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Social experiment - Rape

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So many critiques. First, the obvious one: rape victims are all women and rapists are all men. Secondly, if consent is so essential (and it is), then why did they inflict the experience of being witness to rape, having to go from taking a squirt to having to stave off a violent assailant, and being accused of possibly being a rapist on people without their consent? Was the voice at the end really the mother of the victim? I didn't hear her talk about the ways she allowed her daughter to be raped and not feel she could talk to her about it after the fact.

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How does one distinguish rape from consensual sex? This is not a trick question. It is actually very important to address. If feminists are to be believed, and over 80% percent of reported rapes are date or acquaintance rape, how would anyone know a rape was occurring? They surmise that it would appear obvious such as a screaming woman who is held down and penetrated by the male, but isn't that was most sex looks like as a matter of course? Most of the sex I've had must look similar to rape. What if the two people in the stall are acting out a fantasy and actually don't want to be disturbed?

No, the only reliable means to prevent rape is for the victims to stop hanging out with rapists, and preferably not intoxicated. I'm really sick of this look in the mirror, you could be a rapist bullshit. I'm not a rapist.

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Ya this is so gross and infuriating.  First of all, doesn't the fact that all the men run into the stall, presumably to stop what they assume is a violent assault going on, call into question the idea of rape culture?  Secondly, like dsayers pointed out, the parents completely failed in terms of identifying a potential predator, and establishing the secure bond which would give the girl confidence to resist, or at least tell her parents, which I'm assuming she didn't, she kind of skips over this so I don't know.  But they use this girl's horrible, tragic story to promote their bullshit anti-male propaganda, rather than ask the questions that would actually lead to less rape.  Because there is absolutely no difference in psychology between you or me or your average man, and the kind of monster who would rape his 13 year old cousin.  Drives me fucking nuts.

Also what does it mean at the beginning, "Rape is the only crime in which the victim becomes accused?".  I assume they are talking about a woman's character coming into question when she makes an accusation?  I've heard a lot about this, obviously a common strategy for defense attorneys (like Hillary Clinton), but also allegedly cops and judges as well?  Is there substantial proof of this being widespread practice beyond the odd anecdote?  Also, what does this have to do with the story in question?

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Great feedback, guys! I love being around rational thinkers :)


I'm really sick of this look in the mirror, you could be a rapist bullshit. I'm not a rapist.

This was my other critique I forgot to include. When the suppose mother says we all (though she wasn't including women) have the capability to rape. While in the strictest sense, this is true, the reality is that I accept property right and do what I can to make the case to others. I don't have the conscious capability to rape. Certainly not on the basis that I have a penis.


Also what does it mean at the beginning, "Rape is the only crime in which the victim becomes accused?".

That's a good point too. I legally carry a firearm 100% of the time. One of my worst fears is that I'm going to be in a situation where I'm forced to use it against another human being and some hotshot prosecutor is going to try and make it look like I was looking to shoot somebody and my assailant was in fact the victim.


This isn't even a hypothetical because I was once held at automatic rifle point by two cops who knew very little about firearm safety (I'm lucky to be alive) simply because I had a gun on me. I likened that experience to rape because I was being overpowered. And at least a rape victim has the recourse of calling the police. What was my recourse?


In any crime the victim can become the accused. If you take a course associated with concealed carry, they always tell you that if you have to even reach for your gun, be sure to call the police; The first person to call the police is the de facto victim.


That's not a hypothetical for me either! I was once on the expressway in a marked security vehicle. Some guy drove beside me, waving his arms in a threatening manner. I tried to shake him, but he wouldn't let up, so I called the police. They asked where I was and then swarmed ME, again with guns drawn. Turns out that this guy had called the police and told them I pointed a gun at him. This was a man who had a warrant out for his arrest for pulling a gun on his own sister not one week prior to this event. Meanwhile, I have a concealed handgun license, a state private investigator's license, and work as a security guard in a marked vehicle. But he called first (and I had an evil gun on me, so bad guy).

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I am so sorry to hear about your experiences dsayers. It must have been awful to be victimised by the same people who you are meant to call when you are the victim. I am so glad that I am putting my law enforcement career behind me, although I don't think that here in the UK we have it as rough as you guys. However, we have no right to carry ANYTHING AT ALL for the purposes of self-defence.


Also, it appears that the whole social experimentation with touchy subjects, like rape, becomes very popular among famous people, who usually don't know anything about it and simply recreate the narrative of feminists and other clueless masses.


One recent example would be Jennifer Lawrence's essay on sexism in the movie industry.


It is a sad, sad thing that people fall for these narratives so easily :(

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Oh come on guys, let's all feel bad about potentially being rapists so we can all become more subservient to feminism, the state, and many other agendas.


