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Here's how truth & reason can reach more people - Animations with data


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Hi there, this is my first topic on FDR. What I'm about to say has been a year in the making.


For more than 12 months I've been creating infographics revealing data on meaningful subjects (Taxes, War, Spanking, Immigration, etc) mainly researched, written and designed by myself, with some support here and there. The work is published under the name Fishything, ill let you guess why. You can click the thumbnails of the work below to see the full (very long) versions in detail.


where-does-your-tax-go-infographic2.png war-on-terror-creates-terror-infographic effects-of-spanking-infographic2.png truth-migrant-crises-eu2.png


I'm reaching out to Stef, Michael, Stoyan and FDR viewers for several reasons: 


• What is your feedback/criticism?

• I would be interested in teaming up with FDR and/or others to produce infographic animations.



Here's why I think FDR would benefit greatly from short infographic animations  


5 minute animations using illustration and data accompanied with a voice over (such as Stef) would be a highly engaging way to communicate truths and principles from FDR quickly and concisely. This would be a great way to bring people up to speed with the conversation. Also many videos which do this well can go viral because they work independently and have wider appeal. This is unlike many of Stefs videos which require prior understanding of what Stef is about or thing's he's said before.


This infographic (propaganda) animation on Syrian migrants has 8 million views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvOnXh3NN9w

Also FDR's most successful video is the 'The story of your enslavement'. I wonder if a big part of the success is because Stef's voice is accompanied with visuals in a short video?


FDR staff and users, what are your thoughts? Would animations boost FDR's success? Any FDR animators interested?



Why do I want to team up rather than go it alone?


Currently each infographic has taken me between 40-70 hours of time to research and build. A lot longer than i had hoped. Doing this on top of a full time job means it takes around one month to produce one graphic.


If I could find a reliable partner to do the research this would take away half the working time. If I could work with an animator the product would be even more engaging. I have experience directing several animations in the past and would be able to assist the storyboard process.


Ultimately my passionate in life is to share truth, reason and evidence in a way which will communicate effectively to the most number of people. If you or anyone you know would be interested in working together then please let me know.



Please follow all the work here:






Thanks for reading. 


Now here's the latest infographic just released today:


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Thanks guys for the positive response. But what do you guys think about animating these? I think FDR would benefit greatly from 5 minute animations on core subjects to bring people up to speed with the conversation.


Please read my rationale in the last post and let me know what you think? 



Really Great work.


Now how could people help to spread this... hmmm


Also i am sure youve already contacted Stef and Mike?


I contacted Mike months ago before I did most of this work. Now I'm back to restart the conversation. 

Do you think FDR would benefit from this stuff?

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I can see a good case for why some short narrated animations with stats and sources would be helpful to fdr community.


More people would take the time to watch a short clip than invest 25 minutes to a couple of hours in a nuanced podcast.


These sorts of short animations could inspire people to commit more time to looking at more fdr content.


Short animations could be shared in workplace lunch breaks and school lunch breaks where currently a podcast can't be shared as easily because of the time restrictions.


I can see the counter argument to making these short animations being that because they are short there will eh less time for objection handling, but I think that can be done in the comment section rebuttals.


Thank you for sharing the brilliant graphics!

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Based on the views educational animations from Ted-Ed and RSAnimate (etc.) receive, concise and attractive presentations of this information could reach more people with a casual interest at first.


The infographics convey the facts with a great layout, and the off-white background is easy on the eyes as they are lead from one point to the next.


If/When you find an animator, I would love to design audio for the videos. Truly, send me a message.

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Thanks guys for the positive response. But what do you guys think about animating these? I think FDR would benefit greatly from 5 minute animations on core subjects to bring people up to speed with the conversation.


Please read my rationale in the last post and let me know what you think? 




I contacted Mike months ago before I did most of this work. Now I'm back to restart the conversation. 


Do you think FDR would benefit from this stuff?


