somewhere in the United States, the highly profitable operations of a set of corporations were based on the possibility that sooner or later your neighborhood would be destroyed and you and all your neighbors annihilated.  And not just you and your neighbors, but others and their neighbors across the planet. What would we think of such companies, of such a project, of the mega-profits made off it?



For the $35 billion or more the U.S. taxpayer will put into such weaponry annually to support the narrow interests of a modest number of companies, the payback is fear of an apocalyptic future. After all, unlike almost all other corporate lobbies, the nuclear weapons lobby (and so your tax dollars) put life on Earth at risk of rapid extinction, either following the direct destruction of a nuclear holocaust or a radical reduction in sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface that would come from the sort of nuclear winter that would follow almost any nuclear exchange. At the moment, the corporate-nuclear complex is hidden in our midst, its budgets and funds shielded from public scrutiny, its project hardly noticed. It’s a formula for disaster.




source: http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/privatizing-apocalypse-how-nuclear-weapons-companies-gobble-your-tax-dollars

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It's important to remember that Russia essentially no longer sells it's oil in dollars and is severely limiting it's trade in dollars as well as dumping treasuries.


Therefore, while in dollar terms the Ruple has sunk as well as the price of oil, of Russia does more bilateral trade with the BRICS countries (including rail line trade across Siberia and into China all the way from Europe), it doesn't really effect them that much.


Another way to think of it is that the Ruple has dropped relative to the dollar but oil dropped in dollar terms too, therefore oil in Ruple terms is relatively stable.


Russia is in a much stronger position than people realize.


Just a minor point, otherwise I agree with everything posted thus far.

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With regards to Russia:


Melting arctic sea ice will open up shipping lanes that will likely benefit Russia geographically. If so, will this significantly change the trade balance of the world?


With Russia increasing its presence in the middle east, would an offer to trade Ukraine for Syria help avert more war?

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A coalition of major powers should partition Muslim oilfields, which would end the global jihad until the next time civilized nations become so unfocused, bickering, and emasculated.  



US--Saudi and the Emirates



NATO--North Africa


No nation-building, no aid, no "If you broke it, you fix it."  Evict the savages from the oilfields and pipeline territories and send them back to the No Man's Land where they belong.  Their populations will shrink from genetic tribal warfare and the primitive medical science they deserve,

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What about the Muslim fifth column in the West?  How do you think that should be addressed?

Trail of Crybabies



They should all be deported.  Better levy a little violence now than totally lose peace and freedom later.  Although the multicultie historians have given the many mass deportations a bad name, they weren't that difficult to manage.  Andrew Jackson's removal of the savages made the South inhabitable.  He also set a precedent that was just as valid as Marbury v. Madison and should be followed by President Trump.

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A coalition of major powers should partition Muslim oilfields, which would end the global jihad until the next time civilized nations become so unfocused, bickering, and emasculated.  



US--Saudi and the Emirates



NATO--North Africa


No nation-building, no aid, no "If you broke it, you fix it."  Evict the savages from the oilfields and pipeline territories and send them back to the No Man's Land where they belong.  Their populations will shrink from genetic tribal warfare and the primitive medical science they deserve,


I'm yet to see you write anything based on reason, and I've read quite a few of your posts. Islam is evil from it's core, to its very edge, but there are people among that culture who are yet to commit any imorality.

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Russia ostracized the corrupt and controlled US a-hole government, which is aWeSoMe!  Most people in the truth movement has known that Russia is generally on the good side. And this proves it!


I love that Russia is finally taking on the biggest mafia in the world that US government is controlled by (and many other govs.). I cannot imagine what insane challenge that will be. We can really thank Russia for hopefully not going towards a world government without human freedom/rights.


If someone still doubts that the controlled US government created and is using ISIS as their tool, you can listen to Obomba himself admitting it.

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I'm yet to see you write anything based on reason, and I've read quite a few of your posts. Islam is evil from it's core, to its very edge, but there are people among that culture who are yet to commit any immorality.

Moderation Is a Shield Protecting Terrorists



By "reason" you mean parroting the thinking imposed on us by the Establishment even though it has led to failure in all areas in which it is applied.  Stuck on stupid because of your blind faith in the misrulers' propaganda.


The rational and winning policy of collective guilt demands that it is the responsibility of the mythical "moderate Muslims" to kill the extremists.  Otherwise, they should be treated as the enemy, or at least as impersonal objects that must be removed if they get in our way.. The leader of the Taliban would have been killed if Bush hadn't been afraid of bombing the mosque being used as his sanctuary.


 As far as driving people into terrorism, that is a girlyman attitude.  They'll learn the opposite lesson if we make them feel fear.  Even ghetto street gangs have turned in killers who brought too much police pressure onto their turf.