This video pissed me off so bad I don't even want to take the time to sit here and analyze it as it does not deserve the time. The only thing worse than the obvious agendas, failures of logic and manipulations in this video is the idea that the masses might actually be convinced by it.

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How does one distinguish rape from consensual sex? This is not a trick question. It is actually very important to address. If feminists are to be believed, and over 80% percent of reported rapes are date or acquaintance rape, how would anyone know a rape was occurring? They surmise that it would appear obvious such as a screaming woman who is held down and penetrated by the male, but isn't that was most sex looks like as a matter of course? Most of the sex I've had must look similar to rape. What if the two people in the stall are acting out a fantasy and actually don't want to be disturbed?


No, the only reliable means to prevent rape is for the victims to stop hanging out with rapists, and preferably not intoxicated. I'm really sick of this look in the mirror, you could be a rapist bullshit. I'm not a rapist.


But, J.D., to teach girls and women to "stop hanging around with rapists" implies we are blaming the victim, by putting the onus on her to lift a finger in terms of being able (or at least attempting) to identify and respond to rape threats.  To combat rape culture we must help women squish out of existence their intuition and reasoning abilities regarding danger, so that they are free from all responsibility regarding their own safety.


The video itself gave me a strange message.  Basically it was saying that rape is a violent attack in a public washroom, and isn't it a terrible thing that no one did anything about it.  Did any of the other men in the washroom do anything about it?  I don't think so.  So there's a lack of heroism there, that the video showed but didn't discuss.  Who wants to encourage heroism?  That's a manly thing, to be heroic, and we don't want men to be any more manly than they already are, right?


It also pulled a bait-and-switch.  It went from saying this is what a rapist could look like (in the mirror), to saying that all men are capable of rape, which is a subtly confusing message.  Does it mean all men are rapists-in-waiting, or that all men could hypothetically commit rape in the same sense that all men could jump off a bridge?  Really what it's saying is “don't trust any man"--there are aliens among us and any man at any time could reveal himself as one of these aliens.  This divides the sexes and sows fear.

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But, J.D., to teach girls and women to "stop hanging around with rapists" implies we are blaming the victim, by putting the onus on her to lift a finger in terms of being able (or at least attempting) to identify and respond to rape threats.  To combat rape culture we must help women squish out of existence their intuition and reasoning abilities regarding danger, so that they are free from all responsibility regarding their own safety.


The video itself gave me a strange message.  Basically it was saying that rape is a violent attack in a public washroom, and isn't it a terrible thing that no one did anything about it.  Did any of the other men in the washroom do anything about it?  I don't think so.  So there's a lack of heroism there, that the video showed but didn't discuss.  Who wants to encourage heroism?  That's a manly thing, to be heroic, and we don't want men to be any more manly than they already are, right?


It also pulled a bait-and-switch.  It went from saying this is what a rapist could look like (in the mirror), to saying that all men are capable of rape, which is a subtly confusing message.  Does it mean all men are rapists-in-waiting, or that all men could hypothetically commit rape in the same sense that all men could jump off a bridge?  Really what it's saying is “don't trust any man"--there are aliens among us and any man at any time could reveal himself as one of these aliens.  This divides the sexes and sows fear.


No, blaming the victim happens after reporting the crime. I'm speaking of prevention. If you don't want your car broken into in a bad neighborhood, don't leave your valuables in plain sight. Common sense, right? The same logic applies to non-consensual sex. Don't put yourself into the position to not be able to say "No, thank you, sir," or be unconscious with your clothes off around people whom you do not trust implicitly.


My point was that consenting sex often looks and sounds like a freaky, violent act of depravity. My roommate in college once asked to borrow my duct tape roll one night, and then proceeded to have what sounded like a Medieval torture session in his bedroom with the girl he was dating. Now they are married and have four children. Did he rape his future wife? Of course not!


We don't always fall back on the quiet, don't wake the children, missionary style of intercourse as humans.


I agree with your analysis on the subtle all men are rapists in disguise message. I will go one step further and say that it's more of a general female projection of a desire to be raped than anything else. Obviously, NAWALT, and all that, but I've never seen a woman get wetter and scream louder than during sex in which she was tied up beforehand, and all of this was at the woman's behest, and thus, consensual. It really is very convenient that feminists so often ignore Briffault's Law.

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Yeah, examining how you can avoid bad things happening to you isn't the same as accepting blame when they do. It's reducing risk, which is something we do every day in ways that are so habitual, we don't even notice them. If I'm getting out my keys when I'm near a drain grate, I hold on extra tight to make sure I don't lose them. If I drop something on the floor, I make sure there's nothing I can bump my head on before I bend down to pick it up. And so on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rape is whatever the woman wants it to be these days.  Another day... another high profile man getting charged with rape. And getting acquitted after the woman lost track of her lies. Rinse repeat


Why Patrick Kane rape case investigation may take months ...

