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Migrant Crisis in Europe set up by U.S. intelligence

Adolf Mohammed

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More and more informations are gathering, that U.S. intelligence is secretly directing and supporting the refugee crisis and even helping migrants on their way to Europe and through European countries, by printing flyers in arabic language with important phonenumbers of each country, informations about where to apply to get welfare measures and even travel routes, border checkpoints and advice how to get to Europe by ship or how to get illegal transportation by resident people. This broshure was printed by an organisation related to George Soros, Hedgefund owner from the U.S. The "migrant business" is a multi billion industry, and natives in certain areas are comitting crimes on a large scale supporting the illegal migration. It is a very lucrative business, to transport refugees illegally across the borders and more and more resident people are joining in. Refugees pay up to 500€ to get across the German border, even after having payed 10.000€ just to get into the EU. That means a regular car load makes 2000€ for a 20 mile ride. Surveillance of German citizens show highly increased traffic of Minivans with eastern European numberplates in certain areas. But no border patrol anywhere. German officials are ignoring this on purpose, which means that the "official" numbers of migrants can at least be doubled or maybe tripled, meaning that Germany itself is invaded by more than 2 Million illegal immigrants only this year. In addition, German government is highjacked by Turkey and has to pay some hundred million € for Erdogan to hold back the refugees and not letting them proceed their way to Germany. It is so obvious, that all this is directed. Critical Germans opposing the general media informations and the political propaganda are massively attacked for example by printing their fb profiles on newspapers, by actively financing leftwing violens against peaceful protesters. Peolple are loosing their jobs just for pointing out the violation of "constitutional" rights ( Germany still has no real constitution, especially since the reunion of east and west Germany, because our "Grundgesetz" was only ment to be a temporary measure until we reunite, which means that we still have the status of being occupied by the U.S. and U.K. after WWII. The people have to agree officially with a constitution and we never did anything like that after the war. ) and exposing true crimes by the government. Angela Merkel has now been accused for treason by thousands of Germans for harming our country and not protecting it. It becomes more and more obvious, that the U.S. are using this refugee invasion as a weapon against the different kultures of Europe in order to extinct them and to set up a mediteranean super union including ALL nations surrounding the mediteranean sea and of course their resources with the overall aim of establishing a mixed population with low average intellect, smart enough to work but to stupid, to revolt against exploitation and slavery. Stefan has said a lot of this in his shows about the migrant crisis and the fall of Europe besides the involvement of U.S. intelligence. Let me know what you think...the riots have allready begun in Sweden and they going to start in Germany soon too. Being invaded by a totally oppsed and intolerant culture, is the worst that could possibly happened. Rapecrimes and sexual assault are increasing everywhere and mainstream media is not covering it. Amunition and firearms, even pepperspray and pepperguns are sold out across the whole of Germany. You have to wait three months to get selfdefense weapons. The memberships in "gunclubs" or whatever that´s called are skyrocketing. All this is not going to end peacefully, but no one wants to hear the truth. Everybody being patriotic and seeing the necessaty to stop this, is discrimminated for being a Nazi and for being intolernat and zenophobic. It is just unbelievable, what´s going on and it has just begun.


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In my teens I was told that in democracies, if there is something important for the country that needs to be decided, there will be a direct democracy, in that everyone in a country has the opportunity to vote. Such as if they want to join the European Union. Not seen anything like that yet for this situation.


For control freaks who want to control the world, it makes sense to make Europe a hell hole, so that we are fighting against each other instead of them.


The current prime minister of Norway (leader of the winning party), and also the finance minister (leader of the coalition party) has been at the bilderberg meeting (an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media).


Roughly the same bilderberg attendance would be the case for most other state heads in European countries. Such as Sweden.

George Soros was mentioned in OP, which is a regular at bilderberg.

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More and more informations are gathering, that U.S. intelligence is secretly directing and supporting the refugee crisis and even helping migrants on their way to Europe and through European countries, by printing flyers in arabic language with important phonenumbers of each country, informations about where to apply to get welfare measures and even travel routes, border checkpoints and advice how to get to Europe by ship or how to get illegal transportation by resident people. This broshure was printed by an organisation related to George Soros, Hedgefund owner from the U.S.


If you share some source material it would be appreciated.


Similar to the "9/11 conspiracy theory", you may want to share this story with James Corbett (https://www.corbettreport.com/). Afaik he is the most respected and rigorous when investigating these kinds of narratives.

From the anarchist perspective i guess it's hard to be surprised. Anything government does is either terribly inefficient or efficiently destructive. USA intelligence has been compromised a while back so it's fair to say we're dealing with an over funded, blind folded loose canon.


By the way, please cut your posts up in different sections/paragraphs that makes for a much more relaxed read.

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