That youll just have to ask Mike and Stef. As for the FDR community as a whole... well keep on posting and tlaking about it and see how many people respond and with waht kind of feedback :P

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I can see the counter argument to making these short animations being that because they are short there will eh less time for objection handling, but I think that can be done in the comment section rebuttals.

This is why I think that 5 minute animations would better serve as introductions to truths or principles. For example a video each for: the truth on single parents, spanking, free market, government debt, immigration + non-aggression principle etc. With a concise script you can fit a significant amount of info into a 5 minute video like this one I mentioned before. Then to expand and handle rebuttals we'll have Stef's hour long version which I'll listen to whilst cooking my dinner :). Also thanks for the feedback.




If/When you find an animator, I would love to design audio for the videos. Truly, send me a message.

Appreciate the support. When you refer to audio, are you talking about background music and sound effects? I only really had a voice over in mind, do you think music would help or hinder? 



That youll just have to ask Mike and Stef. As for the FDR community as a whole... well keep on posting and tlaking about it and see how many people respond and with waht kind of feedback :P

Ofcourse it's for FDR staff to decide, but if viewers express an interest in new content I'm sure Stef and Mike are more likely to entertain the idea. That's why I'm asking the viewers as well as the staff :)

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Appreciate the support. When you refer to audio, are you talking about background music and sound effects? I only really had a voice over in mind, do you think music would help or hinder? 



Precisely, prioritizing dialogue first, sound effects second, and music third (if all three are used).


In literature, these three would roughly translate to "text", "context", and "subtext" with regards to their strengths; music in the background can enhance an emotional conveyance (like color in visual media).

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An added benefit to using an animation: retention!  :thumbsup:


If we create something that is visually/audibly/emotionally engaging, it can be a kind of mnemonic device for recalling major points and facts.

Exactly. This is what I do for my job and clients are always floored when I show how I can turn their boring information into a visual story. People take you more seriously when you data doesn't look like it's been pasted straight out of excel, young people especially. 

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Like many have already noted, the detail, workmanship, and presentation of infographs is outstanding. I plan to print some and place them in laundromat in near future.


I would like to offer a skeptics point of view/criticism, not of your particular work, but of using reason and evidence in general. Metaphor Stef often uses: problem with ethics is you are selling a nutrition book to healthy people.  And the same can be said for any serious topic whether you are using text, infographs, animation, audio, or video. The problem is reaching those who A) have had no interest in the subject, or B) reaching those who have been indoctrinated by public school or culture.


Accepting reason and evidence (philosophy) is often a threat to one's self interest. The best way to overcome that barrier is very difficult to figure out. I don't know if that's helpful, but it's my two cents.

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I would like to offer a skeptics point of view/criticism, not of your particular work, but of using reason and evidence in general. Metaphor Stef often uses: problem with ethics is you are selling a nutrition book to healthy people.  And the same can be said for any serious topic whether you are using text, infographs, animation, audio, or video. The problem is reaching those who A) have had no interest in the subject, or B) reaching those who have been indoctrinated by public school or culture.


Accepting reason and evidence (philosophy) is often a threat to one's self interest. The best way to overcome that barrier is very difficult to figure out. I don't know if that's helpful, but it's my two cents.



Good points.


How about this:


For: A) those without interest in the subject, we can generate interest by transposing the information into a key more pleasing to an audience's current preoccupation. An attractive and tailored message that feeds into that audience's ego and self-interest (more nobly put, their sense of agency) will bring their attention.


For: B) those indoctrinated by school/culture, we can use a bait-and-switch that works with their currently established programming; if they are programmed to trust any text written in blue, for example, then we'll use blue text. We understand that it's not the blue text that makes a statement true, but if that's what will help the reception then that's what we'll do.  ;)


[relevant thread]: It sounds like the guy first tried to help improve people's health through diet and exercise and, when that didn't work, he switched to an anempathetic mode of persuasion that more intensely emphasizes the point through its contradiction than its straightforward communication.

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