Aug 21, 2015 - It's possible that Chicago Blackhawks star Patrick Kane could play the 2015–16 season under the cloud of a rape allegation.


Patrick Kane -- 'Stolen' Rape Kit Was an 'Elaborate Hoax ...

Sep 25, 2015 - The D.A. for the Patrick Kane rape investigation says the alleged victim's lawyer was flat out lying and creating a "circus" when he claimed the rape kit was stolen from police custody. ... Well, D.A. Frank Sedita III is now unloading on the attorney ... who said the rape kit was in a ...



No Charges For Patrick Kane After Rape Investigation

4 days ago - BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Prosecutors announced Thursday that they will not bring rape charges against Chicago Blackhawks star Patrick Kane, citing ...

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Rape is whatever the woman wants it to be these days.  Another day... another high profile man getting charged with rape. And getting acquitted after the woman lost track of her lies. Rinse repeat


Why Patrick Kane rape case investigation may take months ...

Aug 21, 2015 - It's possible that Chicago Blackhawks star Patrick Kane could play the 2015–16 season under the cloud of a rape allegation.


Patrick Kane -- 'Stolen' Rape Kit Was an 'Elaborate Hoax ...

Sep 25, 2015 - The D.A. for the Patrick Kane rape investigation says the alleged victim's lawyer was flat out lying and creating a "circus" when he claimed the rape kit was stolen from police custody. ... Well, D.A. Frank Sedita III is now unloading on the attorney ... who said the rape kit was in a ...



No Charges For Patrick Kane After Rape Investigation

4 days ago - BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Prosecutors announced Thursday that they will not bring rape charges against Chicago Blackhawks star Patrick Kane, citing ...


Two seasons ago, Semyon Varlamov was charged with assault for battering his girlfriend in Denver. Two months later, the case was thrown out due to lack of evidence. Oops!



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Just wanted to let you know that the channel that video is on has staged 'pranks'. ie his homeless giving money video has fake written all over it. This website explains why.


This means that the video in op probably has actors, to act out the rushing 'heroic' people for example. There are many fakesters on youtube today unfortunately.


Here is a real (great) prankster on youtube. You can clearly see the difference in reactions on people.

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  • 1 month later...

Since the relativists/nihilists continue to obliterate and change definitions, it's not ever clear what rape is anymore.  Many consider ex post facto regret (about having sex) to be the same as rape eg mattress girl. Using that "logic," you are a thief because you bought a car and the original owner wants it back.  An A-Priori definition of rape would clear things up.
Racism is anyone who is not openly anti racist. Rapist is any man who is not openly anti rape. The accusation is the evidence. Sophistry 101.

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Since the relativists/nihilists continue to obliterate and change definitions, it's not ever clear what rape is anymore.  Many consider ex post facto regret (about having sex) to be the same as rape eg mattress girl. Using that "logic," you are a thief because you bought a car and the original owner wants it back.  An A-Priori definition of rape would clear things up.

Racism is anyone who is not openly anti racist. Rapist is any man who is not openly anti rape. The accusation is the evidence. Sophistry 101.


No, the definition has changed.  The definition has always been this way:  racism is anyone who is not non-white.

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The hysteria around rape is uniquely overblown and I'm sure that's mostly down to feminism. It's a crime like a million other crimes and it's dealt with rationally and seriously by law enforcement, why do we need videos out there to tell men not to rape, how come there's no videos telling us not to steal or kill in the same fashion.


There's this pervasive lie that men rape because they don't understand what they're doing or that they somehow don't understand consent, in fact some universities now how mandatory consent classes because of the hysteria around this crime, yet we don't have the same classes for stealing, murder, copyright theft or a million other illegal activities.


Quite frankly I'm sick of seeing rubbish like this, there's no evidence it's doing anyone any good or preventing rape, it's just helping to fuel the hysteria that now surrounds rape.

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The hysteria around rape is uniquely overblown and I'm sure that's mostly down to feminism. It's a crime like a million other crimes and it's dealt with rationally and seriously by law enforcement, why do we need videos out there to tell men not to rape, how come there's no videos telling us not to steal or kill in the same fashion.


There's this pervasive lie that men rape because they don't understand what they're doing or that they somehow don't understand consent, in fact some universities now how mandatory consent classes because of the hysteria around this crime, yet we don't have the same classes for stealing, murder, copyright theft or a million other illegal activities.


Quite frankly I'm sick of seeing rubbish like this, there's no evidence it's doing anyone any good or preventing rape, it's just helping to fuel the hysteria that now surrounds rape.


Are the people behind the anti-rape campaign also behind an anti-hit-your-baby campaign?

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