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Can you help me elaborate a plan on how to handle anexiety spikes


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Hello every body,


So I wrote an email to a friend talking about some personal staff, nothing actually happened on the other end, but before I got it I got so anxious... and I wrote and to my parent about how I fucking hate university and staff and that I am fed up. Now I probably will have tough talk consisting of me being put down. It is my present source of anxiety.


Do you have some plan when you feel anxious?


I am lost a bit here. I understand that I have to cease contact with every person I know because I write to some person(ie my family) from whom actual abuse may come. But I do not know how to mitigate the pain. I need to study a lot, I need to sleep, but I am overflown with grief. There is literally nothing that can calm it down.


I hope if can reinforce my prefrontal cortex next time, I will get out from anxiety event without somebody giving me extra pain.


I read that having an actual plan written can help brain to help execute it  during the distress, as opposed to just having an idea.


I will have my ass handled to my self tomorrow and I dread the consequences, but please write if you know something interesting. I will myself try to compile something good to give back to community.

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You sound somewhat manic at the moment.


Are you having panic attacks?


In University I suffered from panic attacks.


Managing anxiety is very doable, and becomes second nature eventually, but nothing will fix it overnight.


Your best bet in the short run would be to do some guided relaxation meditation videos on youtube.  You'll feel a lot better once you learn how to breath.

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You sound somewhat manic at the moment.


Are you having panic attacks?


In University I suffered from panic attacks.


Managing anxiety is very doable, and becomes second nature eventually, but nothing will fix it overnight.


Your best bet in the short run would be to do some guided relaxation meditation videos on youtube.  You'll feel a lot better once you learn how to breath.


Can you point out why you think I am manic, I tend not to see those things for my self, plus I am not overly confident in where this term should be applied though I know the definition.


I am not sure about panic attacks. Probably yes. I have some times moments when I think every thing is going to hell, but they usually happen only when I am already distressed.


Yeah, I will do breathing then. I knew about it but it never actually entered my mind... funny.


http://psychcentral.com/lib/whats-the-difference-between-depression-and-manic-depression/I found this article I think I fit some what in description. But as far as I understand Manic Depression is cyclical, what I have was triggered. I live alone and I do not remember having emotional swings without an outside cause. In this case it is a perceived abandonment, which comes from my childhood and is my main/only source of this type of strong anxiety.


Thanks for taking your time and answering!

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Having had panic attacks I can relate some of what has worked for me. Breathing helps. Take a deep breath, as much as you can take in. Hold it for as long as it took for you to inhale and then release the breath for the same amount of time. So equal parts breath, hold, release. Do this as many times as you need. Especially to help fall asleep at night. 


Another thing you can do at night when trying to fall asleep is to fantasize about something. Not necessarily something sexual, but it could be. Fantasize about being a rock star, or flying into space. Just whatever to help your mind relax. 


You do sound very flustered. I'm sorry that whatever is going on right now is making you panic. Panic attacks can suck. Are you talking to anyone outside of here about this? 

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You must learn to identify the onset of an anxiety attack and any associated triggers. Get into the habit of preemptively reassuring yourself because it's a lot harder to break out of negative feedback loops once they take hold. Illuminate any feelings of vulnerability (real and/or imagined), uncertainty and helplessness so that they do not interfere with your ability to function. Overly anxious individuals like me tend to dwell on worst case scenarios in a "glass 5% empty" sort of way.

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I used to have really bad panic attacks in college :(  So sorry you are going through this.  My suggestions are to not overdo caffeine or sugar...and to try to get into the habit of thinking positive. I was constantly having these negative scenarios play out in my mind like nightmares but while awake.  I kept trying to turn those around so the scenarios would end up positive.  It helped me to not watch anything R rated, to not read or watch the news, to be careful what I read, and to let toxic people in my life go.  The breathing tips you've received are very good.  I'd do that, too.


Time in nature, like a walk through the woods would help me a lot, as well.  


Anyway, best of luck to you.  I know it can be really hellish to have high levels of anxiety.  Take care :)

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Congratulations on being honest with yourself and others.


Also I recommend reading "Real Time Relationships" freedomainradio.com/free Its a great book and directly addressing anxiety, how, why, what, where, etc


Also I saw you wanted to write a plan to deal with anxiety. How does it look? Is it deep breathing? What else are you incorporating?

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" to not read or watch the news," -- this is powerful advice.  Self education is one thing you might find very rewarding, but presented news is commercial/political/emotional manipulation, and will mess your head. 



Good nature walks help, but if you don't have that option, just get out to an urban walk, and talk to a total stranger.  Say what's troubling you, or talk about something you observe around you.  Talking with others always puts some perspective on things, or at least is distracting you, taking you outside of your own head.  And you randomly learn new things.

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Where does the anxiety physically manifest?  


You should look into somatic experiencing (SE) therapy, which has been a powerful tool for me in dealing with anxiety (and trauma). ( http://www.traumahealing.org/about-se.php )


There are techniques from SE that can be used to regulate your nervous system from the 'fight or flight' (anxious) state back to the 'rest and digest' state. 


