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White mid-life mortality rate rising


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This paper documents a marked increase in the all-cause mortality of

middle-aged white non-Hispanic men and women in the United States
between 1999 and 2013. This change reversed decades of progress in
mortality and was unique to the United States; no other rich country
saw a similar turnaround. The midlife mortality reversal was confined
to white non-Hispanics; black non-Hispanics and Hispanics at midlife,
and those aged 65 and above in every racial and ethnic group, continued
to see mortality rates fall. This increase for whites was largely
accounted for by increasing death rates from drug and alcohol poisonings,
suicide, and chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis. Although all
education groups saw increases in mortality from suicide and poisonings,
and an overall increase in external cause mortality, those with less
education saw the most marked increases. Rising midlife mortality
rates of white non-Hispanics were paralleled by increases in midlife
morbidity. Self-reported declines in health, mental health, and ability
to conduct activities of daily living, and increases in chronic pain and
inability to work, as well as clinically measured deteriorations in liver
function, all point to growing distress in this population. We comment
on potential economic causes and consequences of this deterioration.


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Want proof ostracism works? Whites have been one of the classes of people it's okay to harangue and discriminate against for at least a couple decades now. Just one generation and we seen dysgenic consequences. That's some fast work! If only we could use the power of ostracism to further the cause of rationality and peaceful, win-win interactions with other people.

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Want proof ostracism works? Whites have been one of the classes of people it's okay to harangue and discriminate against for at least a couple decades now. Just one generation and we seen dysgenic consequences. That's some fast work! If only we could use the power of ostracism to further the cause of rationality and peaceful, win-win interactions with other people.


Your menstruating heart

It ain't beating enough for two

--Faith No More, Midlife Crisis


Suppose the problem is not too little empathy, but too much.  The liberal-left poses on the moral high ground, yet is misandrist, anti-father, and anti-white.  And no demographic is further from respect than older white men (soon to be dead white males).  When, through political correctness training and enforcement they control the press, the politicians, the police and the professors, their definition of love is the one that seeps into the cultural aquifers from which everyone, including older white males, draw.  And, evidently, older white males are good at taking a hint.  Better that we were taught nothing about love from these people, than taught this type of love.

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