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Russia ostracized the corrupt and controlled US a-hole government, which is aWeSoMe!  Most people in the truth movement has known that Russia is generally on the good side. And this proves it!


I love that Russia is finally taking on the biggest mafia in the world that US government is controlled by (and many other govs.). I cannot imagine what insane challenge that will be. We can really thank Russia for hopefully not going towards a world government without human freedom/rights.


If someone still doubts that the controlled US government created and is using ISIS as their tool, you can listen to Obomba himself admitting it.

Nuke Mecca, Medinah, Riyadh, and Jeddah.  Nuke Till They Puke!


Saudi Arabia must pay for Al Qaida, ISIS, the two wars against Iraq, and all our economic crises since the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973.  For decades, American administrations have been pawns of Satan's Sandcastle.  Beyond this treason is Big Oil, which piggybacks off the OPECkers' price-gouging.  

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Nuke Mecca, Medinah, Riyadh, and Jeddah.  Nuke Till They Puke!


I do believe you're in the wrong forums, and the "reputation" feature seems to agree with me. You constantly put words in people's mouths, you assume of them without reason, and I do believe it's safe to say you insult many, ignoring their words when actually said. You provide lies, bad and non arguments, and logic constantly fails you. You speak many times of mysticism, gods and demigods, and superhumans, as if such truly existed. You just seem to spew all sorts of nonsense, just like the common sheep, but you've got a few more words under your dictionary. And, my, do I hate that you believe that adding a title to every post you make with bold font brings you closer to a Shakespeare drama.

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I do believe you're in the wrong forums, and the "reputation" feature seems to agree with me. You constantly put words in people's mouths, you assume of them without reason, and I do believe it's safe to say you insult many, ignoring their words when actually said. You provide lies, bad and non arguments, and logic constantly fails you. You speak many times of mysticism, gods and demigods, and superhumans, as if such truly existed. You just seem to spew all sorts of nonsense, just like the common sheep, but you've got a few more words under your dictionary. And, my, do I hate that you believe that adding a title to every post you make with bold font brings you closer to a Shakespeare drama.

Dogmatic Dialectic of Dabbling Dilettante Debaters



Obvious to anyone who has seen a few, your criticisms are evasions.  What does your pathetic attempt at setting yourself up as a superior role model for Netiquette have to do with a winning strategy to protect civilization, totally and profitably, from these Nazislamis?  

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Dogmatic Dialectic of Dabbling Dilettante Debaters



Obvious to anyone who has seen a few, your criticisms are evasions.  What does your pathetic attempt at setting yourself up as a superior role model for Netiquette have to do with a winning strategy to protect civilization, totally and profitably, from these Nazislamis?  


How can a criticism be evasion? And, if I were part of the state, I would kick them out of Europe. All the countries. But, alas, I'm not, and will never be. If there was anarchy, I'd ostracize them. 

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I agree in this discussion that revolves around the aspect of the Petro Dollar as cause of many of our foreign 'policy'.  Saddam announced he was considering dropping the Petro Dollar in order to trade with the EUro or other (maybe gold?) That was about 9 months before 9/11 and why the US was so hell bent on invading Iraq and taking out Saddam.  


Gadaffi announced he wanted to use his Gold Dinar to trade oil and not the US dollar and suddenly he is accused of genocide or pedophilia (they use a predictable list of character assassination on their next victims).  


Iran.... tried trading in gold with China and was threatened (or maybe we imposed already..I've lost track) sanctions against them...because you know...it's about the nukes that we are obliged by the Non-Proliferation Treaty to help them build.  lol  


Now, regarding Syria, I have come across some facts about the Q'tari Pipeline.  I believe Assad was against it.  


We aren't quite in another war yet. Right now it's just a proxy war in an attricious game of chicken. Russia is in trouble because the Saudis and the US have doubled down on oil production, boosting the oil supply and cutting demand (and prices) for oil. Russia depends on a higher price of oil per barrel in order to sustain their economy. To supplement profits, they have sold the services of their military to Assad, who is facing "rebels" created by the CIA, as well as publicly supported by the US. They are hanging on quite well.


On the other side of the game of chicken, the US is trying to have it's way in the middle east, while trying to outrun the debt ceiling, the Federal Reserve interest rate hike, and the presidential race, among other things. With so many stepping stones to cross, America could falter and show enough weakness for Russia to get it's way. America is tasked with taking over the middle east, and was supposed to have taken over Iran by now;



and if it does not succeed, the bankers will plunge America into another recession (likely worse than the previous one) until its citizens are too poor and too jobless to do anything except join the military, which will just so happen to have jobs fighting in some war somewhere, likely Syria. 


