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Bernie Sanders' Ridiculous Answer to How He Will Pay For His Campaign Promises


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Blood boiling, stomach churning stuff right there. I hope I never confront someone who tries to pitch this asshole's lines to me...


I was always intrigued by the Hank Rearden character more so than John Galt, because the walk away and hope for the best ideology pisses me off, but, I see the support for this loser and I'm forced to accept the inevitability of it all.

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A demagogue if I ever saw one>

"Free healthcare, free college, free porn, you and your loved ones will live forever, you'll never get fat, only attractive people will want to have sex with you, season 3 of Firefly, a hoverboard !"

You had me until the Firely season 3 bit, then I realized what you were proposing was too good to be true. The other stuff is totally realistic though and why we should support Bernie! [/sarcasm]


There's the crazy guy running or who ran for president offering everyone free ponies. People could tell he was a joke. Bernie Sanders is practically offering everyone free unicorns and they cheer him on like it's legit when it's really insanity and they're blind stupid to it all. It's basically "All other decent countries give all their citizens unicorns and we here have a right to unicorns too! The rich are hoarding all the unicorns from us! Elect me and I'll give you your deserved unicorn like everyone else in other countries is getting!"


Democracy as practiced is a plague and they're eager to spread democracy to all the world.

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It's really strange to me that he says the system will get more efficient without quoting any sort of projection for it OR how he came to that conclusion.



It's also weird to hear them talk about creating jobs when his plans rely on people having jobs and being high earners in the first place.

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It's really strange to me that he says the system will get more efficient without quoting any sort of projection for it OR how he came to that conclusion.



It's also weird to hear them talk about creating jobs when his plans rely on people having jobs and being high earners in the first place.

It's weird and strange that what the crazy socialist is saying doesn't make sense? It would be weird and strange if it did add up somehow. It would be weird and strange if there were rich guys hoarding unicorns for us all.

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A demagogue if I ever saw one>

"Free healthcare, free college, free porn, you and your loved ones will live forever, you'll never get fat, only attractive people will want to have sex with you, season 3 of Firefly, a hoverboard !"

Thank god porn is free, am I right? For real though, bad math.

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Sanders wants to increase payroll taxes on everybody to finance paid family leave.


I have a better idea. Maybe people can save their own money in advance in case of an emergency like they used to, or they can appeal to their family, friends, and neighbors for help.


In Bernie's world the state is your family, forget blood and genes, we're all equal. Very dysgenic policies, which are unnatural and won't hold.

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I made it to 1:31....  I can't.  I don't have the stomach for this.  sorry guys, I tried.  lol  


I had to stop shortly after I heard 'most Americans are socialists anyway'.  SO LEFISTS to simply tag a word to any definition they want.  ewwwwww...   ewwwww..ewww....


The conversation I have regarding this miguided myth (when people say Jesus was a socialist) is. there IS a difference with wanting a voluntary method of  equal opportunity etc.  Charity etc.  But jesus, last I read was not a politician or part of some gvt entity.  So yes.... people are naturally 'socialistic' by those definitions but not by the definition of they need a state to help others.


When I use the argument provided by Stefan "you either want equal opportunity while accepting unequal results or you want unequal opportunity while accepting equal results" peoples' heads explode and then they shut up about their Bernie bumper sticker arguments.

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He's a buzzword king. I really think eventually, as he gets more mainstream and exposure, most people are going to see this. Granted, I don't have much faith for society in general, and I understand that there are hordes of people who just want the free stuff he promises and could care less about the moral/economic substance of his statements, I still think people are wiser than to elect this guy in a general election, but perhaps I'm wrong, time will tell.


Its funny that he touts the 15 dollar min. wage but pays his college educated interns 12 an hour.

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All Leftist Power Comes From the Putrid Spawn of the Right Wing's Heroes



The real reason Bernout is against the Keystone Pipeline is that workers and Teamsters will be making $200,000 a year, which this snob thinks no one deserves who doesn't have a college diploma.  He's just a wannabe Preppy, inspired by the spoiled brat Kennedys.  Amnesty for the wage-cutting Mexican scabs is another one of his contradictions.  But they are only contradictions if you believe these boogeymen are sincere.  Anyone with self-respect will realize that the Establishment creates and directs its own fake opposition and lets its HeirHeads run it.  If the Preppies have a future, the rest of us don't. 

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