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I have just woken up to a really fascinating dream and I think there's potentially a lot to it. There's a lot of interesting elements that complete it as it delves into the nature of political power. Perhaps people can help me about what it means? I had woken up when the sun was out and had a dream about losing my bag with my phone at a market with my school mates before this dream. I fell back asleep.


I was sitting on the first row of white pews for the lack of a better word, similar to the rows of seats you would see at a stadium but not as many seats and they weren't retractable. Only about 4 rows or so each towering above the one in front. We were inside a massive hall so big that the roof seemed non-existent. The place was completely lit up except for the details of the halls architecture as it was unimportant. I didn't care for the source of light. I was with my high school class peers but I distinctly remember only two being of my class friends being present (I am finishing year 12 right now and we have finished our last classes so I won't be seeing them at school ever again except for the one friend who I talk to in the dream when we do our chemistry exam). We were wearing casual clothes. I think I was wearing shorts. Opposite of the pews was another set of pews facing towards us. Between us laid a 10 metre wide green carpet than ran down the lane of pews to somewhere which I had not seen. In those pews were famous names. Right opposite of me was the royal family. Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, etc. I assume Kate Middleton was there too. Next to them further down were politicians, intellectuals and powerful men. They all had light colourful clothes. Light blue shirts, light green shirts, etc. The men wore trousers. Some of them were making a fuss and having conversations but the royal family were silent and unified. We were located in some place in Melbourne, Australia which is my home city.


Someone was making an announcement into a microphone at the end of the carpet which I never glanced towards. I didn't hear exactly what they were speaking about but I knew to stand up as everyone else was. There was slow patriotic music playing over the speaker. Everyone held their heart with their right hand and took a bow then made a flourishing gesture with both hands. I played along to fit in but I had no idea what we were making allegiance to. To me it didn't exist and it felt a little uncomfortable. We sat back down and I looked right down the pews and saw Ronald Reagan standing up making a fuss. A minute or two later my class stood up because we were about to leave the hall. My friend stood beside me and I mentioned the famous people and said, "You know, I know the names of all those people who were sitting opposite to us". He was bewildered and said "Oh reallllly?". It seemed  to me that he had no idea who any one of those people were, even the queen! Then I left the hall and saw my other friend running around the place but I had no conversation with him. There were no girls, It's an all boys school.


I exited the hall through the mist of the crowd not paying attention to any faces and walked to the outside to the side of the hall where there was a simple concrete building with glass panels that ran down one side above the waist and a glass door next to those glass panels. I entered inside and inside was a lounge. Simply a square room with a round table with chairs in the middle slightly off to the top right corner and I assume there was a coffee maker and snacks on the other table in the corner. There were also black couches for leisure. The room was pretty busy, many people were having conversations. In the room were many of the famous people whom were mostly chatting with us mortals having interviews and so forth. The atmosphere was very casual but busy. I entered and looked around eagerly. To my left was a couch a metre away from the wall with the glass panels and it was left to the door facing roughly towards the centre of the room. On it was an unoccupied black man (I'm european) turned away from me sitting on one of the cushions closest to me. He wore a fine business suit. I walked around and glimpsed at him and looked at the clip board which had the name "BEN CARSON" and it had extra sheets of paper for writing. I didn't need it, I put it on the other cushion and sat down next to him. I said "Hey! Ben Carson?". He smiled and calmly said "Hello". He spoke very calmly and clearly throughout. I asked him how his career was going to grease up the wheels. I can't remember exactly what he said as it was of little importance to me. We then went on and then came the moment. I said, "What do you think about libertarianism, you know neoliberalism. I know it's rather popular in the United States". He said, "Well, what does it have to do with politics?". It sounded to me that he was asserting that we need a robust political system to keep integrity and that libertarianism is loosey goosey and could never be established. Perhaps that's not what he really meant. Perhaps he was saying that all he cares about is power so he does what he can to attain power. I too was assertive. I closed my eyes in concentration and said, "Politics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the way that human behaviour is organised. Libertarian theory simply is that human behaviour is organised such that all relations are voluntary". I gulped on that last word. During the time I had said that I was trying to keep my eyes open but I just couldn't open them. I forced them open with my fingers but they only stayed open for a second and I made no eye contact with him during these two sentences. 


