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[YouTube] The Truth About Illegal Immigrants: Was Donald Trump Right?

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The topic of Immigration - and Illegal Immigrants, Refugees or Migrants – provokes an incredibly strong reaction from many different people. With Donald Trumps’ rapid rise in American politics and his incredibly controversial statements Illegal Immigrants many people are letting their ideology trump facts, reason and evidence. This presentation is the first in a series which looks to dispel the myths about Immigrants – and aims to separate the facts from the fiction with strict data analysis.

Why are people so concerned about Immigration in the United States of America? Who is coming into the United States both legally and illegally - and how has it changed over time? Are Illegal Immigrants able to vote? How do Immigrants impact electoral politics? Do Immigrants favor big government or smaller government? How do their political positions change over time - are Immigrants friends of freedom?


Electoral College System

Illegal Immigrant Voting

United States Foreign-born Population


Economic Freedom by Region

National Annenberg Election Survey 2010

Cooperative Congressional Election Study

View of Capitalism

Larger vs. Smaller Government

Political Party Preferences

Hispanic Voting Patterns


The Truth About Immigration: What They Won't Tell You!

IQ and Immigration | Jason Richwine and Stefan Molyneux
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Excellent presentation! The data about immigrant libertarian tendency impressed me the most, i was surprised that this data even existed.
I have to add that i did miss arguments about: solutions. Could that topic be worthy of a separate show?

In my tiny EU tax farm theres a politician called Geert Wilders. His party has been active about a decade and started out mostly with one issue: anti Islam. He is gaining heavily in popularity atm. It may not be fair to compare him to Trump but i am concerned that this populist wave will really turn western countries into a walled, heavily fenced, heavily camera laced big brother style world.
Could it somehow be possible to *only* remove the economic incentives for immigrants to come here but not end up with a creep in charge?

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Could it somehow be possible to *only* remove the economic incentives for immigrants to come here but not end up with a creep in charge?


That's the trillion dollar question right there.

If you look at who has been able to reduce welfare I believe Clinton was able to, and republicans in congress may have tried trimming at the edges a little bit. In other countries politicians have met with more or less success...


That said, while Trump doesn't sound all that bad I have my doubts about any ability he will have to do what needs to be done.

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Great presentation!  Very informative.


I have a question about the data on the average IQ of Indians and other south Asians.  That is data taken from their home countries right?   That means that it isn't necessarily representative of the Indians who actually immigrate to the US.  The reason why I bring this up is that there are a lot of Indian engineers that I work with and have gone to school with.  I was under the impression that one has to have a high IQ to succeed in engineering.  Do we know the average IQ of Indian immigrants to the US or does that data not exist?



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