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Heart Attack Grill


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Yes, awe.  Where to start?


May I suggest our Nod To The Future Eloi Burger, drenched in Morlock Juice?


(Raise your hand if you spotted the references; revealed below.)


I adore this guy's honesty.  He's like one of them from They Live, but you don't need the magic glasses, he's just out there.  And not looking anywhere as ugly, for doing so.  


He went the health spa route, saw what he saw, and said essentially, "Goobers to this.  If they want to bash their heads against walls, I'm going to build them one heck of a wall."  He leaves the blood and brains to dry on the wall, makes no lie about it.  Come here, bash your head and sooner or later you'll splatter your own brains.  What a message.  And yet, it's near casinos, same thing, it's in larger society, same thing....


The people come into his business, pay him money, for the privilege of killing themselves.  Kudos for him, similar to those who saw the value as garden fertilizer, in the bones from history's biggest battlefields; gathered, ground, and shipped.  (Not to be confused with UPS Ground.)


I'm reminded of H.G.Well's The Time Machine.  (That's the reference.)  Centuries hence, humankind trashed civilization big time and the species split into two distinct types.  The Morlock were gnarly, lived underground, where the light was so bad they didn't have to see just how ugly they were.  They ran machinery and made stuff.  Like the free food and clothing for the Eloi, the other species -- surface dwelling, graceful, and nutritious.  


The Morlock bred Eloi for food, like cattle.  Morlock seems of "mort," root word for dead.  Eloi seems to be Hebrew/Greek for "God people."  (For those of you with a time machine, a movie Eloi was like if Donovan had never done Hurdy Gurdy Man, what would have remained.)  


The sixties movie (made during the era of nuclear war fear) did a great job of this story.  I forget how it was done in the book, but when it was time to harvest the Eloi, the Morlock would activate huge air raid warning sirens, and the Eloi would get trancelike and walk into what their genes thought was an air raid shelter.  When enough Eloi had entered, the doors would close behind them, the sirens turn off, the Eloi outside wander away like dumb cattle, and the Eloi inside suddenly terrified at now being inside a slaughterhouse.


Early in their evolution, like right now, the Eloi are not so graceful.

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Thanks for sharing! That was incredible to watch. And I can honestly say, I'm reflecting on my eating habits like never before.


I also agree with what he said about teaching people their limits. Last winter was the first time my car got irrevocably stuck in snow. Irrevocable in that a quick rocking back and forth didn't break me free. Prior to that, I was safe in terms of how I drove in snow, but never considered saying "No, I'm not going to drive in this." Primarily BECAUSE I had never been stuck. Now that I've seen a limitation first hand, I will not be making that mistake again.


We're pattern-identifying machines. As we experience more of life, we file various things away as not requiring additional scrutiny. It's effective to remind people of their limits.

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I like how he clearly explains he's selling poison to people and the people love it, and the reporter still goes "...but you're selling poison!" as if he's offering some clever new insight. It reminded me of some of the interviews Ayn Rand had where she explains what she means when she's talking about "selfishness" and the reporter tries to look clever by accusing her of not being selfish because she does favors for her friends.

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... It reminded me of some of the interviews Ayn Rand had where she explains what she means when she's talking about "selfishness" and the reporter tries to look clever by accusing her of not being selfish because she does favors for her friends.

I just had this thought: Helping friends is selfish because real friends will help each other with something each need help with. So by helping a real friend you are helping yourself in the future. Leeching off of another person should not be considered a real friendship for example.


Reminds me of the long multi year friendship I had with a cat. One day a giant dog that no one had ever seen before appeared, and was starring down my cat. I put myself between the dog and the cat. I was not afraid because I knew dogs are bred to not hurt anyone. But I was unsure what to do in the moment, should have just walked up to him and grabbed his collar, but my cat friend sensed that my life could be in danger, so even if she was old and weak and cowardly towards threats to herself, she went full on crazy on the dog. Jumped on it just like those raptors in dinosaur movies. She would not stop even when she had caused the dog to flee a distance. I hastily caught up to the situation and grabbed his collar to tie him up and call a missing dog service. My cat seemed to have completely exhausted herself, but was ok after a while.


If the giant dog had been something else threatening my life, then my cat friendship could have saved my life, seeing that she was willing to sacrifice herself for me.

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To me this guy is like the Donald Trump of fast food. He makes a big splash. He doesn't have a lot of substance, other than he is eschewing the PC/pop culture non sense, for which people literally eat up like there's no tomorrow.
I wouldn't have any use for his cafe save the spanking thing. That's what I am talking about! May I have another, please?

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