After I had said that my eyes opened and a girl about the same age as me (18) sat down on the other cushion so now all the cushions were occupied and I was in the middle. Ben Carson went on talking but I was distracted because the girl was pushing on my legs and sat strangely close. I never made eye contact with her. I saw Ben leaving with a friendly expression on his face that I should follow him so I did follow him and left the girl to sit alone. I followed Ben outside and he then turned to me and made a joke. I couldn't register it but he mentioned "Atlas Shagged" at the end and so we both laughed. We walked side by side and I mentioned Atlas Shrugged and told him it's a book he MUST read and that it is pinnacle to libertarianism. I said this despite never reading the book myself but I knew it was the most popular of Ayn Rand's books. I had just read some of The Fountainhead. We walked down the main street which I was familiar with. The sun was setting, it was about 7pm.  The sky was turning orange and the restaurants had their fire lamps on. He mumbled "What are we going to do?" and I said "don't worry, we will be best friends". We both laughed. I took out a skate board. The footpaths were empty so he pushed me while I was on my skate board and I went super fast. Faster than I could go just by pushing with my legs. I stopped and skated back towards him. I only saw one pedestrian. At first I thought it was my friend whom I had not spoken to but as I got closer and he got closer I realised it was a short, skinny brown guy with dreadlocks. His eyes were wide open and he wore a colourful singlet. He pace was fast and he had an abnormal walk. It wasn't aggressive but just abnormal. He walked past us. I skated back and forth a couple times and then we passed an small anglican church that was amongst the shops and restaurants. He said "hold on" and I saw him enter the church assuming he's going in for the prayer. I waited patiently outside. Then I woke up.


So I thought this dream was really fascinating as it delved into the nature of a politician and it had a little to do about me as well. I think what he said about libertarianism is very interesting. It is to do with fatherlessness? What do you think about it?

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, what an awesome dream. There is a lot there. And it is all about you and how you think and interact in the world. It is about your personal power and nothing about political power. There are a couple of things that I want to point out. I only have a little bit of time or I would delve further. 


Several things stood out.


  • You used "I assume" a couple of times in the dream. That says to me (and correct me if I got this wrong) that you were writing things into the dream that were not actually there -- you assumed they were there but there is no evidence that they were there.
  • You had a lot of trouble keeping your eyes open
  • The guy on the skateboard -- his eyes were wide open and he put himself out there but he was awkward. 


There is a lot more but I want to just give some ideas on these themes. I believe you could ask a lot more questions when interacting with people. You may be assuming and not getting the facts. Oftentimes we think people think the same as us but they do not and if you ask questions you will find out the truth. (open your eyes to the truth). Sometimes the truth will be startling to you. It can hurt really bad when you get broadsided with the truth after assuming something false for a long time.


This dream tells me you carry a great deal of insecurity in your place in the world. It is hard for me to say exactly why without a lengthy discussion but if it is true that you don't ask questions when you have them and simply assume and proceed on assumptions, then you set yourself up for disappointment and pain. It is important that you get comfortable with asking questions ---- and ask pertinent questions. Twice in this dream you mentioned asking a question and then not caring what the answer was. I suspect you interact with others in a way that helps you fit in whether it actually fits you or not. You even mentioned this in the dream that you try to fit in. This is not the path to happiness and security in your life. Also, sometimes asking questions and not waiting for the answer is a protective device for avoiding an anticipated painful truth. 


The solution (IMO) is the guy on the skateboard. He has his eyes wide open and is wearing colorful clothes that would bring attention to him. And he was awkward. As you come out of your shell and start to be seen for who you are, you will be awkward. Let it be okay to be a little off balance and not completely smooth in your conversations and interactions. Just keep practicing and you will get better. But don't continue with eyes closed and walking blindly through life and hoping for the best, always assuming and then being surprised when life slaps you, and asking questions that are of little interest to you, generally hiding your beauty from the world. 


I realize that this is a pretty straightforward analysis without a lot of discussion of the particulars but that is all I have time for in this moment. Please ask questions and I will provide more details. There is so much available for you in this dream. It's really awesome. 

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