One example is the "pendulum" technique which is described here:   http://www.new-synapse.com/aps/wordpress/?p=454

By focusing on the feelings in your body that are 'anxious', or unpleasant, and then taking that focus to an area of your body or perception that are the opposite (the safe/happy feeling oasis wherever that may be) you can guide your nervous system in being able to better regulate itself.


There are other techniques too, but all of it is best first done under the guidance of a professional.  Ultimately, a good goal to work towards would be resolving your traumas so that they no longer can be triggered and send you into these very terrible states.  However, that can be a long journey, and so these SE techniques can be very useful to minimize your discomfort along the way.

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Thanks everybody for answering to my call with a kind word!


I used to have really bad panic attacks in college :(  So sorry you are going through this.  My suggestions are to not overdo caffeine or sugar...and to try to get into the habit of thinking positive. I was constantly having these negative scenarios play out in my mind like nightmares but while awake.  I kept trying to turn those around so the scenarios would end up positive.  It helped me to not watch anything R rated, to not read or watch the news, to be careful what I read, and to let toxic people in my life go.  The breathing tips you've received are very good.  I'd do that, too.


Time in nature, like a walk through the woods would help me a lot, as well.  


Anyway, best of luck to you.  I know it can be really hellish to have high levels of anxiety.  Take care :)

I actually find it hard to watch any movie where anything of substance happens. Any emotional tension makes a movie unwatchable for me. Breaking Bad for example is just completely out of question. I stop every 5 minutes because I am too stressed.


I always forget about getting out and getting some fresh air. Will definitely do that. Thanks!


Congratulations on being honest with yourself and others.


Also I recommend reading "Real Time Relationships" freedomainradio.com/free Its a great book and directly addressing anxiety, how, why, what, where, etc


Also I saw you wanted to write a plan to deal with anxiety. How does it look? Is it deep breathing? What else are you incorporating?

I read it long time ago, I will reread it soon. I have not remembered about anxiety being addressed there, so thanks for reminding. So far my plan is this way:


  1. All communication devices off. I just do not trust my self in this state.
  2. Breath exercises.
  3. Drink soothing herbs or teas
  4. Get music player and get out in comfortable clothes, may be do some exercises. I am completely unfit for any kind of useful labor at this point.
  5. Wait. Let hormones and adrenaline dissipate.

I wanted to bring meditation, but my cortex, I believe is completely exhausted by this point.



" to not read or watch the news," -- this is powerful advice.  Self education is one thing you might find very rewarding, but presented news is commercial/political/emotional manipulation, and will mess your head. 



Good nature walks help, but if you don't have that option, just get out to an urban walk, and talk to a total stranger.  Say what's troubling you, or talk about something you observe around you.  Talking with others always puts some perspective on things, or at least is distracting you, taking you outside of your own head.  And you randomly learn new things.


At the moment of anxiety I can't read or watch any thing, but generally I am addicted to news. I agree that it messes with one's head, not very useful besides. I wish I could've just stop.


Sadly I do not have any who I can trust to take care of my emotional baggage. Talking to any person who I do not trust completely will just make it acutely worth later, because I will second guess what they think about me like a madman.



Where does the anxiety physically manifest?  


You should look into somatic experiencing (SE) therapy, which has been a powerful tool for me in dealing with anxiety (and trauma). ( http://www.traumahealing.org/about-se.php )


There are techniques from SE that can be used to regulate your nervous system from the 'fight or flight' (anxious) state back to the 'rest and digest' state. 


One example is the "pendulum" technique which is described here:   http://www.new-synapse.com/aps/wordpress/?p=454

By focusing on the feelings in your body that are 'anxious', or unpleasant, and then taking that focus to an area of your body or perception that are the opposite (the safe/happy feeling oasis wherever that may be) you can guide your nervous system in being able to better regulate itself.


There are other techniques too, but all of it is best first done under the guidance of a professional.  Ultimately, a good goal to work towards would be resolving your traumas so that they no longer can be triggered and send you into these very terrible states.  However, that can be a long journey, and so these SE techniques can be very useful to minimize your discomfort along the way.


It is hard to tell. Whenever I try to "watch" it I suddenly am unable to discern what is happening. I have almost painful feeling in the middle of the palms, in my heart and in my chest. Generally I always do have slight tingling in this places, but it becomes really strong at the moment. There is something more but I am not able to recall it.


I think that this anxiety is related to my childhood: my mother was getting mad over some nonsense and put me into time out/kick me out saying she does not want to see me[ever again]. I would receive some spanking and emotional trashing. In 5 minutes crying beside myself with grief I would come to ask her for forgiveness. Cycle would've repeat again. Heavy abandonment issues.


Thanks for techniques. I would love to get professional help, but I only can work on this myself for now(doubt there is anyone competent around anyway).

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