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P. Diddy Abandons "Vote or Die" Movement and Says Voting is a Scam


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The failure of democracy is always a failure of the people.  If people could be trusted to operate an anarchy, they could be trusted to democratically vote in the Philosopher King.


Yeah, man. You know what, we should totally get together and plot. You know, enslave some and rule over others with total control. Who even cares about that "morality" thing. They're just words.

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The failure of democracy is always a failure of the people.  If people could be trusted to operate an anarchy, they could be trusted to democratically vote in the Philosopher King.

Lol, such trolling.  Do really expect to be able to get away with those kinds of assertions here?


We could just as easily say, if people were wise enough to choose the perfect ruler, they wouldn't need to be ruled.  There's no such thing as a philosopher king.  A philosopher makes arguments, appeals to reason and virtue.  A king imposes his will by force.  Statist arguments like this are just a way to blame the failure of an authoritarian system on the victims, rather than reflect on any possible failures of the system itself.  They'll say democracy is a good idea, but "human nature", is bad, rather than to realize democracy is a bad idea because it is incompatible with human nature.


It's just like saying we have to hit and yell at and drug kids because they're "bad", rather than realize that it is people's anxiety as a reaction to a natural human being with needs and feelings and curiosity that causes the abuse.

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Score 1 for the anarchists!

I don't see it that way. Saying "this system is a scam" is different from saying "political voting is the initiation of the use of force and therefore immoral."


The article itself was good though. Other than the first half that concerned itself with what random joe X had to say.

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Yeah, man. You know what, we should totally get together and plot. You know, enslave some and rule over others with total control. Who even cares about that "morality" thing. They're just words.

I think Donnadogsoth is both being sarcastic, and accurate.  If people could actually work a democracy honestly, then they'd have the wits to just vote a Phil.King.  Since the first one obviously is a no-go, the second one is too.

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