I wrote of such an event a while ago in the thread linked in my signature. None of this will happen if Russia/Assad falter somewhere and the military takes control. But right now, it looks like Russia is winning the game of chicken. 


about 9 months before 9/11, Saddam announced he wanted to drop the Petro Dollar and switch to the Euro (or other currency).  I believe that was one of the primary drivers (one of many) the US was so hell bent on going to Iraq.  I don't know if then that means 9/11 was planned by the US but I would say even if it wasn't, they made sure to use it as a distracting segway into Iraq. 


Gadaffi announced he wanted to use his Gold Dinar to trade oil, stepping away from the dollar.  And...we know how that turned out.  


Iran, likes using gold to trade for oil and we threat or impose sanctions.  I think Iran was trading gold with China for oil and the US got all bent out of shape about that.  They US gvt is so desperate they aren't even trying to hide their crazy anymore. 


I have seen this interview with Gen. Clark.  Keep in mind he's a democrat and what frustrates me the most is that he came out with this in 2007...conveniently before Bush's end but in the campaign season.... after he secured himself and it's too late to do anything about it.  So it feels good for the public who already had suspicions to be validated but then it's like a big middle finger since we can't do anything about it anyway.  And even after this came out... no trials, no recourse, nothing.  Not from the Bush administration, not for him who kept this vital, war-preventing info from the public.  It's sickening. 


I saw this on Al Jazeera...he is a Democrat and Al Jazeera is part of the CNN family.... so keep that in mind on the timing and motive.  This was carefully timed to be 'admitted' to give one last blow to Bush and the Republicans and help the Dems in the 2008 elections in my opinion.  He did not expose this in order to actually call for recourse or to make change.  

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Now, regarding Syria, I have come across some facts about the Q'tari Pipeline.  I believe Assad was against it.  



about 9 months before 9/11, Saddam announced he wanted to drop the Petro Dollar and switch to the Euro (or other currency).  I believe that was one of the primary drivers (one of many) the US was so hell bent on going to Iraq.  I don't know if then that means 9/11 was planned by the US but I would say even if it wasn't, they made sure to use it as a distracting segway into Iraq. 


Gadaffi announced he wanted to use his Gold Dinar to trade oil, stepping away from the dollar.  And...we know how that turned out.  


Iran, likes using gold to trade for oil and we threat or impose sanctions.  I think Iran was trading gold with China for oil and the US got all bent out of shape about that.  They US gvt is so desperate they aren't even trying to hide their crazy anymore. 


Have you seen the video "all wars are bankers wars"? It corroborates most of what you have said;



And while I agree about the pipeline, the video also gives the reason that Iran, which is allied with Syria, is bound to protect Syria from invasion if ever in trouble. This puts strain on Iran's economy, which is poised to do quite well of course, IF they were in fact allowed to trade their oil outside the petrodollar. Iran has had to send troops to support Assad as his forces have been exhausting, and has seem some large measures of inflation on their economy because of the strain the Syrian rebels have created.


Iran is one of the last three countries in the world not owned by a private central bank, and thus "free". Even Russia is owned by the banking cartel, as can be read in "The Creature from Jekyll Island". US citizens are riled, aware and angry from the recession, however, being given this "middle finger". I think the general population knows something's up, its just that at the moment, things are good enough for no one to bother doing anything about it. It seems to me like the bankers see that if they punish us again, we will overthrow them, so they are willing to "close up shop" and let America collapse while transferring power to Russia and China. If you have seen MSN this morning, you may have seen that America supposedly provoked China with the presence of a warship in the South China Sea. I think anyone paying attention can see war has been getting primed for a while now. The bankers know we know we are getting the middle finger, and they are saying, "accept your semi-poor economic conditions, or face a most catastrophic war".

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How can a criticism be evasion? And, if I were part of the state, I would kick them out of Europe. All the countries. But, alas, I'm not, and will never be. If there was anarchy, I'd ostracize them. 


To be fair, you are evading him right now.  He asked what strategy do you have to effectively deal with "them".  He's obviously getting unfairly castigated by ratepaying regulars who dislike his brusque and peremptory tone while ignoring the urgency of the patent threat to the West.

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To be fair, you are evading him right now.  He asked what strategy do you have to effectively deal with "them".  He's obviously getting unfairly castigated by ratepaying regulars who dislike his brusque and peremptory tone while ignoring the urgency of the patent threat to the West.

 Alas, irony insues in one who is quick to confirm the falacy of the earlier ironic character. You say I evade, but you evade yourself half of what I've written, claiming I did not what I exactly did.

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