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[YouTube] The Truth About Immigration and Welfare

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I'm not sure I see your point. The implication is that stats are useless, but then you use a stat! Fire can destroy, yet we are also able to harness it for energy, cooking life-sustaining nourishment, etc. Understanding that numbers tend to bypass some of our natural scrutinies doesn't mean they're inherently deceptive or useless.


I wouldn't call statistics "useless". That you can do with them what you want doesn't make them implicitly useless. Colours, symbols and language are like magic too. Very useful.


It only becomes problematic if statistics are used against individuals. Immigrant A cannot help it that immigrant B is profiting and it would be unfair to hold the behaviour of immigrant B against immigrant A.


If the media calls anybody who mentions ethnic disparities a racist or xenophobe, they are clearly communicating that you cannot talk about such things. In fact, most of your post was just repeating yourself as if I had made no effort to challenge/qualify. So I don't see how saying "yes, the violence is the problem, but pointing out how

those seeking to benefit from this makes not wanting them to come over NOT a racist/xenophobic motivation" a third or fourth time will be of any use.


But what the media "call" people is far from rational debate. So this whole racist/xenophobic naming, shaming and blaming tactic is not worth spending a reasonable response, as the "call" is irrational in the first place. I wouldn't care at all what "the media" are writing about me or my views of life. Do you?? Really?

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