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Would you make the one-way trip to Mars? (Mars=penal colony?)


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Botany Bay...Mars.


To come back from the Moon (I'm in the non-faked camp) was possible because Moon's gravity is weak, and being cosmically close didn't hurt.


Mars, no deal.  Too much gravity, more Earth than Moon, so how can you fly one ship to Mars that carries another with it, fuel included?  Is that possible?  


That's a huge machine, humans included, going just one way by itself, not to mention supporting fuel tank farms, piping, derricks, electric power plants...sigh, I should be researching it...well, someone else research it...I'm assuming that in any kind of foreseeable mode, it's a one way trip for humans.  


(Maybe small escape pods with launchers shaped like giant derringers and a humans with high tolerance for momentary extreme G-force.  Quick, reminds of what early classic sci-fi movie?)


Which makes it very brave, also the last thing I'd want to do.  You can't even go outside without a suit, and even then a 200-mph breeze might send you tumbling.



Do you see a sic-fi scenario of volunteers?  Young, old?  Stalwart idealist?  The incurable disease angle?  (Begging a compost question there.)  How's that movie look?...(sigh, now I must resist searching old movies, 'cause there must be at least one that's addressed this.)



Can you see a scenario where Mars really does become a penal colony? Chose a century, a political reality now unknown, and heck, if it's a capital crime, it's an alternative.  

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the hydrogen and oxygen fuel to leave would be harvested/generated from the existing water on the planet. (assuming that's the system used) I'm thinking it would be unwise to trust your billions of dollars worth of equipment in the hands of 'criminals'.


That being said, I've thought about it before. I wouldn't go if I were the only person going, but if I were a part of a larger group I'd start considering it. (assuming it's privately funded and not paid for by stolen money as McBeer points out below)

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What it the cost/benefit ratio of going to Mars? I cannot see any way that Mars is a good investment. You can only consider this as a possibility is you do not consider the tremendous cost. That is the problem with any government program. Theft=free?


Penal colony on Mars? I will give you a bullet to save myself years of my stolen wages.

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